Email connection to Canisius blocked
If you received a DSN (Delivery Status Notification) email notice attempting to deliver email to that contained the SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) status code 451 4.7.1 with the text "Connection not allowed due to bad reputation" followed by a link to this page, you will need to follow the steps provided below.
- Follow the procedure at to lookup your email server IP and request removal from the list
- If you have not received a response using the prior step, and you are conducting business with the college, you will need to contact the ITS Help Desk
- normal business hours are (all times are NY time):
- Monday - Thursday 8:00am - 5:00pm
- Friday 8:00am - 4:30pm
- phone: 716-888-8340
- email: (you will need to use an email account not hosted by the server that is blocked)
- normal business hours are (all times are NY time):
- You can also contact the person at Canisius with whom you are dealing and have them contact the ITS Help Desk on your behalf
- Note that none of the above guarantees we will accept email from your email provider