COLI Guides, Tutorials, & Documentation

COLI Guides, Tutorials, & Documentation

COLI makes available a variety of online tutorial and documentation resources for students, faculty and staff. These enable Canisius users to pick up skills or learn about new applications on their own schedule. Often, we provide links that make finding documentation for a particular web-based resource easy to find, but occasionally we make our own tutorials, training videos, and documentation as the need arises. Many of these resources supplement workshops and consultations, and others serve specific programs or groups of users. Existing resources are periodically updated, new ones are periodically added, and occasionally you may see one that's in the process of creation. If you are interested in having us create a resource for you and others on a particular topic, please let us know coli@canisius.edu.

These wiki pages, as with any other in our wiki, are each bookmarkable in your browser.

Popular Documentation & Resources



COLI Documentation

Accessibility in Coursework

COLI Guide: Basic Course Design

COLI Guide: Providing Feedback on Student Work

COLI on AI and Academics

Collaborative Annotation Tools

Conference, Meetup, & Speaking Engagement Resources

D2L Mastery

Digital Scholarship Resources

FYE Instructor Tutorials

Navigable PDF Files

New Students & Faculty

Note-taking & Studying For College

Online Exams and Quizzes

Online & Hybrid Teaching Resources



Pedagogy Ideas

Podcasting at Canisius University

Practical Tech Tips for Student Writing

Preparedness for Academic Continuity

Sample Web-Based Project Plan

Student Guide to Project Management

Surveys, Forms, and Data-Gathering Projects

Syllabus Quiz

Third-Party LTI Tools Notes

Video Gaming Home

Web-Based Video for Students

Web-Based Video for Teaching


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