WCCS015 - Room Access Control

WCCS015 - Room Access Control


Banner Form:  WCCS015

To add Class Authorizations:

All flags on this page begin with a 9 and should be in sync in CBORD.   For example, access given through provisioning for 85000 should match 985000 in this manual process.

To add Individual course (CRN) to a specific CBORD flag, first navigate to the flag you want to attach to a CRN. You can also use the banner filter option, ride hand side of the screen to search for the specific flag if you’d rather not page thru the 21 pages of flags.


Once your cursor is sitting on the flag, use the next block bottom to advance down to the “Classes with access” section of the form. The next block is at the bottom of the banner screen, circled here in red. The blue circled icon is for previous block. 


Use the Insert button to insert a new row for the term you need to assign the flag for.

Type in the term code, tab to the CRN field and enter the CRN. Tab again to auto complete the rest of the row.

Press  image-20240828-174226.png at the bottom of the screen. If you then close the banner screen by using the X at the top left of the screen, and come back into the WCCS015 screen, navigate to the flag just modified, you will see a list of students who will get assigned via provisioning.


NOTE: On-line provision can be run for each student, or a night run of all patrons will handle the assignment in bulk.



Wccs403 – Lists who has access to what flags

Wccs123 – List of flags

Wccs121 – Lists the classes that have access to what flags each term.


For provisioning individuals is managed via the CBORD Web Card Center

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