Faculty Development Opportunities

Faculty Development Opportunities

Table of Contents

COLI Workshops

The Center for Online Learning & Innovation offers workshops broadly supporting web- and information technology-enhanced teaching and learning.   Come learn how to use features in D2L, Google Apps, and other web-based productivity apps to teach and support your class via the internet.  These workshops are now online, for public safety reasons.  

You can see workshop or event descriptions here.

Faculty Development Weeks

Each January and August, COLI hosts a Faculty Development Week (FDW).  These are announced and updated as part of our regular communications to faculty.  Email helpdesk@canisius.edu to request access to recordings of previous FDW sessions.  


Micro-credentials are used to show that the owner has a specific skill set. Typically, micro-credentials are associated with short learning modules and/or activities that are designed to provide context to the skill the micro-credential is for. To get the certificate for a micro-credential, learners must also complete a curricular project, which serves as evidence of mastery of the skill.

We currently offer two MicroCredentials:

Sign Up Form

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