Production Facilities

Production Facilities

Panasonic AG-HPX300P
High Definition Camera

MOTU V4HD Media Converter

Kessler Camera Crane

Kessler Camera Crane (alternate view)

The Media Center maintains the Canisius University Television studio. The TV Studio is located on Old Main 305.  It is used by several Communications and DMA classes for instruction of video production techniques, as well as by the Media Center for production of videos for the university.

The television studio allows members of the Canisius University Community to create original high definition programs that can air live on campus, stream on the web, or be recorded for later editing and or duplication and distribution.

The heart of the studio is the NewTek TriCaster TCXD850, which provides production crews with the tools necessary for professional level video production, including two DDRs, graphics, and the ability to seamlessly combine standard and high definition material into the same program. Users can even use laptops, tablets and smartphones as video sources.

A unique feature of the TriCaster is its ability to utilize “virtual” sets.  Production crews can place talent in front of the TV studio’s green screen and then composite them into one of several customizable sets generated by the TriCaster. Producers can even create their own sets using Adobe Photoshop software, which is installed on many lab computers on campus.

Productions can be recorded in a variety of file formats on the TriCaster itself, or onto a capture device that writes to SD cards of USB 3 disks. 

The studio features a lighting grid that is populated with LED lighting instruments that can be adjusted for brightness and color temperature. The lights can be positioned for a desired scene look or lighting effect.

Grip equipment (apple boxes, sandbags, c-stands, clamps), microphone stands, microphones (lavaliere and stick), and audio and video cables, are in the studio, and available for use in productions. Also available for set use are several chairs, tables, and artificial plants.

Scheduling the Studio
The television studio is available for use by members of the Canisius University community during Media Center operating hours. It can be scheduled by contacting Media Technicians Erik Michaelsen (716-888-3277, michaele@canisius.edu, or by contacting Director of the Media Center Daniel Drew (716-888-2569, drewd@canisius.edu) during Media Center operating hours.

If you are not involved in one of the previously mentioned classes or clubs, you will have to schedule an appointment prior to your use of the studio (approximately 1 hr. in duration) with one of the Media Center Staff so that they may explain studio safety and operating procedures.

Equipment Highlights

  • 3 Panasonic AG-HPX300P High Definition cameras
  • NewTek TriCaster TCXD850 video production system
  • MOTU V4HD media converter

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