D2L: Special Access

D2L: Special Access

This page lists out the steps required to setup Special Access (a one-time extension of a specific D2L Quiz or Dropbox for a particular student) in D2L. The steps outlined below will work for either a Quiz or a Dropbox. Note: Special Access works a little backwards. You need to search for the student first then edit the settings.


Go to the Editor page for either a Quiz or Dropbox that you want to give a specific student access to.  

Note: In this demo, we will use a quiz as it has more options.

Quiz Editor Page

2Click on the Availability Dates and Conditions dropdown.

3Find and click on Manage Special Access.


Leave the selected option at the default Allow selected users special access to this quiz. The second option will make it so only the users with special access can see (and therefore access) the quiz, which is typically not needed.

Click on Add Users to Special Access in the Pop-up that appears. 

Highlighting Add Users to Special Access


In the pop-up that appears, scroll down a bit further until we find the Users section.  In the search bar provided, search for the student to give special access to. 

NOTE: we may be tempted to edit some of the settings we see. However, searching for the student will reset any changes we make. So search for the student first, select the student, and then make your changes. 

Highlighting the Search bar

Click on the image to enlarge it


Click on the checkbox to the left of the Student's name to select the student.

NOTE: if the student has an accommodation, it will be factored into any changes we make automatically. 

Highlighting the checkbox for the student.

Click on the image to enlarge it


Now we can scroll up and edit the settings.  When we are done, click on Save. 

Editing and then saving the special access.

Click on the image to enlarge it


We can see a brief overview of the Student's special access. We can edit it by clicking on the pencil icon or remove it by clicking on the X icon. When we are done adding students to Special Access, click on Save and Close. 


When we click on Save and Close, we should see that the right sidebar has updated, giving us a summary of the users with special access.

Highlighting Special Access Summary


Finally, click on Save or Save and Close in the bottom left corner of the quiz. 

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