Tuition Benefit Web Application

Tuition Benefit Web Application


Modification Log:

04/25/16   A Gillett   Original  

9/19/19     P Dart       Revised the application to allow Kevin to see in process requests and eliminate the use of Tuition Exchange.  Changed all application years to be controlled by a gtvsdax value.

03/17/22   Folsom     Basic updates to change Cheryl Grinnen to Dawn Rotterman for the HR contact.

03/25/22   Folsom     Basic updates to change Dawn Rotterman to Lynn Incardona for the HR contact.

Brief Description

This web application allows faculty and staff to request begin the process of certifying and/or recertification of their child for tuition exchange, fachex, and/or tuition waivers.

Link: https://apps.canisius.edu/tuitionbenefit


The faculty or staff member logs in with the usual type of Canisius username (NetID) and password form.  The application is single sign on enabled so if the customer is logged onto the portal, they will not need to logon again.

If they are not authorized they will receive a message indicating that they are not authorized to use this application.

Once logged on, the following screen will be displayed.

Getting Help:

Please note that a FAQ exists in the second block to answer any questions you may have.

Simply click on the “CLICK HERE” and it will open in a new tab.   If you have questions that are not addressed in the FAQ, contact Kevin Smith (888-8501) or Lynn Incardona 888-2246.

Identifying a new beneficiary to qualify for the benefit:

Open the New Request block by clicking on the + sign in the right corner of the block.

Select your beneficiary from the drop down list.

If your beneficiary is not listed, contact  Lynn Incardona 888-2246 or incardon1@canisius.edu.

Once HR identifies your son or daughter as a beneficiary, they will appear in the list.  You can not move forward until you are able to select a beneficiary.

When a beneficiary is selected, you get the choice of:

1)      Canisius Tuition Waiver or Initial Certification for Tuition Exchange or Fachex.

2)      Recertification

3)      Click on the link to Tuition Exchange/Fachex EZ Application.

If this is the first time your beneficiary is applying for tuition waiver, tuition exchange or Fachex, you must complete option number 1.   Note the year of the application is the current year.   Click in the Circle next to option 1 and click start.

The Standard Tuition Waiver Request Form is displayed.  Note that this is required for all exchange and fachex applications as well.   You must complete this form for any tuition benefit.   The following screen appears:

Click on Calculate Dependency.

Click Sign Certification and Submit.

Once you have completed the Initial certification or Recertification, you will see this listed in the Personal Requests portion of the screen in a submitted status.   HR will approve or deny your request.


 Once HR has either approved or denied your request, you will see the status of that request in the Processed Requests Portion of the screen.

Recertification of a beneficiary for the tuition benefit:

Open the New Request block by clicking on the + sign in the right corner of the block.

Select your beneficiary from the drop down list.


When a beneficiary is selected, you get the choice of:

1)      Canisius Tuition Waiver or Initial Certification for Tuition Exchange or Fachex.

2)      Recertification

3)      Click on the link to Tuition Exchange/Fachex EZ Application.

Select Option 2: Recertification.

 Note that this is required for all waivers, exchange and fachex annually.  HR sends out an email notification for all persons who are required to recertify each year in the spring.  The following screen appears:

Click on Calculate Dependency.

Click Sign Certification and Submit.

Once you have completed the recertification, you will see this listed in the Personal Requests portion of the screen in a submitted status.   HR will approve or deny your request.

 Once HR has either approved or denied your request, you will see the status of that request in the Processed Requests Portion of the screen.

  • Please note that emails are sent by the system to HR and to the employee when the status of a certification changes.

 Administrator Perspective (Dawn/Kevin)

Infoview Reports:

HR has 2 reports to use to identify individuals in the process of requesting/receiving tuition benefits:

ppsr048 – Identifies employees and their dependents, along with their ID number, College Indicator, employee date of hire and dependent age.   These items will help HR identify any dependents who have aged out of eligibility, employees eligibility based on hire date and if dependents have already been approved for tuition benefits. 

Any and all dependents must have pdrbene_college_ind set to Y if they are eligible for tuition benefits.   This indicator allows for annual recertification.   HR is responsible for maintaining this indicator.

ppsr061 – Identifies individuals receiving F2 benefits with missing pdrbene_college_ind set appropriately.

GTVSDAX values necessary for the process:

TBWVEND – sets the year for the applications/certifications being processed.  Set the gtvsdax_translation _code to the year value.    9/19/19 – Prior to this, the end date was used in the gtvsdax_internal_code but this is no longer relevant.

TBEXEND  – sets the end date for tuition exchange/fachex.   **No longer used since 9/19/19 when we converted to using the tuition exchange ez application process.

Application Status values:

Rejected -        State assigned when HR rejects an initial waiver/exchange/fachex Certification.

Approved –     State assigned when HR approves the initial waiver/exchange/fachex certification.

Submitted –    State of the initial certification submitted by the employee to be reviewed by HR.

Reviewed –     Statue of exchange/fachex application.  No longer used since converting to use of the tuition exchange EZ application process.

Admin view of the tuitionbenefit web application:

Both Kevin and Dawn have a different view of the data. 

In center of the screen, the Admin Requests appear. 


The In Process Requests need to be processed by HR.  Double clicking on the row will open the Tuition Waiver/Init Cert or Recertification application so the input by the employee can be reviewed.   There is an additional portion of the application that allows for HR to approve or deny the benefit.   When she either approves or denies the application, an email is sent to the employee with the following:


Your tuition benefit request has been processed. Please login to the tuition benefits web application at https://apps.canisius.edu/tuitionbenefit in order to review the status of your request.

If you have any questions pertaining to your tuition benefits, please contact: Lynn Incardona (incardo1@canisius.edu).


Additionally, the Tuition Waiver/Init Cert or Recertification will appear in the Processed Requests list with the status of Approved or Denied.

Kevin can use this view with the Tuition Exchange/Fachex application to determine if the employee qualifies for the benefit. 

Document for link in app Canisius Dependent Tuition Waiver_TE_FACHEX Information and FAQ.pdf