Spring 2022 COLI - Maker Space 3D Printing Contest

Spring 2022 COLI - Maker Space 3D Printing Contest

Objective and Guidelines

Print a unique educational model, tool, or device. This can be a small-scale replica to demonstrate a historical device, concept, or object, or it can be a tool useful for teaching.  While demonstrator replicas are permitted, no working weapon designs will be permitted.

The design must by created by the person entering the contest and must be original.  A modification of another person's design is not sufficient. Use of copyrighted material is prohibited.  

All printed components of an entry product must print on a single 7 inch x 7 inch (17.7 centimeter x 17.7 centimeter) bed, with a depth no more than 7 inches (17.7 centimeters).  (For Ignatian Scholarship Day, we may print smaller versions to meet time constraints.)

All parts must be printed, however glue (liquid adhesive) is allowed for ornamental (not load-bearing) assembly.

Parts must be printable in PLA, using COLI's printers (PrusaMini).

Drawings must be submitted as STL files, together with 2D images illustrating the printed product.  Judges will see 3D digital and 2D printed illustrations when determining the winners.

Each submission needs a user guide: a text, static illustration, or video that explains what the product is for, how it works, and how to operate it.

Winners will be awarded prizes.  They must attend a session during Ignatian Scholarship Day, to speak about or demonstrate their 3D printed devices.  COLI will print their designs for this session, at no charge to contestants.  Winners will also be presented with full-size versions of their printed designs.  


Time Table and Events

COLI will offer lunch workshops for students covering basic and advanced 3D design and printing.  Although these will assist beginners in participating in the contest, all students, faculty, and staff are welcome, including experienced 3D print makers.  Lunch will be served to participants. 

February 15th, 12:00 PM: 3D Design Basics

February 29th, 12:00 PM: 3D Printing Basics

March 4th: Students enter contest.

During the Month of March, Tyler Kron-Piatek, Center for Online Learning & Innovation, will be available to meet with students to discuss problems or aspects of their designs.  

All student design entries are due on Wednesday, April 6th at noon.   Winners will be announced the following week.

Students will present their design at Ignatian Scholarship Day, April 20th.


1st Prize $100

2nd Prize $50

up to two 3rd Prize $25

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