D2L: Customize Font Settings

D2L: Customize Font Settings

In D2L, you can set the default font settings. In some rare instances, even though you do have the default set to a larger font, D2L may have you use a smaller font. This can be fixed by following the steps below and selecting a different font size. Then follow the steps again to update to the correct font size. Note that this setting is for you personally. It will not affect other users, who may choose a larger or smaller font size. 

1Click on your Profile Icon in the upper-right from anywhere in D2L.

Highlight location of Profile Icon in D2L.

2Click on Account Settings.

Highlighting location of Account Settings,


Find the section titled "Font Settings" and click on the dropdown menu that says "Medium". Choose the font size appropriate for you.

Small: approx. 17 px

Medium: approx. 19 px

Large: approx. 21 px

Huge: approx. 23 px

Highlighting location of Font Settings Section

4When you have chosen the appropriate font, click on either Save. The font preview will change to show you the new size. 

Highlighting location of Save button

5Now, whenever you use the text editor in D2L, it will default to the default size. 

Example of default font settings in the D2L Text Editor

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