2023-2024 Travel Memo

2023-2024 Travel Memo

Canisius University Memorandum

College of Arts and Sciences

To:           Full-Time Arts & Sciences Faculty
From:      Tom Chambers, Dean
Date:       July 25, 2023

Subject:  Travel Funding for 2023-2024

Very limited funding for faculty travel is available for the 2023-2024 academic year. Funding will be available to pre-tenure faculty and “long-term without tenure” faculty for the following purposes, in order of priority:

1) Presentation of research at an academic conference, in-person or virtual;
2) Primary research at a field site, archive, library, museum, or event;
3) Commenting on a panel at a professional meeting;
4) Attendance at a governing/editorial board meeting for a professional society;
5) Chairing a session at a professional meeting.

The available funding is $900.00 for each pre-tenure/long-term faculty member. Faculty seeking travel funding should file a Travel Authorization Form on the MyCanisius portal. Please use “Dean of Arts & Sciences—Office (5016)” when prompted to “Add Departmental Budget Source.” Please submit your travel requests by September 1st.

I have a limited amount of discretionary money that may be available for tenured faculty members. Please contact me directly if you have been accepted for presentation at a conference. I will give priority to those who have not travelled in recent years or who are preparing for promotion.
Some departments have agency accounts or endowed funds that can be used to support faculty research and professional travel. I encourage all departments to use those resources. Tenured faculty in departments that lack such funds will be given priority in my funding decisions. Please contact me as soon as possible if you would like to travel this academic year.

I will do my very best to find resources to advance your research agenda and professional development.

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