Canisius Faculty Summer Fellowships

Canisius Faculty Summer Fellowships

Summer Fellowships at Canisius are funded in multiple ways. These include the Faculty Fellowship Program* outlined in the Faculty Handbook (Chapter 7, Section B), Mission and Identity Fellowships, and CAS Dean’s summer grants. This documentation serves as guidelines for a central application process for each of these means of supporting faculty summer efforts.

Applications are open to faculty in all three schools though only faculty in CAS are eligible for the CAS Dean's summer grants.

All applications will be reviewed by the department, the dean, and the Summer Research Fellowship Selection Committee. The CAS dean, the office of mission & identity, and the vice president for academic affairs will make funding decisions based on the recommendations of these reviews and the funding line they each administer. The assistant vice president for academic affairs (faculty development) will oversee the application and review process. 

The amount awarded is a $5000 salary stipend. This stipend will be divided across co-recipients for collaborative applications. 

*Open to full-time faculty members who have completed at least two academic years of full-time service at Canisius.

The following documents will be submitted via the Summer Fellowship Submission Portal (click here to submit proposal) extended to February 14, 2025:

  • Summer Fellowship Proposal (click here to see proposal guidelines)

  • A copy of your current CV 

  • If you have received a summer fellowship in the past five years, you may be asked to provide the report from your most recent summer fellowship if it is not already on file in Academic Affairs

  • You will be asked to self-identify how your project connects to our Engaged Scholarship Recognition Initiative to help our community gain a better understanding of the ways in which scholarship at Canisius encompasses important priority areas

Anticipated Additional Important Dates: 

February 14: Deadline for Department’s Evaluation Form (Click here to view form. This form will be completed within the submission portal after the faculty submits their application. This form is typically completed by department chair. If a chair applies, a pro tempore chair should evaluate all proposals from that department.)

February 28: Deadline for Dean's Recommendation to the Committee (Click here to view form. This form will be completed within the submission portal after the department submits their evaluation.)

April 4: Deadline for Summer Fellowship Selection Committee’s Evaluation (Click here to view summer fellowship committee members and evaluation criteria.)

April: Announcement 

Following Fall: Report Due in Annual Report with Copy to Academic Affairs and Dean

Please contact Academic Affairs with any questions you may have regarding summer fellowships.

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