The following are examples of the main type of assistance that we provide at the help desk.
You will mainly assist students if faculty or staff need assistance you can attempt to assist but do not hesitate to send them to Horan O'Donnell 016
We mainly assist with software assistance if the issue is broken hardware or a blue screen with a windows machine please provide the student with the following information.
Mac / / 716-823-3085
PC / Dave Koenig / / 716-440-0498
Printer assistance
- Please keep the library printers stocked with paper.
- We assist with clearing jams.
- Deleting a print job might be necessary if someone selected an incorrect paper size
- Restarting the printer will sometimes resolve issues
- If the issue can not be resolved please call 888-8340 or email the if it happens on a weekend. Make sure to state which printer is not functioning. You can also send a quick ticket to ITS for any issue. Make sure you add a small summary and the phone number or extension.
Set-up wireless on laptop/phone/tablet
Configure Gmail the main thing to know is that when adding the account the email address is
Install ant-virus program Microsoft Defender is usually adequate coverage on a pc.
Remove spyware, adware, viruses for PC
Remove spyware, adware, viruses for MAC
Self help with resetting password
Microsoft 365 / Students have access through the portal. Use when signing in.
Laptop loaners / OM 318 / Can also send them to Griff center in OM 013