Online courses are conducted through our learning management system, D2L. The D2L site is: http://d2l.canisius.edu
Once you log into D2L, you will see a Demo Course link in the Help For Student widget.
You may also want to learn about a Typical Online Course.
We recommend that you access D2L using the Chrome or Firefox Web browsers, on both Macs and PCs. Click here to download Firefox for free. Click here to download Chrome for free.
It is important that you take the time to get to know the product. Please view the helpful links below.
Time Limit
Just as normal classrooms turn over at the end of each semester, all content, including all content authored by the student themselves (notes, assessments completed, and discussion posts), will be locked down at the end of each semester. We highly recommend that you do not use the learning management system as a storage area and that you save all of your coursework in a private location, such as a Google Drive.