If you received a DSN email notice attempting to deliver email to @canisius.edu that contained the SMTP status code 451 4.7.1 with the text "Connection not allowed due to bad reputation" followed by a link to this page, you will need to follow the steps provided below.
- Follow the procedure at https://ipcheck.proofpoint.com/ to lookup your email server IP and request removal from the list
- If you have not received a response using the prior step, and you are conducting business with the college, you will need to contact the ITS Help Desk
- normal business hours are Monday - Thursday 8:00am - 5:00pm and Friday 8:00am - 4:30pm
- phone: 716-888-8340
- email: helpdesk@canisius.edu (you will need to use an email account not hosted by the server that is blocked)
- You can also contact the person at Canisius with whom you are dealing and have them contact the ITS Help Desk on your behalf
- Note that none of the above guarantees we will accept email from your server