Course Evaluation Messaging

Course Evaluation Messaging


 Full Time Faculty: Course Evaluation OPT IN/OUT Process Message



Online Course Evaluation Opt-Out Process


With the term just starting to wind down, the course evaluation process is starting. As in previous terms, and in accordance with the Faculty Handbook, full-time faculty have the freedom to choose which of their courses they want reviewed using the online system and which they to exclude. The process of making these choices will be different this term, however. Starting this term, we have an ITS-written web application to simplify this process.


Start by going to the following webpage: https://app1.canisius.edu/courseevaluationsopt. After logging in, you will see a page like the one in this image:


As in previous terms, most courses default to being included in the evaluation. If you want to “opt-in” a course, click on the “Include” button. You can also remove a course from those term’s online evaluation system by clicking on its “Exclude” button. Once ALL changes have been made, click the “Save Changes” button to record your choices (in the picture, a red arrow points to this button). No changes are recorded until you click “Save Changes”, but once this button is clicked you cannot make any further changes. So make certain you agree with the choices, and then click the “Save Changes” button.


The deadline to save any changes is April 15th, so please go to https://app1.canisius.edu/courseevaluationsopt and make any changes you want as to which courses will be included in this term’s online course evaluation, and click on the “Save Changes” button. Our hope is that makes the entire evaluation process easier and clearer. If you have any questions, please contact Matthew Hertz at evalsf@canisius.edu or at x2436.








 Adjunct Faculty : Course Evaluation OPT IN/OUT Process Message



Online Course Evaluation Opt-In Process


With the term winding down, we will soon be start our process of course evaluations. Students will be able to complete these during the last three weeks of the term (more information about this will be coming out then).  While most of courses are included in the end-of-term course evaluation automatically, the form does not always make sense for courses such as field experiences, music lessons, and practicums. In situations like these, we know that a traditional set of evaluation questions does not always make sense. In these cases, we leave it up to you decide whether to or not it makes sense to include your course in our online course evaluation system.


To see if you have one of these optional courses, and decide whether or not it should be included, please go to the following webpage: https://app1.canisius.edu/courseevaluationsopt. After logging in, most of you will see a page with text stating that "You have no courses available to include for the Opt IN/OUT process for this semester." This means your course(s) are automatically included and you have nothing to do. A few of you may be teaching one or more course(s) for which inclusion of this course is at your discretion. If this is the case, you will be taken to a page like this:


Click on the “Include” button for any course(s) you feel appropriate to include in the course evaluation system. Once ALL changes have been made, click the “Save Changes” button to record your choices (in the picture, a red arrow points to this button). No changes are recorded until you click “Save Changes”, but once this button is clicked you cannot make any further changes. So make certain you are finished before clicking “Save Changes”.


The deadline to let us know your course(s) should be included is April 15th. Most of you will have your courses included automatically, but if you think you have an optional course and want it to be included go to https://app1.canisius.edu/courseevaluationsopt and make certain we know to offer an evaluation to your students. If you have any questions about this process, the online course evaluation system, or course evaluations at Canisius, please ask Matthew Hertz at evalsf@canisius.edu or x2436. Thank you!



Student Message for Course Evaluations: *************************************************************************************

It’s time to complete your course evaluations! To fill our your evaluations, click on the “Course Evals” icon in the “Email, D2L, & Services” menu or click on this link. The feedback you provide is completely anonymous and helps us improve our courses and make Canisius strong and successful. (Some instructors may have you fill out an evaluation in class, so do not worry if not all of your courses are listed). Course evaluations are available through May 8, but there is no need to delay – just click on the link now.


If you have questions about the online evaluation process, please contact Matthew Hertz at evalsf@canisius.edu or x2436.





































Faculty Message for Course Evaluations



Are your students completing their course evaluations? You can always check the online course evaluation system by clicking this link and see the percentage of evaluations completed for each of your courses. By encouraging your students and tracking their progress, you can help your students understand the importance of their evaluations. The site works with students’ computers, smartphones, and tablets and will be open until the start of exams.


If you have questions about the online evaluation process, please contact Matthew Hertz at evalsf@canisius.edu  or x2436.

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