New Features when emailing helpdesk@canisius.edu

New Features when emailing helpdesk@canisius.edu

The Canisius University ITS Help Desk has recently updated the way it handles emails being sent to helpdesk@canisius.edu.  All emails sent to helpdesk@canisius.edu will now automatically be processed by our call ticketing system, resulting in improvements in communication and issue tracking.  

When a user emails helpdesk@canisius.edu, they will now receive an automatic response within minutes providing them a confirmation that their email was received, along with a tracking number.

If ITS needs additional information from you, you'll receive a response asking for more detail. Simply reply to this message with the requested information, and the information will be routed to the team assigned to your issue.

When ITS has a solution to your issue, you'll receive a message including the proposed solution. If this resolves the issue, you don't need to do anything further. If this does not solve your problem, please don't hesitate to send a reply back indicating that the problem has not been resolved, and it will be automatically routed to the team assigned your issue.

Once the ticket has been closed, you will receive a summary email including your initial email, the final proposed solution, and a link to the Help Desk Satisfaction Survey. We ask that you please complete this so that we can continue to improve the service provided to the campus community.

Click here to view the satisfaction survey (pdf).



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