FERPA Release Application

FERPA Release Application

FERPA Release Form

How to Access the application:


The FERPA Release web application (apps.canisius.edu/ferparelease) is accessible through either the -


myCanisius Checklist for New Students (apps.canisius.edu/mycanisiuschecklist/faces/menuform.xhtml):



Or through the myCanisius Portal’s Launchpad CategoryStudent Services (available to current students). This allows all student to access this, and modify it at any time:



Using the FERPA Release web application

Once the user loads the FERPA application they are presented with a detailed description of the

FERPA authorization, and are given a YES/NO option:




Selecting and saving the NO option requires no further interaction from the user and the application may be closed.





By Selecting the YES option, the lower section of the form will become active, allowing the user to input information for the person(s) who they have authorized:

The user has the ability to add multiple person(s) to the list, as well as remove any users they have previously added.

Viewing the FERPA Release Data in iAdvise:


After selecting the student, on their Personal Information tab, the FERPA information will be displayed as the TERM in which they completed the form (this can be a term prior to the student’s matric term depending on when they completed it through the Checklist).


By clicking on View Details, you can then see the remaining information including whom the student had authorized.

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