Commencement Messages

Commencement Messages

On The Student Home Page:


Leave the following on the Student Home page all the time for p_greligible.  (after redefining who should be in this group)


Graduation Information 


In order for you to receive your diploma or certificate, regardless of your decision to attend commencement ceremonies, you must complete the following tasks:


  • Apply to graduate.  If you are in a graduate certificate program, you must complete this application to receive your certificate.  This is important so that we can accurately identify the exact semester you will be graduating and the exact name you wish to appear on your diploma or certificate.   Depending upon the term you request and your program, you may be asked if you are requesting to attend the May ceremony. 
  • In approximately March we will ask that you complete a checkout process.  This process, depending upon the term you have requested and the program you are in, asks you for the number of tickets you will need for the ceremonies.  Graduate students will have the ability to print the paperwork to pick up their cap and gown from the bookstore.
  • After checking out, undergraduate students will be able to pick up your tickets at the Office of Student Records.   Undergraduates will be provided with the appropriate paperwork necessary to pick up your cap and gown at the bookstore.   Graduate students can print that form during the checkout process. Once tickets have been distributed to all students, we will have extras that can be distributed.   
  • Pickup your cap and gown at the bookstore if you are attending the ceremony.


Please visit the Commencement community page for further details about graduation by clicking here.



The following messages could be on the student home page or on the commencement page or both:


(For P_UGGR_APPLY  - UG and GR Students who can apply to graduate but have not yet applied.  (They are in the p_greligible group or the p_grelig_ovr group) but do not exist in the wreg161 table (application table)))    ****Note that this population is too big because it starts with p_greligible.     That needs to be redefined.



Apply to Graduate     


If you plan to complete your degree or certificate requirements this term or next term, you must submit your application for graduation.    Please visit the Commencement community page for further details about graduation and how to apply by clicking here.  (Link either takes them to the commencement community page or directly to the application)






Thank you for applying to graduate     


We have received your application to graduate.    Please visit the Commencement community page for further details about graduation by clicking here.



Ldap groups to use:

p_uggr_applied           UG Students who have applied and are now eligible for checking out for a term identified in wreg162 with chk_ind = ‘Y’


p_grgr_applied            GR Students who have applied and are now eligible for checking out for a term identified in wreg162 with chk_ind = ‘Y’ and have not applied for a CERT program.


***Notes the dates this message displays is important and the value of the chk_ind is also critical.




It is time to checkout for graduation


It is now time to checkout for graduation.   Please tell us how many tickets you will need for the ceremony and get the information on your cap and gown clicking here. (Link either takes them to the commencement community page or directly to the application)



Ldap groups to use:

p_uggr_checkout        UG Students who have applied and are now eligible for checking out for a term identified in wreg162 with chk_ind = ‘Y’


p_grgr_checkout         GR Students who have applied and are now eligible for checking out for a term identified in wreg162 with chk_ind = ‘Y’ and have not applied for a CERT program.





Thank you for checking out for graduation


If you are attending a ceremony – please pick up your cap and gown at the bookstore starting April 1st.   Please bring with you the paperwork for the cap and gown either provided by the Office of Student Records for undergraduates or that you printed from the checkout process as a graduate student..    Please see the details regarding commencement services by clicking here.


Ldap groups to use:

p_uggr_checkedout:   Undergraduate students who have completed check out in this term (exists in wreg164) (not necessarily p_gr_eligible)


p_grgr_checkedout:                Graduate students who have completed check out in this term (exists in wreg164) (not necessarily p_gr_eligible)



***Notes the dates this message is displayed is important. 

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