Wireless - Troubleshooting Connection on Personal MacBook (stu)
Wireless - Troubleshooting Connection on Personal MacBook (stu)
Update student login password via my.canisius.edu and confirm login works
Remove network settings for CanisiusWireless from System Preferences:
From the Apple in the upper left of the screen, select System Settings / System PreferencesUnder Known Networks, and click circle on far right of CanisiusWireless entry to select “Remove From List”Remove network settings for CanisiusWireless from Keychain application:
Navigate to either of these folders to open the Keychain Application:
/Applications/Utilities/Keychain Access.app
/System/Library/CoreServices/Applications/Keychain Access.appUnder System Keychains, select System, then select All Items, then use search bar to search for CanisiusWireless. Right-click entry to select Delete CanisiusWireless.Restart Mac attempt to connect to CanisiusWireless with updated password