D2L: Availability Date Viewing Options Details

D2L: Availability Date Viewing Options Details

Availability Date Viewing for Dropboxes and Discussions (activity) options have three main options. The behavior of these options are different depending on whether they are active on the Start Date or the End Date.


General Description

Behavior on Start Date

Behavior on End Date


General Description

Behavior on Start Date

Behavior on End Date

Visible with Access Restricted

Allows students to view the title of the activity as well as the Availability Dates (Start, Due, and End Dates).

Students will only be able to view the activity directions/prompt and submit after the Start Date.

Students will lose access to the activity after the end date (i.e., will not be able to see directions/prompt nor submit-- they will only be able to see the title).

Visible with Submission Restricted

Allows students to view the title of the activity, the Availability Dates as well as the directions/prompt for the activity.

Students will only be able to submit to the activity after the start date.

Students will be unable to submit after the end date. They will still retain access to directions/prompt and their submission(s).


Completely hides the activity. Students will be unable to view the Title, directions/prompts, and Availability Dates.

The activity will only appear , be accessible to, and allow submission for students after the Start Date.

After the End Date, the activity will be completely hidden again.