Cancel Class Application

Cancel Class Application

Cancelclass Application


Objective: Application allows faculty to login and cancel classes up to one day in advance. Alternatively, admin users have the ability to imitate any faculty member and cancel classes on their behalf. Cancellations result in the application sending out an email to all students registered for the class. Users, which includes students may also log into the application and see a list of all cancelled classes on that day. The list of cancelled classes may also be viewed through the portal.


Report: regr134 under Dean’s folder


Home screen: Lists classes cancelled for the current day (or next day by clicking the ‘Next Day’ link), alphabetically by the instructors last name. Faculty also have access to the ‘Cancel My Class’ button to access the class cancel selection menu.


Faculty Selection Menu: The menu lists the classes the faculty member is teaching a current term, with the class times and days. Faculty members select a class by clicking on the appropriate row. Classes will only be available under ‘Active Class Dates’ for the current day and the following day. The faculty member must choose the correct dates and click submit. Emails are sent out once a submission is made.



Admin Faculty Select: Admin users must select a faculty member to continue. Once done, functionality mirrors that of the selected faculty member. Admin access is granted through wpps158.


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