Course Merge Application

Course Merge Application


WREG395_TERM_CODE                   C(6)

WREG395_MASTER_CRN                C(5)

WREG395_CRN                                C(5)

WREG395_STATUS                           C(1)

WREG395_TITLE                               C(80) *


WREG395_REQUESTED_BY            C(12)

WREG395_ACTIVITY_DATE          Date

WREG395_USER                                C(12)

WREG395_PROCESS_IND                C(1)

*Character limit is necessary as D2L titles have a maximum length

Course Merge Application

Objective: This application was created to allow faculty members to request merges between classes in D2L. The application interface has a user component which allows users to submit course merge requests themselves and a admin interface which allows designated administrators (wpps158) to both submit merge requests for faculty or approve requests that have been submitted.

Faculty Submission Process:


Faculty see the menu above when accessing the application. They use the dropdown menus and submit button to create a course merge request. Applications that have been submitted but not yet approved or rejected will appear under the ‘Pending Merges’ menu. Approved or rejected merge requests appear under ‘Processed Merges’.

In order to submit a merge request containing multiple classes or sections, the faculty member must decide which class will be the master class, meaning the course in D2L which will be used to contain the multiple sections correlating the separate classes. A separate merge request must be submitted for each of the secondary classes, with the master class remaining the same.

Requested merges are stored in table wreg395 with a status of ‘R’.

Admin Approval Process:


Admin users, as defined in table wpps158 with application coursemerge, first see the following screen when access the application. Any requests awaiting approval appear under ‘Pending Merge Requests’. The following dialogue menu is brought up when the admin user clicks Process Request. Admin user must provide a name. Note: If multiple requests constitute a multi-course merge, the provided title must match on all of the requests.

 Processing Merges With More than Two Sections


Merge approval changes the status code of the merge request to ‘A’ in table wreg395. Additionally, drop/add rows for students are inserted into D2L table wreg392, and for faculty in D2L table wreg397. Drop/add rows for students use the following codes unique to the course merge application: MD – drop, MR – register.

Merge rejection changed the status code to ‘D’ in wreg395. No other tables are affected.

Admin Submission Process:


The Admin submission page is accessed by clicking “Submit Requests” link in the upper right hand corner of the admins menu. It brings up the following page.


Note: In order to return to the processing page, admin user clicks “Process Requests” link.


The admin can scroll and select from the list or filter based on the field. When a course is selected, it is added as master or secondary by using the correct button. Once selected, the courses appear below the selection menu (see picture below). The admin enters a title for the course and submits. The process for submitting multi-course merges is the same as if a faculty member was submitting, all must have the same master course and title.

When the admin user submits the course is automatically approved.