Using the Zoom Extension in Google Calendar

Using the Zoom Extension in Google Calendar

The Zoom Extension/Add-on for Chrome, Edge, and Firefox can be a powerful productivity tool, especially if you are creating multiple events in your Google Calendar that require Zoom Meetings. A portion of this tutorial also assumes that you have watched this video tutorial on Google Calendar.

Below, you will find links to the Zoom Add-on for each of the browsers this will work on (click on one of these links before getting started, depending on the browser you are using):

As the process is pretty similar for each of the above browsers, we will focus on Chrome as our case study.

1Click on Add to Chrome.

2The following pop-up may appear; click on Add Extension.

3You may get the following pop-up; simply close out of it.


To get to an extension/add-on in Chrome, click on the puzzle piece in the upper-right.

4bFor Edge, click on the three horizontal dots in the upper-right and choose Extensions in the menu that appears. Or click on the blue Zoom icon.

4cFor Firefox, click on the three parallel horizontal lines and choose Add-ons. Or click on the blue Zoom icon.

5When you click on the puzzle piece, you should get a list of your extentions/add-ons (for Edge/Firefox, you may have to search for it if you did not click on the Zoom icon). Find and click on Zoom Scheduler.

6When you select the Zoom Scheduler, this dialogue will appear. Choose Sign in with SSO.

7Type in your Canisius Email address in the window that appears and hit continue.

8You may be taken to the familiar Canisius College Sign-in Page. Type in your Canisius username and password and hit Log-in.

9Now when you repeat steps 2-5 to select the Zoom Scheduler, you will get this pop-up instead. This will allow you to schedule meetings and start meetings right from the browser.

10Let's use this in Google Calendar (follow this video tutorial if you would like to learn how to access Google Calendar and make appointment slots). When you get to your calendar and make a new event or meeting, you should see an option that says "Make it a Zoom Meeting".

11When you click on that, it will automatically populate the Zoom Meeting information, just like creating a new Zoom Meeting. 

12If you would like to edit the Zoom Meeting, you can go to canisius.zoom.us, sign in using your Canisius credentials, and hover over the Meeting you would like to edit until you see the Edit button on the right-hand side. If you would like to know more about what you can do with Zoom, please watch the tutorials located here: Zoom for Web Conferencing. NOTE: do not change the time/date at canisius.zoom.us; instead, change it in Google Calendar so there are not any issues.

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