D2L: Series of Release Conditions

This Tutorial is based on the Release Conditions on Discussions Tutorial - Transcript, though it may also be useful to review the other release conditions tutorials.

1Add the reading/activity to the module. Create the quiz based on the activity. Create the Discussion board.

Add an appropriate description to the reading/activity to let students know that they must complete it in order to access the quiz.

A) To do so, click on the dropdown arrow to the right of the activity. Select Edit Properties in Place in the menu that appears.

B) Then click on Add a Description.

Here is the description that we will go with (feel free to copy and paste and modify as needed):

Please complete this activity to move on to the quiz portion. Note, if you believe that you have completed this activity and still do not see the quiz, please let me know ASAP.

C) When you have added your description, click on Update.

A Accessing Activity Context Menu to Edit Properties in Place

BSelecting Add a description

CUpdating the description

3Go to the Quiz Editor Screen. Under Availability Dates & Conditions, click on Add Release Conditions.

4Select Create New in the menu that appears.

Selecting Create New in the menu that appears


For the Condition Type, select Completed content topic. 

For the Topic, select the activity that you want students to complete. 

Note: D2L has no way of knowing a student has completely read a PDF, viewed completely a video, etc. However, it can determine whether or not a student has posted to a Discussion Board, submitted to a Dropbox, or got a certain Grade item on a Quiz. In this instance, D2L will simply check that the student has accessed the reading. The quiz will help determine if the student actually read the PDF or not. 

Setting up the Release Condition

6Click on Create in the lower-left corner.

Creating the Release Condition


Review the Release conditions summary. Make sure the Quiz is visible as well. If all looks correct, click on Save and Close.

NOTE: We recommend giving students several chances (or unlimited) to complete this type of quiz. This can be done by going to Attempts & Completion. Then select Manage Attempts. 

Reviewing the Release Condition, making sure the quiz is visible, saving changes.


Add the Quiz to the module. 

A) Go to the module with the PDF. Select Add Existing Activities. Select Quizzes in the menu that appears. 

B) Select the appropriate Quiz.

C) The quiz will appear at the bottom of the module.


B Selecting the appropriate quiz

C Highlighting that the quiz was added to the module.


Give the quiz an appropriate description to let students know that they need to get a particular grade (in this case, a 100%) on the quiz to continue to the Discussion.

Follow the instructions in step 2. Here is our updated description:

Please complete the quiz. Note that you must get a 100% on the quiz to continue to the Discussion. If you are unable to get a 100%, please contact me ASAP. If you did get a 100% on the quiz and are still unable to view the Discussion, wait a few minutes and reload the page. Otherwise, contact me ASAP.

Highlighting the updated description for the quiz.

10Go to the Discussion Editor Screen. Under Availability Dates & Conditions, select Add Release Condition.

11Select Create New in the menu that appears.

Selecting Create New.


For Condition Type select Score on a Quiz.

For Quiz, choose the appropriate Quiz.

For Criteria, select =.

For Grade, select 100%.

Then select Create in the lower-left corner.

Setting up the new Release Condition

13Review the Release Condition and then select Save and Close.

Reviewing the Release Condition and then Saving and Closing.

14Add the Discussion to the Module (follow the instructions on Step 8, except select Discussions instead of Quizzes).

Showing the discussion was added to the module.


Switch to Student view and try it out. 

NOTE: Since we may have clicked on the PDF to ensure it was the correct one, we may already see the quiz and the PDF. 

Seeing only the PDF in student view.

After reviewing the PDF, seeing the PDF and the Quiz.

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