Change Your Default Browser From Explorer to Chrome

Change Your Default Browser From Explorer to Chrome

Microsoft is phasing out Internet Explorer browser, and for most things you do on campus, it is no longer suitable.  It is best if you change your default browser within Microsoft Windows, so when you access web-based resources from non-browser links, it will automatically open in an appropriate browser.  ITS and COLI recommend Google Chrome Browser for most work on the web.

If you use a Mac, you do not have or use Internet Explorer (but Chrome is still an excellent browser choice.)

Changing your default browser is easy.  Here's how:

  1. In the lower lefthand search bar (next to the Windows Menu icon) type in "Default Browser."

2. From the Search Results, click "Choose a default web browser."

3. This will bring up a Windows Settings page for your default apps. Scroll down to "Web browser." Click where it says "Internet Explorer."

4. A menu will come up, allowing you to change your default browser. Choose Google Chrome. After you choose it this default selection will save automatically.

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