Justice iPad Loan Checklist

Justice iPad Loan Checklist

The following workflow is designed to assist in the check out and check in of the former Justice iPads for Faculty sign-out. Currently this loan is not available for students.

The importance of restarting the iPads to a "blank slate" condition is critical in securing any faculty data that may have be accessed from the device.

Questions, please contact the ITS Helpdesk

Check In Procedure:

Step 1: Note condition of the iPad
  • Is there any visible damage or breakage on the device?
  • If so, please contact the ITS Help
Step 2: Sign out of iCloud on each iPad
  • Open Settings:

  • Select the iCloud account and "Sign Out". Enter Apple ID password to complete Sign Out.

Step 3: Factory Restore the iPad

  • Open Settings:

  • Select General > Reset > Reset All Content and Settings

Step 4: Check in the iPad and power supplies using the Sierra tracking software
Step 5: Store the iPads in the charging cart

Check Out Procedure

Step 1: Obtain an iPad, charging block, and usb cord from the iPad cart in the lower level of the library
  • Ensure that iPad is adequately charged
Step 2: Check out iPad and accessories using the Sierra
Step 3 (Optional): Requests for Apps
  • If a user has a need for a bulk amount of apps as would be the case if an entire class set of iPads was to be loaned out, please have the user email the Helpdesk (helpdesk@canisius.edu) to arrange for the software to be automatically deployed to the class set.
  • The email should include:
    • 1) Names of Apps from the App Store.
    • 2) Numbers of the iPads checked out (ie - EDU-IPAD-01 and EDU-IPAD-02)
    • 3) Contact information for the person making the request

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