Readiness for Online Learning

Readiness for Online Learning


This guide will help you get ready to take an online or hybrid course, or participate in an online academic program here at Canisius College.

A big part of this is familiarizing yourself with web-based resources available to you as a Canisius student, but there are other things you should consider as well.  Good online students develop time-management skills, good written communication skills, and a sense of commitment to their courses as learning communities. Online courses might offer more schedule flexibility, but they are just as rigorous as classroom or F2F (face-to-face) courses. Online courses may have synchronous  components–for example, web conference meeting times--that you will have to fit into your schedule and deadlines that you must meet. Canisius College online courses are not self-paced, but reflect our commitment to quality and value: a professor or professors develop and teach every course.

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Next Step: Self Assessment

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