Hypothes.is: Export Comments

Hypothes.is: Export Comments

In Hypothes.is, faculty can quickly export comments. 

1Open a Hypothes.is Activity.

Click on an image to expand it.

2Click on the Share icon in the upper-right.

Highlighting Sharing Icon


A new set of options will appear in the right sidebar. Change the name to something more appropriate.

You can also select a specific user or choose All Annotations by click on the dropdown menu below the export title.

Highlighting new options

4When ready, click on Export.

Highlighting Export button


When you do, you will receive a JSON file of your annotations.

Here is a potential sample of the file you will get:

This file can be opened with NotePad or Text Wrangler. It won't be pretty, but the highlighted parts are what you will be looking for.

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