Digital Humanities

Digital Humanities

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Digital Humanities Working Group

Regional Events

Global Digital Humanities Symposium, Michigan State University, March 22-23, 2018.

Our (Digital) Humanity: Storytelling, Media Organizing, and Social Justice, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA, April 20-22, 2018.

HILT (Humanities Intensive Learning & Teaching), University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, June 4-8, 2018.

Digital Humanities Research Institute, Graduate Center, CUNY, New York, NY June 11-20, 2018.

Keystone Digital Humanities Conference.  Penn State University, State College, PA, July 16-18 2018.

Digital Pedagogies Institute Conference, Brock University, St. Catherines, Ontario, August 9-10, 2018.

For more events on a global scale, check out the Digital Library Federation's Crowd-Sourced Google Calendar.

Digital Scholarship: Canisius Faculty & Students

Coptic Scriptorium

Religion in Western New York

  • Jonathan Lawrence, (Religious Studies & Theology), Creator.

Przemyslaw Moskal, (Digital Media Arts) New Media, Digital & Gaming Artist.

Canisius College Video Institute


  • Canisius College Video Institute Students

De Imperatoribus Romanis

Build Temples Not Walls

  • Professor Erin Warford Adjunct Professor of Liberal Arts at Hilbert College.

Local (Western New York) Resources (and past events)

Digital Scholarship: Other Examples

Adam Crymble on Distant Reading

Edward Ayer's The Valley of the Shadow

The Perseus Project at Tufts University

Claudio Saunt's Invasion of America.

Papers of the War Department, 1784-1800

Art Feminism Group's Wikipedia Edit-A-Thons.

Kelly, Rushford, and Gustin, Making the History of 1989

Projects hosted at Omeka.net.

Railroads and the Making of Modern America

Infinite Ulysses

Alex Wellerstein's NukeMap: a nuclear weapons simulator using Google Maps GIS Data.

Historypin: a collaborative, geographic archive of historical photography. 

Pox in the City: an interactive, 3D strategy game about nineteenth century urban epidemics and vaccinations

Walden: A Game: experience Thoreau's Walden Pond through a 3D interactive game

Biblion: an iOS app by New York Public Library, featuring interactive presentation of library collections.

True Size Of: an interactive map that shows the relative size of nation-states, adjusted on a Mercator.

slavevoyages.org: a database of the Trans-Atlantic slave trade.

Voyageur Contract Database: includes around 35,900 New French and Canadian fur trade contracts created between 1714 and 1830.

PRDH: biographic/demographic database of New French colonists, compiled from surviving documents, primarily Catholic parish registers.

Buffalo Architecture Map

Ancient World Mapping Center Conference 2016 (Session recordings via YouTube)

Dougherty, Jack, and Kristen Nawrotzki, Writing History in the Digital Age. 2013. An open-access, peer-reviewed volume of essays.

There are plenty of examples of computational literacy analysis at the Stanford Literary Lab.

Create Caribbean: a Research Institute at Dominica State College, supporting digital projects in Caribbean History.

Digital Mitford: Online scholarly edition of the works of Mary Russell Mitford. Also source for learning TEI/XML for literary study.

Six Degrees of Sir Francis Bacon: Digital depiction and analysis of Sir Francis Bacon's social connections.

Homer Multitext: Exploring the "evolution and the resulting multiformity" of Homer's Illiad and Odessey, in historical contexts.

James Monroe Museum Political Cartoons: Undergraduate Student Project, built in Omeka. Digitized political cartoons with historical context.

Urban Humanities Initiative at UCLA: Incorporating humanities interpretive approaches and urban design practices.

 American Panorama: a digital atlas series created at the University of Richmond's Digital Scholarship Lab.

SNCC Digital Gateway: digital exhibition and archive exploring the history of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, a major organization within the African American civil rights movement of the 1960s and 1970s.

Hear UR: Student Podcasting at University of Rochester.

Migration Trail: using digital, dynamic maps, video, audio, and social media to tell immigration stories.


What is Digital Humanities?

 Matthew G. Kirschenbaum, "What is Digital Humanities, and What's it Doing in English Departments?" 

 Anne Burdick, Johanna Drucker, Peter Lunenfeld, Todd Presner, and Jeffrey Schnapp, Digital_Humanities. (Link to Full Text).

Debates in the Digital Humanities. This project, initially a paper collection of essays, is now an online, open-access "social reading platform."

William G. Thomas, What is Digital Scholarship? A Typology.

A skeptical view of the Digital Humanities: Daniel Allington, Sara Brouillette, David Golumbia, "Neoliberal Tools (and Archives): A Political History of the Digital Humanities."

  • Various responses to the Allington, Brouillette, Golumbia piece, rounded up by Digital Humanities Now, here and here.

Timothy Brennan, "The Digital Humanities Bust," The Chronicle of Higher Education 64 (October 2017).  The Chronicle requires a subscription to view this article, so it is Permalinked at ProQuest (login required).


Omeka for web-based publishing (via Linux).

  • Neatline adds geographic and timeline tools to Omeka

Hypercities - "Thick" Mapping

Python Language

"R" Language and Environment

Code Academy

Sharemap - free online Geographic Information System for mapmaking.


Overview is a visualization and analysis tool designed for sets of documents

MapStory - storytelling through maps.


Inkscape for Vector Graphics

Figma for Vector Graphics

FireAlpaca for Digital Painting

GIMP: Gnu Image Manipulation Program

Video Game Resources

WikiEdu - Resources for learning and teaching about and with Wikipedia.

Comic Life - application for developing comics, available for desktop (Computers) and mobile (tablets). 30-day trials, academic discounts available for full versions.

QGIS - Free/Open Source Geographic Information System

Import Spreadsheet (or Google Forms) data into Google My Maps. Great for getting simple geospatial data quickly into Google Maps.

For students, faculty and staff, Canisius College has available on PCs in OM 111 (Financial Markets Lab) ArcGIS, a powerful Geographic Information System (GIS).

Canisius College Faculty have access to Adobe Create Cloud Suite, which includes a variety of powerful media tools including Photoshop, Illustrator, and Premier. Contact the Help Desk (x8340) for details.

Google News Archive: Historical newspaper runs. In the 2000s, Google scanned in microfilmed editions of newspapers from around North America, and possible some from Europe. Google stopped this project, but have left the archive in place.

Chronicling America: Historical U.S. newspaper runs at the Library of Congress.

dp.la: Digital Public Library of America. Search and access digital collections (images, texts, artifacts, video) at many public libraries around the United States. Includes API.

Voyant: Web-based toolset for text analysis and Computer-Assisted Interpretation in the Humanities.

Google n-Gram viewer: language statistics across Google Books.

Lost Worlds: Explorations in Humanities Game Design. A blog by Elizabeth Goins

Gapminder: Visualization of global economic, social, and other development data.

/wiki/spaces/FacTS/pages/35130985: a tablet based whiteboarding tool. Produce video or slideshow presentations featuring markup of raster images or video. Collaborate with several creators simultaneously.

JSTOR Datasets: text mine publications held at JSTOR.


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