Cultivating A Practice of Equity Mindedness

Cultivating A Practice of Equity Mindedness

Presented by Angell Howard, Associate Director of Professional Development, Illinois State University & Owner, Necessary Change Consulting

When:  Tuesday, October 25, 2022,  3:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m.

Where:  SH 063-Women's Business Center Classroom

Equity has long been depicted as three individuals of different heights standing along a fence watching a baseball game.  One individual is tall enough to see over the fence, while the other two need to stand on boxes of varying heights.  At first glance,  everyone receives what is needed to access the game, however the real barrier remains, the fence.  A practice of equity allows for practitioners to analyze needs, to identify barriers, and to develop equitable strategies. However, to effectively create an environment prepared to support these efforts, we need practitioners who will not only lead with the premise of diversity but are guided by the practice of equity.

This interactive session will give individuals the resources needed to become an equity-minded practitioner by:

  • Understanding the difference between equity and equality
  • Identifying what it takes to become a community of equity-minded leaders and practitioners
  • Developing equity-minded goals
  • Utilizing the tools needed to make equitable decisions

Workshop slides available here.