D2L: Download All Student Submissions in a Dropbox

D2L: Download All Student Submissions in a Dropbox

Follow the steps below to quickly download all student submissions in a D2L Dropbox.

1In your D2L course, click on the Dropbox tab in the Course Navbar.

2Click on the dropdown arrow to the right of the Dropbox that you want to download the assignments from and choose "View Submissions" in the menu that appears.

3Click the checkbox to the left of where it says Last Name, First Name to select all students. Then click on Download.


When you do, a pop-up should appear saying "Your zip file is being prepared". Stay on this page until this pop-up updates and tells you that "Your file is ready to download." then click on Download. Follow the onscreen prompts to finish downloading your folder.

NOTE: To make it easier to find this folder, create a folder with your course name and another folder with the activity name. Save this zipped folder in the activity folder. 


When you open the Zipped folder, you will have a folder for each individual submission and an index.html. Clicking on index.html will open a webpage with an inventory/table of contents of what's in the folders. Clicking on the folders themselves will provide you with the student submissions.

Using index.html along with File Explorer should allow you to quickly find the materials you need.

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