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Table of Contents

Get Started with Panopto Video

Record Video(s) with Panopto Capture (Text Based)

  • Use Panopto's web-based recorder to record multiple cameras, screens, and apps.

Upload Video(s) to Panopto (Text Based)

  • Upload video recordings to Panopto

Record Videos using Panopto Capture via the Add Existing Activities Tool - Transcript

Record Videos using Panopto Capture via the Insert Stuff Tool - Transcript

  • Record videos using Panopto's browser-based recorder, Capture. Then, quickly insert those videos into your course. All without having to leave D2L.

Use the Add Existing Activities Tool - Transcript

  • Quickly insert links to your videos into a course module.

Brief Overview of Panopto Video Editor (Closed Captions)

  • A quick overview on how to access Panopto's browser-based video editor and editing tools.

Trim Panopto Videos with the Panopto Editor (Closed Captions)

  • Learn how to use Panopto's video editor to trim and cut out portions of video hosted on Panopto.

Adding Panopto Videos into your Course Space

Use the Add Existing Activities Tool - Transcript

  • Quickly insert links to your videos into a course module.

Use the Insert Stuff Tool - Transcript

  • Insert a YouTube-like video player anywhere you can use the HTML Editor.

Using the Panopto Video Editor

Getting Started with the Video Editor

Brief Overview of Panopto Video Editor (Closed Captions)

  • A quick overview on how to access Panopto's browser-based video editor and editing tools.

Trim Panopto Videos with the Panopto Editor (Closed Captions)

  • Learn how to use Panopto's video editor to trim and cut out portions of video hosted on Panopto.

Edit Captions in Panopto - Transcript

Add Chapters

Add/Edit a Table of Contents to Panopto Videos (Closed Captions)

  • Learn how to create and update the Table of Contents in your video.

Add Slideshows to your Video (Closed Captions)

  • Add your slideshows to your Panopto video. Panopto will automatically make a table of contents based on your slideshow. This will also allow students to view the slideshow while also watching the video.

Smart Chapters in your Video (Closed Captions)

  • Learn how to create and edit Smart Chapters to automatically provide a table of contents for your users without using a slideshow.

Advanced Options

Change the Preview Image of your Panopto Video (Closed Captions)

  • Learn how to change the Preview Image of your Panopto video.

Add Video Sources to your Panopto Video (Text Based)

  • Video Sources: Webcam Recording or Screen Recording/Capture. Panopto calls these "Streams".
  • You can add additional video sources to a Panopto video that is already up. This can be useful if the source was not ready at the time of the original recording or certain parts of the video need to be updated.

Upload Multiple Videos at Once (Text and Video)

  • If you recorded several videos, you can upload them as individual Panopto Videos. If these videos all pertain to the same subject or you have other course material that is relevant to the lesson, see below.

Upload Multiple Video(s) and/or Course Material into one Panopto Video (Text and Video)

  • Panopto Videos are sometimes referred to by Panopto as "Sessions", particularly if the Video also has an embedded slideshow, multiple screencasts/webcam recordings, etc.
  • You can upload multiple videos (above) using the Create button. However, these will create their own Panopto Videos. If you have multiple short videos and/or other course materials on the same or similar subject or topic, it may be worthwhile to combine them into a single Panopto Video.

Overview of the Panopto Dashboard - Transcript

  • A quick look at the tools and settings available to you on the Panopto Dashboard.

Panopto Video for Course Activities

Copy Videos from Previous Course

Copy Videos from a Previous Course (Closed Captions) - Transcript

Copy Videos from a Previous Course (Text Based)

  • Learn how to quickly copy course videos from a previous course. D2L will automatically update any Panopto links to the copied videos.

Student Video Submissions

Create a Panopto Assignment Folder (Closed Captions) - Transcript

Create a Panopto Assignment Folder (Text Based)

  • Learn how to make a Panopto Assignment folder so students can use Panopto to record/upload and edit videos for Dropbox Assignments. You must create an Assignment Folder before students can record/upload videos using the Panopto toolset.

Setup a D2L Dropbox Folder so Students can Upload or Record to Panopto (Closed Captions) - Transcript

Setup a D2L Dropbox Folder so Students can Upload or Record to Panopto (Text Based)

  • Setup a D2L Dropbox folder to take advantage of a Panopto Assignment Folder. NOTE: "Assignments" in the tutorial is the same as "Dropbox" in the Canisius D2L. Students can then use the Insert Stuff tool to access the Panopto Menu (tutorial below). Add the Insert Stuff and Trim Panopto Video tutorials to your D2L Courses so students know what to do.

Students: How to Submit Video Assignments (Closed Captions) - Transcript

Students: How to Submit Video Assignments and Use the Panopto Recorder (Text Based)

  • This tutorial shows students how to submit a Video Assignment using the Panopto Pop-up Menu in D2L and also how to use the Panopto Recorder. Feel free to insert it into your course.

Switching Views in Panopto

Switching Main View

If the video your are viewing has multiple screens, you may be able to change the view to favor one screen over another.

Video Quizzes

Add an in-video Quiz to a Panopto Video (Closed Captions)

  • Quiz students on in-video content.

View in-video Quiz Results on Panopto Video (Closed Captions)

  • View how well students did on in-video quizzes.

Link in-video Panopto Quizzes to the D2L Gradebook (Text Based)

  • Learn how to link and automatically publish results from in-video Panopto Quizzes to the D2L Gradebook.

Add External Resources

Add a PDF to your Panopto Video (Text Based)

  • Whether it's a PDF version of your Slideshow, something that you want them to read, or keep in mind while they are watching the video, you can add a PDF to your video for easier access.

Add a Webpage into Panopto Video (Closed Captions)

  • Add a webpage that you want students to view or read into your Panopto Video.

Add YouTube Videos to your Panopto Video (Closed Captions)

  • Add YouTube videos that you want students to watch into your Panopto Video.

Panopto Desktop Recorder

Getting Started with Panopto Recorder - Transcript

  • The Panopto Recorder App allows you to use an app to record videos for Panopto without an Internet connection.

Delete Local Recordings

  • This tutorial will show you how to delete recordings stored on the laptop recorded with the Panopto Desktop Recorder.

Other Tutorials/Links

Panopto Video Statistics

  • View the statistics on your videos, including who has watched, for how long, and average watch time.

Zoom Recordings for Classes

  • Setup Panopto to automatically import Zoom Cloud Recordings.

Move Panopto Recordings to Other Folders

  • This tutorial shows you how to move videos/recordings in Panopto to other Folders in Panopto.

Custom Dictionary Request

  • The Custom Dictionary is used by Panopto's Automatic Captioning Service to caption certain difficult words.

Panopto Support Website

  • If you can't find what you are looking for here, you may be able to find the answer in the Panopto Support Wiki directly. Make sure you change your role from "Admin" to "Creator" to get the most relevant results:

Panopto Retention Policy

Currently, the Retention Policy at Canisius is as follows:

13 months after the last view of the video, it will be sent to Archive. After 4 years in Archive, the video will be permanently deleted. This totals a 5-year lifespan for videos on Panopto.

A video that is viewed at least once in the 13 month period will automatically reset the timer. Any videos in Archive can be unarchived if the video needs to be saved for some reason.

We reserve the right to change this policy.