New user account form

New user account form

Use the following form to request a new Canisius user account.  This might be, for example, an email address used over time by an entire office or department.

Employee accounts are not created through this process, but are instead created as part of the hiring process conducted by Human Resources.

ITS Helpdesk New User_Form

The requester will be responsible for care and security of this account.  Passwords should be strong, and changed regularly, in accordance with Canisius password policies.

The email account should have between three and eight characters in the ID (before the @canisius.edu), although a longer alias can be requested.

When requesting an email account for an office or program, suggest three possible names since some may already be in use.

Email a completed copy to helpdesk@canisius.edu, or bring (send) a paper copy of the completed form to the Help Desk in HO 016.  

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