Wireless Networking - Home Page
Wireless Networks at Canisius University
Wireless access to the Canisius network is available in most places on campus. This means that a Canisius User or Guest with a properly equipped laptop computer can access the Internet without connecting to an Ethernet jack.
CanisiusGuest -- Wireless Network for Guests & Visitors to the University
On the main campus of Canisius University, there is a wireless network available for the use of our guests and visitors. CanisiusGuest allows people who are not permanent members of the community to receive access to the Internet from their wireless devices.
At this time, the CanisiusGuest wireless network is available in all academic buildings on the university’s main campus.
CanisiusWireless -- for Current Members of the Canisius Community
CanisiusWireless is the primary wireless network at Canisius University and is available in all academic buildings on the main campus. In order to gain access to this network, you must have a current Canisius username & password.
Apogee Resnet -- Wireless Network for students in the residence halls
Go to https://Canisius.apogee.us for assistance in connecting to the resnet network.
Select your device’s operating system below or use the index menu on the left to select the guide that matches your device: