Volume II: 2.5 Campus Operations and Facilities Management Policies

Volume II: 2.5 Campus Operations and Facilities Management Policies

2.5  Campus Operations and Facilities Management Policies

2.5.1        Activities and Programs with Minor Children Participants Policy


Effective Date:

May 8, 2017

Policy Number:

II – 2.5.1


Not Applicable.

Issuing Authority:


Responsible Officer:

Vice President for Finance and Administration


University employees, students, and volunteers working in activities and programs with minor children in the course of their University duties.



The purpose of this policy is to promote the health, safety, and welfare of minor children on campus, as well as minors who participate in Canisius University sponsored programs and activities. To support the protection of minor children, this policy outlines what is required of employees, students, student employees, and volunteers who work in activities and programs with minor children, and informs individuals of their reporting obligations in instances of known or suspected child abuse or maltreatment.


Canisius University campus grounds and infrastructure are designed to provide an environment conducive to the University’s mission as an institution of higher education.  For reasons that include the safety of minor children and assuring the efficient performance of academic pursuits, administrative operations and services, the University has adopted the following policies:

  • Minor children must be supervised at all times by an authorized adult while participating in a University-sponsored program or activity.  During these visits, the minor child may not be left unattended or with other University personnel or students;
  • All University-sponsored activities and programs with minor children must register annually with the Office of Event Services;
  • All program staff that have direct contact with minor children or supervise a program with minor children are required to have a background check on record with the University before the adult is hired or allowed to engage with minor children. The background check must be reviewed and approved by Human Resources prior to being hired and/or engaged in working with minor children and at least once every 3 years thereafter.  University personnel that are rehired within a three-year period after their original hire date do not need a background check if one is currently on file with Human Resources;
  • Non-University entities providing adult supervisors for University-based programs and activities involving minor children are required to conduct background checks on program staff and directors at least comparable to the standards indicated in this policy. Moreover, such entities must provide requisite insurance as established by the Office of Event Services;
  • All University staff that have direct contact with minor children or supervise a University-sponsored program with minor children must abide by the standards of behavior listed in the Procedures/Guidelines section of this policy before working in activities and programs with minor children. The standards of behavior prohibits one-on-one interactions unless otherwise authorized in accordance with this policy;
  • All University students coming into contact with minor children must always be supervised by a faculty member; and
  • Any University employees and volunteers that have direct contact with minor children or supervise a University-sponsored program or activity with minor children, who witness child abuse or maltreatment, or have information that would lead a reasonable person to believe a minor child faces a substantial threat of such abuse or neglect, must follow the reporting procedures in the Procedures/Guidelines section of this policy.


Authorized Adult—an adult, including but not limited to University employees, student employees or volunteers, who is responsible for the care, custody or control of the minor(s) child participating in any University-sponsored program or activity.

Child Abuse—encompasses the most serious harms committed against children.  An “abused child’ is a child whose parent or other person legally responsible for his/her care inflicts upon the child serious physical injury, creates a substantial risk of serious physical injury, or commits an act of sex abuse against the child.  Not only can a person be abusive to a child if they perpetrate any of these actions against a child in their care, they can be guilty of abusing a child if they allow someone else to do these things to that child.  Child abuse is defined in law at Section 412 of the Social Services Law and at Section 1012 of the Family Court Act.

University Housing—Facilities owned by, or under the control of, the University intended for use as housing.

Minor Children a child under the age of 18, with the exception of properly enrolled students and employees.

Maltreatment (includes Neglect)—refers to the quality of care a child is receiving from those responsible for him/her.  Maltreatment occurs when a parent or other person legally responsible for the care of a child harms a child, or places a child in imminent danger of harm by failing to exercise the minimum degree of care in providing the child with any of the following: food, clothing, shelter, education or medical care when financially able to do so.  Maltreatment can also result from abandonment of a child or from not providing adequate supervision for the child.  Further, a child may be maltreated if a parent engages in excessive use of drugs or alcohol such that it interferes with their ability to adequately supervise the child.

Neglect is defined in law at Section 1012 of the Family Court Act.  Maltreatment is defined in law at Section 412 of the Social Services Law.  Although the terms are not synonymous in the law, for the purposes of this policy, the terms neglect and maltreatment are used interchangeably.

Mandated Reporters—are certain professionals recognized by New York State who are specially equipped to perform the important role of mandated reporter of child abuse or maltreatment.  Please refer to the Summary Guide for Mandated Reporters in New York State (Pub. 1159) for a listing of mandatory reports under New York law.

Program/Activity Leader—the University point person for a University-sponsored program or activity.

Sponsoring Department—the academic or administrative department of the University which offers a program or activity or gives approval for use of University facilities.


The following procedures and policy guidelines apply to a sponsoring department offering or approving a program or activity that involves minor children or provides University housing for minor children participating in a program or activity:


Departments sponsoring activities and programs with minor children, including all camps, must register annually with the Office of Event Services prior to the beginning of the University’s fiscal year for ongoing programs and activities.  Information to be provided includes the general nature of the activities and program to be undertaken or offered; the dates and locations where minors will be participating; and the names of all adults who will be participating directly with minors in the program or activity.

In addition, each sponsoring department is required to obtain Health and Liability Waiver forms for each program participant and program staff member and submit it to the Office of Event Services prior to first day of the program or activity.

Background Screens

Each authorized adult that will have direct contact with minor children or supervise a University-sponsored program or activity with minor children is required to have a criminal background screen on record with the University before the adult is hired or allowed to engage with minor children. The background screen must be reviewed and approved by Human Resources prior to being hired and/or engaged in working with minor children and at least once every three (3) years thereafter.  Employees or volunteers do not need a background screen if one is currently on file with the University within the three-year period after the original hire or volunteer date.  Non-University entities providing adult supervisors for University-based programs or activities are required to conduct background checks on program staff and supervisors at least comparable to the University standards.

In order to complete a background screen, the sponsoring department must send the appropriate form(s) for each employee and volunteer to Human Resources no later than two weeks prior to the start of the program.

In addition to criminal records screens, the University also conducts a sex offender registry search.

It is the responsibility of the person in charge of the University-sponsored program or activity to assure that each authorized adult has submitted the required background screen request form(s) and has subsequently received clearance to participate.  Human Resources will maintain a roster of individuals who have been cleared to participate and the dates on which a new background check will be required.  The background screen will be limited to criminal offenses, including, but not limited to, child abuse, for which an individual has been convicted, pled guilty to a felony or misdemeanor, or where such charges are currently pending.

A decision not to permit an individual to participate in a program or activity covered by this policy based on the results of a background check will be made by Human Resources after consultation with the appropriate Senior Leadership Team member.  The University reserves the right to take appropriate action with respect to University employees who may have falsified or failed to disclose information material to their employment/volunteer status on applicable applications/forms uncovered as a result of the background check, including and up to immediate termination.  Copies of background check reports will be retained in Human Resources.

All contracts for the services of independent contractors that will be working with minor children must include a provision assuring that the personnel of such independent contractors or the contractor (in the case of a solo contractor) has complied with, at a minimum, background screens and training comparable to those required by the University under this policy.  In addition, all independent contractors must reference this policy and the Child Abuse and Maltreatment Policy to such contracts.

Orientation Training

Each authorized adult who will be participating in a program covered by this policy must attend mandatory orientation training on the standards of behavior requirements of this policy, on protecting minor children participants from abusive emotional and physical treatment, and on appropriate or required reporting of incidents of improper conduct to the proper authorities including, but not limited to, appropriate law enforcement authorities.  All training will be conducted or approved by the Office of Event Services, in conjunction with Human Resources and the Title IX coordinator.

Reporting Child Abuse or Neglect

If a program participant discloses any type of assault or abuse (at any time previous to, during or after the program), or an authorized adult has reason to believe that the participant has been subject to such abuse or maltreatment, the authorized adult must immediately call 911 or the local law enforcement agency.  Further procedures for addressing child abuse or Maltreatment can be found in the University’s Child Abuse and Maltreatment Policy.

Authorized adults must make all reasonable efforts to ensure the safety of minor children participating in University-sponsored programs and activities covered by this policy, including removal of minors children from dangerous or potentially dangerous situations, irrespective of any other limitation or requirement.

Standards of Behavior

Authorized adults or any adult participating in University-sponsored programs and activities covered by this policy may not:

  • Have one-on-one contact with minor children; in general, it is expected that activities where minor children are present will involve two or more authorized adult participants/supervisors;
  • Participate in a sleepover under the auspices of the University-sponsored program or activity, unless two or more authorized adults are present and remain in each other’s presence at all times;
  • Engage in abusive conduct of any kind toward, or in the presence of, a minor child, including but not limited to hazing or verbal, physical, and/or cyber bullying;
  • Strike, hit, administer corporal punishment to, or touch in an inappropriate or illegal manner any minor child;
  • Pick up minor children or drop off minor children from their homes (other than the driver’s child or children or friends of the driver’s child or children other than when such child or children are present) at their homes in the adult’s personal vehicle, whether before, during, or after the program or activity;
  • Engage in the use of alcohol or illegal drugs or be under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs during University-sponsored programs or activities;
  • Make pornography in any form available to minor children participating in programs and activities covered by this policy or assist them in any way in gaining access to pornography;
  • Possess fireworks, firearms, guns, knives, archery equipment and other weapons during University-sponsored programs or activities unless being used for an officially sanctioned and approved instructional program;
  • Permit the operation of motor vehicles by minor children while attending and participating in the University-sponsored program or activity;
  • Use tobacco products during University-sponsored programs or activities; or
  • Inappropriately use mobile devices, cell phones, cameras, imaging, and digital devices, including use of such devices in showers, restrooms, or other areas where privacy is expected by participants during University-sponsored programs or activities.

Use of University Housing

If the University-sponsored program includes minor children residing in University housing, the rules and regulations must be observed:

  • Written permission from the minor child’s parent/guardian must be obtained by Student Affairs and submitted to the Office of Event Services prior to the minor child’s stay in University housing;
  • The establishment of a curfew time which is age-appropriate for the participants as determined by the program director, which in no case shall be later than midnight;
  • In-room visitation will be restricted to participants of the same gender;
  • Guests of participants (other than a parent/legal guardian and other program participants) are restricted to visitation in the building lobby and/or floor lounges, and only during approved hours specified by the program; and
  • The program must comply with all security measures and procedures specified by Residence Life and Public Safety.


Alcohol and Drug Prevention Program Policy

Child Abuse and Maltreatment Policy

Children in the Classroom and Workplace Policy

Sexual and Gender-Based Misconduct Policy

Smoking and Tobacco Use Policy

2.5.2        Bicycles, Hoverboards, Skateboards, and In-Line Skates/Blades Policy


Effective Date:

May 8, 2017

Policy Number:

II -2.5.2


Not Applicable.

Issuing Authority:


Responsible Officer:

Vice President Finance and Administration


All members of the Canisius University community.



The purpose of this policy is to address the concern of personal injury or property damage occurring on campus caused by skateboards, hoverboards, skates, in-line skates, bicycles and other similar vehicles without prohibiting their use altogether.  This policy is in no way intended to discourage the appropriate use of these alternative modes of transportation.


Every person riding a bicycle within the campus has all the rights and is subject to all the duties of a driver of an automobile.  Bicycles must be operated in a safe manner and may not be ridden in campus buildings. Bicycles can be stored in offices or locked on bike racks located outside of buildings.  Bicycles may not be secured to trees, light poles, posts, handrails, or buildings.

In addition to the above, the following policies have been established for the safety of the Canisius University community:

  • Riding bicycles, rollerblades, skateboards, skates, in-line skates, hoverboards, or other conveyances in rooms, hallways, courtyards, lounges, and lobbies, as well on all steps and stairways is prohibited;
  • Bicycles, rollerblades, skateboards, skates, in-line skates, hoverboards, or other conveyances may not be ridden on sidewalks or walkways where there is a likelihood that such operation will duly interfere with pedestrian traffic; caution is to be exercised at all times and the right of way yielded to pedestrians;
  • Unauthorized motorized vehicles, other than wheelchairs, may not be operated on sidewalks;
  • Bicycles, rollerblades, skateboards, skates, in-line skates, hoverboards, or other conveyances may not be ridden on any artificial or specially prepared surface (i.e., running tracks and basketball courts) with the exception of pedagogical use under the direction of a faculty member who has determined that the prepared surface cannot be damaged by such activity;
  • All persons operating bicycles, rollerblades, skateboards, skates, in-line skates, hoverboards, or other conveyances on campus are expected to comply with and are subject to state and local ordinances, including adhering to all posted warning, caution, or speed limit signs;
  • In the absence of posted speed limits, operators are expected to act in a responsible manner and in respect of local conditions; and
  • No person traveling upon bicycles, rollerblades, skateboards, skates, in-line skates, hoverboards, or other conveyances is permitted to cling to or attach themselves to any other moving vehicle or golf cart on campus.


Not applicable.


Individuals violating this policy are subject to disciplinary action and, as appropriate, legal citation, including the failure to stop at the scene of an accident in which they have been involved that results in property damage and or injury.  Identification must be presented to the other party and the accident reported to Public Safety.  The University will seek restitution if University property is damaged or destroyed.  Public Safety may also ban any offender from riding in certain areas of the campus or on the entire campus for up to one year or longer should there be repeat offenses.


Not applicable. 

2.5.3        Children in the Classroom and Workplace Policy


Effective Date:

May 8, 2017

Policy Number:

II – 2.5.3


Not Applicable.

Issuing Authority:


Responsible Officer:

Vice President for Academic Affairs and Human Resources


All members of the Canisius University community.



The purpose of this policy is to promote the health, safety, and welfare of minor children on campus and to establish guidelines for supervisors and course instructors who are responsible for addressing issues of minor children in the workplace and classroom or laboratory/research facilities.  It also outlines responsibilities for parents and caregivers for any minor children they are permitted to bring to Canisius University facilities, whether they are students, staff, or faculty/instructors.


Canisius University campus grounds and infrastructure are designed to provide an environment conducive to the University’s mission as an institution of higher education.  For reasons that include the safety of minor children and assuring the efficient performance of academic pursuits, administrative operations and services, the University has adopted the following policies:

  • Minor children must be supervised at all times by a parent, guardian, or caregiver while on campus or participating in a University-sponsored program or activity.  During these visits, the Minor may not be left unattended or with other employees or students;
  • The University does not allow the continued or reoccurring presence of a non-enrolled minor child in the workplace or classroom setting for the following reasons: (1) the potential for interruption of work; (2) health and safety concerns; and (3) liability to the University;
  • Minor children may be brought to the workplace by parent or caregiver employees in the case of unforeseen or emergency situations or when common sense would dictate that it is more efficient for the employee to bring the minor child into the workplace (e.g., following or before a physician’s appointment if child is not contagious).  Such arrangements should be infrequent and only to be temporary in nature;
  • Minor children are generally not permitted in classrooms while classrooms are in session unless permission is granted by the course instructor.  Should a minor child become disruptive, the student and minor child may be asked to leave by the course instructor.
  • In keeping with the provisions of the Affordable Care Act, the University allows for reasonable break times for lactating mothers to express milk and provides accommodations shielded from view to do so.  In addition, mothers who choose to breast feed their infant at the workplace are allowed to do so as an exception to this policy.
  • Employees and students who bring minor children to the workplace or classroom are responsible for all aspects of the child’s behavior.  The employee or student is responsible for the minor child’s safety and is financially responsible for any damages caused by the child.  The University does not accept liability for injuries to children or visitors on University premises in violation of this policy.
  • Minor children are generally permitted in general use areas and facilities (athletic fields, public spaces, academic buildings, food service areas, etc.) with a parent, guardian or caregiver, but may be restricted from certain areas of these areas and facilities or from utilizing certain equipment.
  • A minor child with an infectious disease should never be brought to campus.
  • Even when accompanied by a parent, guardian or caregiver, minor children not participating in a University-sponsored program or activity are prohibited from high-risk areas such as: laboratories, shops, studios, mechanical rooms, power plants, garages, food preparation areas, or any areas containing power tools or machinery with exposed moving parts.
  • This policy is not intended to prohibit participation in a University-sponsored event, such as “Take Your Child to Work Day” or other events where families are invited and encouraged to participate.


Minor Children—children under the age of 18, with the exception of employees and enrolled students.


Responsibilities of the Parent or Caregiver

In the case of unforeseen or emergency situations when common sense would dictate that it is more efficient for the employee to bring the minor child into the workplace or classroom, parents or caregivers must contact their immediate supervisor (employees) or course instructor (students) as soon as possible in order to make a request to bring a minor child to work or class.

Such arrangements are expected to be infrequent and temporary in nature.  This allowance is not applicable to high-risk areas such as: laboratories, shops, studios, mechanical rooms, power plants, garages, food preparation areas, or any areas containing power tools or machinery with exposed moving parts.

If the primary considerations of health, safety, institutional liability, productivity, professionalism, or the quality of the working or learning environment are compromised by the frequency of the minor child’s presence, in the opinion of a supervisor or course instructor, the parent may be instructed not to bring the child into the workplace, or to request an exception.  An exception requires written justification signed by the caregiver.  The justification must be routed through and approved by the appropriate Senior Leadership Team member.  Requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis and will be rare.

If a request is approved, the minor child must be directly supervised by the parent or caregiver at all times and the parent or caregiver is responsible for all aspects of the child’s behavior.  The parent or caregiver may not ask any other employee, course instructor, or student to supervise the child.

If a request is approved, the minor child must be directly supervised by the parent or caregiver at all times and the parent or caregiver is responsible for all aspects of the child’s behavior. The parent or caregiver may not ask any other employee, course instructor, or student to supervise the child.

Parents or caregivers must ensure that the presence of a minor child does not disrupt or interfere with the productivity of the work or learning environment.  Parents or caregivers will be required to remove the minor child if the child’s behavior becomes disruptive or a distraction to other employees or students.

Minor children are not to have access to any confidential information at any time.

Responsibilities of the Employee Supervisor

A supervisor has the responsibility and right to instruct the parent not to bring the child into the workplace, to limit the frequency, or to request an exception if, in the judgment of the supervisor, the presence of the minor child compromises the health or safety of fellow employees, workplace productivity or the presence of a high quality working environment.

Supervisors are responsible to give appropriate consideration to mothers who wish to breastfeed their infants at work and report the same to the applicable Senior Leadership Team member.  Supervisors are expected to work with the Human Resources to ensure that mothers have reasonable accommodation to do so in private.

Supervisor should consult the Human Resources if there is any concern of question regarding an employee’s request to bring a minor child to the workplace.

Responsibilities of the Course Instructor

A course instructor has the responsibility and right to have the student remove the minor child if, in the judgment of the course instructor, the presence of the minor child compromises the health or safety of fellow students, classroom productivity or the presence of a high quality learning environment.

A course instructor should consult with his or her department chair if there is any concern of question regarding a student’s request to bring a minor child to class.


Activities and Programs with Minor Children Participants Policy

Child Abuse and Maltreatment Policy 

2.5.4        University Space Policy


Effective Date:

May 8, 2017

Policy Number:

II – 2.5.4


Not Applicable.

Issuing Authority:


Responsible Officer:

Vice President for Finance and Administration


All members of the Canisius University community.


Approved 2/18/2104; Approved by Board of Trustees May 8, 2017


This policy is intended to provide a centralized structure to manage all Canisius University property and facilities as deemed appropriate to:

  • Accomplish the mission of the University;
  • Implement established priorities;
  • Attain a safer and healthier environment;
  • Achieve operational efficiency and economy; and
  • Improve the land use, space utilization, or appearance of the institution.


All space at the University belongs to Canisius University. The University will allocate and reassign space to best support and further the University’s academic mission and priorities. All University space allocations, space utilization, requests for space changes, or additions must be approved by the University president in accordance with the procedures and policy guidelines set forth in this policy.


University Space—a contiguous area on the University campus that accommodates a single use.  “Space” can refer to interior or to exterior space.



Implementing this policy will serve to raise the assurance that all Canisius University property and facilities are deemed necessary and are planned:

  • Integrally, with strategic, academic, and financial planning initiatives;
  • Comprehensively, and in coordination with concurrent plans;
  • Responsibly, in pursuit of optimum allocation, utilization, and operation; and
  • Fiscally, for the maximum benefit of available resources; and aesthetically, to express an image that Canisius University is a place of quality, excellence, and rich tradition.


The Office of Facilities Management will be responsible for the development of procedures for campus planning, capital project planning, and space management which incorporate and complement existing policies for the main campus and other properties, as well as managing space on campus. 

A Facilities Project Working Group designated by the president will be responsible for reviewing University space allocations, space utilization, requests for space changes, or additions and for making recommendations to the president for approval.  The Facilities Project Working Group will consist of:

  • vice president for finance and administration;
  • vice president for student affairs;
  • vice president for academic affairs;
  • associate vice president for academic affairs;
  • faculty representation; and
  • director of facilities management.

The Facilities Project Working Group shall meet at least once a semester.


Any department requiring additional space or modification to existing space shall complete a Facilities Project Request form. All requests are subject to an approval process which starts with a review by the requestor's budget owner. If approved by the budget owner, then the request is reviewed by the department vice president. The department vice president can disapprove the request or direct it to the Facilities Project Working Group for further review. The Facilities Project Working Group will review and evaluate requests based on the space policy goals as enumerated in this policy. The Facilities Project Working Group shall meet at least twice a semester or as necessitated by the urgency of a request.


Debt Management Policy

Event Management Policy for External Clients

Event Management Policy for Internal Users

2.5.5        Credit Card Marketing Policy


Effective Date:

May 8, 2017

Policy Number:

II – 2.5.5


Not Applicable.

Issuing Authority:


Responsible Officer:

Vice President for Finance and Administration


All members of the Canisius University community.



The purpose of this policy is to comply with NYS Education Law Section 6437, which prohibits the advertising, marketing, or merchandising of credit cards on University campuses.


Pursuant to NYS Education Law Section 6437, Canisius University prohibits the advertising, marketing, or merchandising of credit cards to students on University owned, operated, or controlled property, and at any University-sponsored events.  This prohibition applies to all banks and other commercial entities (including their third-party representatives) that engage in the on-campus marketing of credit cards to students through solicitation activities.


Not Applicable.


Not Applicable.


Not Applicable.

2.5.6        Demonstrations on Campus Policy


Effective Date:

May 8, 2017

Policy Number:

II – 2.5.6


Not Applicable.

Issuing Authority:


Responsible Officer:



All members of the Canisius University community.



The purpose of this policy is to promote the academic mission of the University by providing students and employees with an environment that encourages and promotes the dissemination of information and the pursuit of knowledge.  Demonstration is a natural part of fulfilling that mission, as long as they occur in a manner that is respectful of and does not infringe on the rights or safety of others, does not damage property, and does not disrupt normal University operations.


Demonstrations by members of University community must be registered and approved in writing 72 hours in advance by the president’s office, which will then notify Public Safety of the approval.  Demonstrations may be organized and led only by members of the Canisius University community.

Demonstrations or other forms of expression may not compromise the rights of other members of the University community, nor interfere materially with the general operation of Canisius University.  Free speech is a cherished foundation of academia.  Forms of expression, however, may not be contrary to the University mission or demean or degrade individuals on the basis of a protected class as set forth in the University’s Notice of Non-Discrimination Statement.

Sponsorship or participation in demonstrations in no way relieves the individuals or organizations involved in such activities of responsibility for their conduct.  Individuals and organizations sponsoring or participating in demonstrations are accountable for compliance with applicable laws, this policy, and other applicable University policies.


Demonstrations—includes the presence of one or more persons on the Canisius University campus with the intent to express a particular point of view in a manner that attracts attention, as in protests, rallies, sit-ins, vigils, or similar forms of expression.


All approved demonstrations (and expression of any form) at Canisius University must be peaceful and orderly and confined to campus and the hours approved by the president’s office.

In the event or threat of a non-approved demonstration or an approved demonstration that is not peaceful or orderly or otherwise violates this policy, the emergency demonstration procedures set forth in the Canisius University Crisis Response Plan will be implemented.

Individuals violating this policy are subject to disciplinary action.


Crisis Response Plan TBA

Freedom of Expression Policy

Notice of Non-Discrimination Statement (TBA, will be included in Volume II)

Political Activities and Speakers Policy

Sexual and Gender-Based Misconduct Policy

2.5.7        Event Alcohol Policy


Effective Date:

May 8, 2017

Policy Number:

II – 2.5.7


Not Applicable.

Issuing Authority:


Responsible Officer:

Vice President for Finance and Administration


All members of the Canisius University community and external clients.



The purpose of this policy is to establish policies, procedures, and guidelines for the service of Alcohol at a Canisius University facility or facilities.


A liquor license or catering permit is required for all events at which alcohol is served on Canisius University premises.  In addition, compliance with the procedures and policy guidelines set forth in this policy, as well as the Canisius University Alcohol and Drug Policy and other applicable University policies, is required.


Alcohol or Alcoholic Beverages–any alcoholic liquor, wine, cereal malt beverages, or beer. 

Alcoholic Liquor–any wine, whiskey, gin, vodka, or any other intoxicating liquor.

Cereal Malt Beverage–any beverage having more than 3.2% alcohol by weight produced by fermentation and not by distillation. 

Beer–any beverage having more than 3.2% alcohol by weight produced by fermentation.



  1. A liquor license or catering permit is required for all events at which alcohol is served on Canisius University premises.
  2. The Canisius University liquor license covers the following buildings and their corresponding types of bars:
  • Student Center – full bar: beer, wine, and liquor
  • Montante Cultural Center – full bar: beer, wine, and liquor
  • Palisano Pavilion and the cement front patio – beer and wine ONLY
  • Patrick Lee
  1. During NCAA athletic events and at functions where admission fees are charged, Alcohol cannot be served on University premises.  For all other functions the proper permit must be obtained.  The University reserves the right to determine whether alcohol may be served at any event in accordance with this policy.
  2. All other facilities, spaces, and grounds not covered by the Canisius University liquor license require a temporary catering permit from the New York State Liquor Authority in order to serve alcohol at an event.
    1. The sponsoring organization is responsible for requesting a catering permit through New York State no later than thirty days prior to the event date.
    2. The sponsoring organization is responsible for the permit fee.
    3. Any questioning of the policy regarding the temporary catering permit should be directed to the appropriate vice president.

General Event Guidelines

These guidelines apply to ALL events on the Canisius University campus.

  1. The sponsor of the event must complete an event request form either online with the online event space/request form.
  2. For all events serving alcohol, Public Safety must be notified of the event by the Office of Event Services.  Public Safety will determine the number of personnel appropriate for the event.  The event sponsor is responsible for the payment of security personnel.  See Security Guidelines.
  3. The University’s dining management company must order the alcohol for the event.  A trained bartender employed by the University’s dining management company is responsible for checking the wristbands and is to serve alcoholic beverages only to persons legally permitted to consume or make a purchase.
  4. The University’s dining management company, as an agent for Canisius University, may refuse sales or service of alcohol to anyone who is believed to be intoxicated and may pose a risk to themselves or others.  The dining management company will inform the on-site event organizer and or Public Safety of the decision to refuse service.
  5. The event sponsor is responsible for the payment of the dining management company’s bartender(s) and wristbander(s).  Any questioning of this procedure should be directed to the appropriate vice president.
  6. Canisius University cannot legally accept and distribute donated alcohol / liquor unless it is donated from or through a wholesaler / distributor or winery.  Wholesaler / distributor or winery is defined as businesses from which the University would purchase alcohol.
    1. Canisius University requires that the wholesaler / distributor or winery to provide the University with a donation receipt.
    2. The wholesaler/distributor or winery is responsible for the delivery of the donated alcohol.  The University then becomes the owner of the donated alcohol.  The sponsoring organization cannot leave the premises with the alcohol.
    3. All alcohol orders must be received 14 days prior to the event date.
    4. The service of alcohol must, at all times, conform to state and local laws, and the University’s Community Standards.
    5. The consumption of alcohol may not be the focus of an event.
    6. Alcohol may not be carried onto or off the premises of a permitted area by anyone other than a staff member from the University’s dining management company.
    7. The sponsor must provide:
      1. Non-alcoholic beverages; and
      2. A substantial amount of food, consistent with the number of anticipated guests.

Identification Checks

In addition to the general event guidelines, the following must be adhered to when students attend events:

  1. Students will be admitted to events with alcohol only with a valid Canisius University ID card.  Students of legal drinking age must also present a valid driver’s license or legal government identification for proof of legal age prior to being served alcohol at the event;
  2. The University’s dining management company will hire a wristband distributor who is responsible for assisting Public Safety personnel by placing wristbands on students who are eligible to purchase or consume alcoholic beverages.  Payment for the wristband distributor will be the responsibility of the sponsor.
    1. Upon request, a comprehensive list of Canisius Students that are of legal age will be provided by the Office of Student Life and will be in the possession of the wristband distributor; and
    2. Wristbands can be supplied by the University’s dining management company.
    3. The dining management company’s bartender is responsible for checking the wristbands and is to serve alcoholic beverages only to persons legally permitted to consume or make a purchase.
    4. External clients are asked to assist the Public Safety officer, wristband distributor and the bartender in identifying which of their guests are underage.


All publicity regarding the event at which alcohol is served must be approved through the Office of Student Life.  To be approved, publicity must:

  1. Conform to state and local laws;
  2. Include the name of the sponsoring organization;
  3. State that a valid driver’s license or legal government identification is required to determine whether persons may consume alcoholic beverages;
  4. NOT contain visual representations of such items as foaming mugs, beer cans, kegs, or other items promoting alcoholic beverages; and
  5. NOT give any single refreshment undue emphasis, though it may state the variety of refreshments available.

Student Club and Organization Sponsored Events

Event Planning

  1. All student organization events where alcohol is served must be registered and pre-approved by the Office of Student Life.  The Office of Student Life will assist all student organizations in the development of their event (i.e. completing the event request form).
  2. For all student organization events where alcohol is served, Public Safety must be contacted and will determine the number of officers appropriate for the event. 
  • The Office of Student Life will notify the Office of Event Services of the need for Public Safety.
  • The Office of Event Services will contact Public Safety for all security arrangements.
  • The student organization is responsible for the payment of Public Safety officers.
  1. Student organization advisors will:
  • Be notified of all space reservations and security arrangements for the event by the Office of Student Life.
  • Must approve and be in attendance during the entire event where alcohol is served; and
  • Terminate the function if University policies are not followed.
  1. Identification Checks: In addition to the general event guidelines, the following must be adhered to when students attend events:
  • Students will be admitted to events with alcohol only with a valid Canisius University ID card AND a valid driver’s license or legal government identification for proof of legal age.
  • The University’s dining management company will hire a wristband distributor who is responsible for assisting Public Safety personnel by placing wristbands on students who are eligible to purchase or consume alcoholic beverages. Payment for the wristband distributor will be the responsibility of the sponsor: (a) Upon request, a comprehensive list of Canisius Students that are of legal age will be provided by the Office of Student Life and will be in the possession of the wristband distributor; (b) Wristbands can be supplied by the University’s dining management company.
  1. The University’s dining management company will hire the appropriate number of bartenders.  The student organization is responsible for the payment of these bartenders and will be billed for their services.
  2. The sponsoring organization must post hours of service at all bars.  The service of alcohol must cease at least thirty minutes prior to the end of the event.

Security Guidelines

  1. For all events serving alcohol, Public Safety must be contacted at least fourteen (14) days prior to the event to determine the security needs of the event.
  2. Depending upon the nature of the event, either:
  • At least one Public Safety officer will be hired to be in attendance at the event. Additional officers may be required as determined by the Department of Public Safety, the Office of Event Services, and the Office of Student Life; and
  • Public Safety staff will monitor the event with on-duty officers.
  1. Responsibilities of Public Safety officer(s) will include:
  • Checking identification at the entrance of the event;
  • Monitoring the perimeter of the alcohol permit area;
  • Handling disturbances;
  • Assisting at the points of sale of service as necessary; and
  • Terminating an event if any University policies are not followed.
  1. The event sponsor is responsible for paying Public Safety.


This policy is subject to change.


Event Alcohol Policy

2.5.8        Event Management Policy for External Clients


Effective Date:

May 8, 2017

Policy Number:

II – 2.5.8


Not Applicable.

Issuing Authority:


Responsible Officer:

Vice President for Finance and Administration


All external clients seeking to rent a Canisius University facility.



The purpose of this policy is to establish policies, procedures, and guidelines for the rental of Canisius University facility or facilities by external clients.


The University’s facilities are primarily used to support its educational mission.  After meeting the space needs of the University’s faculty, staff, and students, facilities may be rented to external clients at the discretion of the Office of Event Services, with the approval of the vice president for student affairs.

The facilities of Canisius University are private property, and the University reserves the right to control access to its campus.

All clients must comply with all University policies and procedures, as well as any terms set forth in a facility use agreement.  Such terms may include, but are not limited to, requirement for background checks, sexual abuse awareness training, waivers of liability, reservation deposits, and certificates of insurance.

Canisius University reserves the right to cancel a reservation if the confirmed facilities/grounds are needed by the University.  These instances are rare, and every attempt will be made to avoid this situation.

The client is also responsible for any/all additional charges for the event, including but not limited to, additional equipment, staff, security, and housekeeping services (see Billing and Charges in the Procedures/Guidelines section below).

In addition to the above, the policies and procedures set forth in the Procedures/Guidelines section of the Policy must be followed.


External Clients— anyone renting the University’s facilities for non- University business or private use.

Facility/Facilities—all buildings, land, and property of Canisius University.


Event Reservation Guidelines

  1. All room reservations for events utilizing facilities/grounds that are not primarily used for academic classes, religious events, or athletic practices/competitions are requested through the Office of Event Services.
  2. If the client’s preferred facility is not available, the Office of Event Services will:
  • Suggest an alternative location for the event.
  • Reserve the appropriate facility for each event based on attendance and type of event.
  1. Reservation Timetable
  • No more than three (3) holds can be made per specific event.
  • Once the reservations are made, please follow the timetable below to confirm the event date:

Reservations that are made:

Timeframe to confirm a reservation

One year or more prior to the event date

Five months

Less than one year to two months prior to the event date

30 days

Less than two months prior to the event date

14 days

Less than one month prior to the event date

4 days

Note: External clients are not permitted to book events during the academic year (August-May) one year prior to event date.

5      It is the client’s responsibility to keep the Office of Event Services apprised of the status of their event, especially when a tentative space reservation is no longer needed.

6      If the event cannot be confirmed within the applicable timeframe, and there is no communication from the client, the client will be contacted regarding the release of all their event request hold dates.  The initial requestor can make another hold request for the same dates based on availability.

7      Conflict Resolution: Scheduling conflicts will be resolved by the Office of Event Services, based upon earliest reservation date.  Priority will be given if the event is an annual University event that is important to the operation of the University’s mission.  In the event a conflict cannot be resolved to the satisfaction of all parties, the vice president for student affairs will make the final decision.

Event Cancellation/Change Policy

  1. Event Cancellation for External Clients – External clients that need to cancel their event should adhere to the Space Rental Agreement/Contract and contact the Office of Event Services at 716-888-2180.
  2. Changes to an event setup must be made more than 14 business days in advance of the event.
  3. Catering Cancellation: If the event includes catering services, the client must also cancel food orders by contacting the University’s dining management company with the event date, time and location.  Clients will be charged 10% of the cost of the catering order if the order is not canceled within the appropriate time frame.  If the event is not canceled, the client will be billed for the full amount of the catering order.
  • Events with catering orders greater than $100.00 must be canceled at least five business days prior to the event;
  • Events with catering orders less than $100.00 must be canceled at least two business days prior to the event.

Event Guidelines for External Users

  1. Reservations - External users must first contact the Office of Event Services at (716) 888-2180 to provide a full description of their event and request facilities/grounds and resources for their event.
  2. Approval – The Office of Event Services will review the event request, approve it, schedule the event and issue an event confirmation number via email.  In general, all clients will be notified of their event request status within two business days of its submittal.
  3. Room Setups/Audio/Visual/Media Needs – The client must contact and work directly with the Office of Event Services to request all room set-ups and audio/visual/media equipment.  All set-ups must be submitted 14 days prior to their event date.  Services cannot be guaranteed after that date; see billing and charges.
  4. Event Reservation Time - It is Canisius University’s expectation of the client to adhere to the specified event reservation time.
  5. It is the client’s responsibility to return the room to its pre-event condition at the completion of the event. Failure to do so will result in charges, see billing and charges.
  6. The University’s dining management company – If any food, beverage, or linen is to be provided, contact the University’s dining management company.
  7. The Office of Event Services must be notified 14 days in advance if the event is to be catered.
  8. Ordering Alcohol - If serving alcoholic beverages at the event, see the Canisius University Alcohol Policy for Events.

Facility Rental Fee Policy for External Clients

Upon receipt of a signed contract, 50% of the total rental is due.  The balance is due 14 days prior to the event date.  Any additional charges will be due upon completion of the event.  For a timetable on the monetary refunds/charges for canceling a facility rental, see billing and charges.  A final invoice will be issued to the client for any additional charges accrued upon completion of the event.

Event Equipment Policy


  1. The Office of Event Services coordinates the set-up of event equipment (tables, chairs, and media equipment, etc.) for all events.
  2. External users may only use the University’s event equipment when the equipment is not required for other University-sponsored events.
  3. If additional event equipment is required, an outside vendor must be secured to provide these services.
  • The Office of Event Services reserves the right to approve all outside vendors before contracts are signed with the vendor.
  • The client is responsible for paying the additional charges of the rental equipment; including delivery, set up, take down, and pick up by the vendor.
  1. Canisius University furniture and event equipment is NOT to be moved without the consent of the Office of Event Services.
  2. Canisius University furniture and event equipment cannot be moved off campus property.
  3. Piano Use - Clients who wish to use any of the campus pianos will be charged for piano tuning by the University approved piano tuner.

Event Set-up Modifications

  1. The Office of Event Services must be notified before an event if a change is to occur with the set up of the facility/grounds.
  2. Under 10 business days prior to their event, clients will be assessed charges if they request modifications to be made to an agreed upon event set-up; see billing and charges.
  3. For events that occur after operating hours, the client will be responsible for any payment for additional staff that is needed to support the event.

Media Center Services Policy for Support of Non-Classroom Events

Services Provided

The Media Center’s primary function is to support academic classes.  The Media Center also provides media equipment support for non-classroom events to the extent that resources are available.  The Media Center will:

  1. Set up all requested media equipment; and
  2. Assist in training the client on the requested equipment if needed.

Procedure for Ordering Media Equipment and Services

  1. The Office of Event Services will work with the client to determine the media equipment needed for the event and will request these services from the Media Center.
  2. Event requests must be received at least 14 days in advance of the event date to ensure that the client’s needs are accommodated.  Late requests cannot be guaranteed.
  3. If an outside vendor is needed or if additional labor is necessary, additional costs will be incurred at the client’s expense.

Housekeeping Policy

  1. It is the client’s responsibility to make sure the facility is returned to the condition in which it was received prior to the event.
  2. The University’s dining management company will be responsible for cleaning up their equipment and supplies.

Decorations Policy

General Decorations Guidelines:

  1. All decorations must be free-standing and self-contained.
  2. Exit or exit signage cannot be blocked, hidden, or disguised.
  3. Keep exits and corridors free and clear.
  4. Extension cords are not permitted.
  5. Decorations can be affixed to walls with painter’s tape only. The client is responsible to provide their own painter’s tape.

Prohibited Items/Decorations:

  1. The use of nails, tacks, screws, or other sharp objects for securing materials to walls, lighting fixtures, ceilings or floors.
  2. Hanging decorations from any life safety system devices including but not limited to smoke detectors, heat detectors, sprinkler heads, sprinkler pipes, fire extinguisher cabinets, emergency lights, etc.
  3. Hanging decorations from cables or conduits.
  4. Flammable decorations.
  5. Flash pots, smudge pots, pyrophoric materials, or fireworks of any kind.
  6. Decorations posted on official signs (e.g. STOP signs, University signs).
  7. Banners which impede access to any building or more than 20 feet from the ground, without specific permission from the Office of Event Services.
  8. All tape except painter’s tape. No tape is permitted on the glass in Palisano Pavilion. Painter’s tape is available in the Office of Event Services.
  9. Helium balloons in Montante Cultural Center and Marie Maday Theater.
  10. No decoration, sign, or posting of any kind may not be fixed, taped or glued to the floor of any building at any time.

Additional Decoration Guidelines

  1. Candles may not be used by external client.
  2. Confetti, mylar sprinkles, table centerpiece confetti, or other similar items are not permitted at an event as table decorations.
  3. The client is responsible for removing and disposing of all decorations/signage at the completion of an event.  See billing and charges.
  4. The Office of Event Services reserves the right to inspect and approve all decorations.

Billing and Charges


External clients will receive a bill in the mail which may include but is not limited to:

  1. Rental of the facility;
  2. Security personnel;
  3. Rental of equipment;
  4. Additional housekeeping assistance; and
  5. Additional labor (Event Staff, Set-up Staff support, etc.).  The Office of Event Services will determine the appropriate number of event staff required per event.


  1. Cancellations

Licensee may use the premises from the time stated only on the event confirmation and the agreement.  If the licensee terminates the agreement, the following timetable will be used to assess fees:


Amount Refunded

Cancellation of event 60 days or more prior to the event date

Full deposit refunded

Cancellation of event 31-59 days prior to the event date

50% of the deposit refunded

Cancellation of event 15-30 days prior to the event date

No refund of deposit

Cancellation of event 0-14 days prior to the event

Balance of invoice due

  • The University reserves the right to terminate the agreement by giving the licensee written notice of its intention to terminate at least 14 days prior to the event date.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, the University may require that licensee vacate the Premises immediately if the licensee is in violation of the agreement.
  1. Equipment
  • If any damage or loss occurs to the event equipment during use, the client will be charged the replacement cost of the damaged equipment.
  • If any equipment is relocated without permission, the client will be assessed a $50.00 charge.
  • All costs associated with equipment rentals are the responsibility of the client.
  • If equipment is requested late, the client will be assessed a $50.00 charge.  Additional charges may be incurred due to the complexity of the request.
  1. Event Set-up Modifications
  • If a client changes the set-up to a facility/grounds and it is not returned to its pre-event status, the client is subject to a $25.00 per hour staffing charge (minimum 1 hour).
  • Late Requests – a charge will be assessed for requests that occur less than 10 business days prior to the event.  These requests are those that require complex changes to an agreed upon set-up.  Extra staffing will be assigned to accommodate this request.  The client is subject to a $25.00 per hour staffing charge (minimum 1 hour).
  • If any client uses a facility without a reservation: (a) The client is subject to a $25.00 per hour staffing charge (minimum 1 hour); and (b) Student clubs/organizations may be subject to disciplinary actions.
  1. Housekeeping & Decorations – If any of the housekeeping policies are not adhered to, the client will be assessed a cleaning charge based on current housekeeping costs. (minimum 1 hour).

Parking Policy for Campus Events

The University is governed by the parking regulations.  Client with concerns over parking should contact Public Safety at (716)888-2330.

Public Safety for Campus Events

Public Safety officers may need to be present at an event.  Determining factors include, and are not limited to:

  1. Whether or not alcohol is being served;
  2. The number of people attending the event;
  3. The age group of those attending;
  4. If the event involves a high profile speaker/entertainer;
  5. If the event is open to the public

The director of public safety will determine the number of Public Safety officers required or if an outside security company will be necessary at the event.  If it is determined that an officer(s) needs to be present at the event, additional charges will be applied.  All charges are the responsibility of the client.

Interruption or Termination of an Event

Public Safety and/or the Office of Event Services shall retain the right to interrupt an event in the interest of public safety, and to likewise terminate an event when, in the sole judgment of Public Safety and/or the Office of Event Services, such termination is necessary in the interest of public safety.

Promotional Disclaimer

External users may not state or imply Canisius University sponsorship or endorsement of their activities without the University’s consent.  Promotional material and advertising for non-University sponsored activities must include a disclaimer that the event is not a Canisius University program.


Activities and Programs with Minor Children Participants Policy

Event Alcohol Policy

Event Management Policy for Internal Users

Political Activities and Speakers Policy

2.5.9        Event Management Policy for Internal Users


Effective Date:

May 8, 2017

Policy Number:

II – 2.5.9


Not Applicable.

Issuing Authority:


Responsible Officer:

Vice President for Finance and Administration



All Canisius University faculty, staff, and departments seeking to sponsor an event on campus.



The purpose of this policy is to establish policies, procedures, and guidelines for Canisius University faculty, staff, departments, and student organizations/clubs seeking to sponsor an event on campus.


Canisius University faculty, staff, departments, and student organizations/clubs may sponsor an event on campus as long as the program supports the University’s mission.

Canisius University faculty, staff, departments, and student organizations/clubs holding an event or activity (“sponsor”) will serve as the primary contact for all the details of an event, ensure that the event complies with applicable University policy (e.g., Community Standards) and a representative from the sponsoring organization must be present at the event.

All charges associated with the event will be paid by the department, program, or the student club/organization.

If a sponsor does not comply with the policies of the Office of Event Services, the University reserves the right to refuse use or rental of space.

In addition to the above, the policies, procedures, and guidelines set forth in the Procedures/Guidelines section of the policy must be followed.


Facility/Facilities—all buildings, land, and property of Canisius University.


Event Reservation Guidelines

  1. All room reservations for events utilizing facilities/grounds that are not primarily used for academic classes, religious events, or athletic practices/competitions are requested through the Office of Event Services via the online event request process.
  2. The Office of Event Services reserves the right to reserve the appropriate facility for each event based on attendance and type of event.
  3. If the client’s preferred facility is not available, the Office of Event Services will: (a) suggest an alternative location for the event; and (b) reserve the appropriate facility for each event based on attendance and type of event.
  4. Reservation Timetable:
  • No more than three (3) holds can be made per specific event.
  • Once the reservations are made, please follow the timetable below to confirm the event date:

Reservations that are made:

Timeframe to confirm a reservation

One year or more prior to the event date

Five months

Less than one year to two months prior to the event date

30 days

Less than two months prior to the event date

14 days

Less than one month prior to the event date

4 days

  1. It is the client’s responsibility to keep the Office of Event Services apprised of the status of their event, especially when a tentative space reservation is no longer needed.
  2. If the event cannot be confirmed within the applicable timeframe, and there is no communication from the client, the client will be contacted regarding the release of all their event request hold dates.  The initial requestor can make another hold request for the same dates based on availability.
  3. Conflict Resolution: Scheduling conflicts will be resolved by the Office of Event Services, based upon earliest reservation date.  Priority will be given if the event is an annual University event that is important to the operation of the University’s mission.  In the event a conflict cannot be resolved to the satisfaction of all parties, the vice president for student affairs will make the final decision.

Event Cancellation/Change Policy

  1. Event Cancellation:
    1. Faculty, Staff, Departments: (i) Events scheduled through the Office of Event Services may be cancelled via email or by contacting the office at 716-888-2180; A change of event date within 10 business days of the event is considered an event cancellation; (ii) An event cancellation less than 24 hours before the event requires the client to cancel his/her event by calling (716) 888-2180 AND by using the Cancel Your Event box.  When contacting, please provide the event name, event date, time, location and event reservation number.
    2. Student Clubs/Organizations: (i) If the student organization needs to cancel an event, they must contact the Office of Event Services and Student Life. A change of event date within 10 business days of the event is considered an event cancellation; (ii) If the student organization needs to cancel an event within 24 hours from their start time, they must contact the Office of Event Services at (716) 888-2180 or eventmgt@canisius.edu and the Office of Student Life.
    3. Catering Cancellation: If the event includes catering services, the client must also cancel food orders by contacting the University’s dining management company with the event date, time and location.  Clients will be charged 10% of the cost of the catering order if the order is not canceled within the appropriate time frame.  If the event is not canceled, the client will be billed for the full amount of the catering order.
  • Events with catering orders greater than $100.00 must be canceled at least five business days prior to the event;
  • Events with catering orders less than $100.00 must be canceled at least two business days prior to the event.

Event Guidelines for Faculty Staff, University Departments and Student Organizations/Clubs Sponsoring University Events:

  1. Reservations –
    1. Faculty, Staff, and Departments: Canisius University faculty, staff, and departments must first complete an online request reservation form (R25) to request facilities/grounds and resources for their event.
    2. Student Club/Organizations: All student clubs/organizations must complete and submit the Student Club/Organizations the online Event Request Form to from the Office of Student Life at least 21 days prior to the event to ensure proper planning and coordination. Student clubs/organizations will receive an event approval email  confirmation within 72 hours after the event request has been submitted, prior to the space and event confirmation from Event Services.
    3. Approval –
      1. Faculty, Staff, and Departments: The Office of Event Services will review the event request, approve it, schedule the event, and issue an event confirmation number via email.  In general, all clients will be notified of their event request status within one week of its submittal.
      2. Student Clubs/Organizations:

                                    i.     Complete and submit the online Student Club/Organization Event Request Form is available through the Office of Student Life or online.

                                  ii.     Submit the completed form to the Office of Student Life.

                                 iii.     An Office of Student Life staff member will review the request form and view the campus calendar for space availability and event conflicts.

                                 iv.     If the date requested is unavailable or the event is not approved by the Office of Student Life, the club will be notified via email and they must submit a new request.

                                  v.     If the date and space requested is available AND the event is approved, an Office of Student Life staff member will submit the request to the Office of Student Life using online event request system.

                                 vi.     The Office of Management Services will review the Online Reservation request and schedule the approved event and issue an event confirmation number.

                               vii.     The Office of Student Life will forward the approved confirmation number to the club/organization contact person listed on the Event Confirmation Report.

  1. Room Setups/Audio/Visual/Media Needs – The client must contact and work directly with the Office of Event Services to request all room set-ups and audio/visual/media equipment.  All set-ups must be submitted 10 BUSINESS DAYS PRIOR to their event date.  Services cannot be guaranteed after that date.  Late requests will may incur a charge (see billing and charges).
  2. Program Changes – All program changes including, but not limited to location, event start/end time, set-up, and audio/visual/media needs, are to be made in the Office of Event Services and the Office of Student Life by the student club/organization.
  3. Change of Program Date:
    1. If the student club/organization needs to change the date of their event the club/organization must contact the Office of Student Life to review with their staff the possible date change;
    2. If the date change is approved, the Office of Student Life will resubmit a new web event request form to the Office of Event Services, repeating the event scheduling process.
    3. Program Cancellation – If the student organization needs to cancel an event, see Event Cancellation/Change Policy.
    4. Event Reservation Time - It is Canisius University’s expectation of the client to adhere to the specified event reservation time.
    5. It is the client’s responsibility to return the room to its pre-event condition at the completion of the event.  Failure to do so will result in charges (see billing and charges).
    6. The Dining Management Company – If any food, beverage, or linen is to be provided, contact the University’s dining management company.  The Office of Event Services must be notified 10 business days in advance if the event is to be catered.

Basic Catering Guidelines

  • The University’s dining management company has exclusive catering rights to all University facilities unless waived by the director of the company.
  • Due to health codes, the University’s dining management company requires that there only be one food provider at an event.  Partial orders are not permitted and will not be accepted.
  • If outside caterers[1] are to be used, they must be all inclusive. All catering supplies are the responsibility of the faculty, staff, departments, and student clubs/organizations and will not be provided by the University’s dining management company. 
  • Persons wishing to use an outside caterer must obtain a signed waiver from the vice president for finance and administration and present the waiver to the University’s dining management company.
  • Approved outside caterers must provide a certificate of insurance to the University prior to an event.
  1. Ordering Alcohol - If serving alcoholic beverages at the event, see the Canisius University Alcohol Policy for Events.
  2. Billing –Internal clients will pay for all additional charges for the event, to include but not limited to additional equipment, staff, security, and housekeeping services (see Billing and Charges).  In rare circumstances, these charges may be waived.

Event Equipment Policy


  1. The Office of Event Services coordinates the set-up of event equipment (tables, chairs, and media equipment, etc.) for all events.
  2. If additional event equipment is required, an outside vendor must be secured to provide these services.
  • The Office of Event Services reserves the right to approve all outside vendors before contracts are signed with the vendor.
  • The client is responsible for paying the additional charges of the rental equipment; including delivery, set up, take down, and pick up by the vendor.
  1. Canisius University furniture and event equipment is NOT to be moved without the consent of the Office of Event Services.
  2. Canisius University furniture and event equipment cannot be moved off of the campus property.
  3. Piano Use - Clients who wish to use any of the campus pianos will be charged for piano tuning by the University approved piano tuner.

Event Set-up Modifications

  1. The Office of Event Services must be notified before an event if a change is to occur with the set up of the facility/grounds.
  2. For events that occur after operating hours, the client will be responsible for any payment for additional staff that is needed to support the event.

Media Center Services Policy for Support of Non-Classroom Events

Services Provided

The Media Center’s primary function is to support academic classes.  The Media Center also provides media equipment support for non-classroom events to the extent that resources are available.  The Media Center will:

  1. Set up all requested media equipment; and
  2. Assist in training the client on the requested equipment if needed.

Procedure for Ordering Media Equipment and Services

  1. The Office of Event Services will work with the client to determine the media equipment needed for the event and will request these services from the Media Center.
  2. Event requests must be received at least 10 business days in advance of the event date to ensure that the client’s needs are accommodated.  Late requests cannot be guaranteed.
  3. If an outside vendor is needed or if additional labor is necessary, additional costs will be incurred at the client’s expense.

University Grounds Use Policy

  1. Use of University grounds is limited to University-sponsored events.  Reservations for University grounds need to be approved prior to the event by the Office of Event Services, which will consult with Facilities Management.
  2. Tents – Outdoor events that require tents are the responsibility of the client.
  • Requests for tents on University property need prior authorization from the Office of Event Services and are subject to the permit and fee requirements of the City of Buffalo Bureau of Fire Prevention.  
  • Tents cannot be placed in the fire lanes.   
  • Stakes for tents or for other structures are not permitted.  Only free standing or water barrel support systems are allowed.
  1. Furniture – All tables, chairs, and all other equipment needed for an outdoor event must be procured from an outside vendor.
  • The Office of Event Services reserves the right to approve all outside vendors before contracts are signed with the vendor.     
  • The client is responsible for paying the additional charges of the rental equipment; including delivery, set up, take down, and pick up by the vendor.
  1. The use of lights (e.g. strands of Christmas tree lights) in the trees/foliage is not permitted without prior authorization from the Offices of Event Services and Facilities Management.
  2. All bars set up outside to serve alcoholic beverages must be under a tent or awning according to the New York State Liquor Authority.

Housekeeping Policy

  1. It is the client’s responsibility to make sure the facility is left in generally good condition after the event.
  2. The University’s dining management company will be responsible for cleaning up their equipment and supplies.

Decorations Policy

General Decorations Guidelines:

  1. All decorations must be free-standing and self-contained.
  2. Exit or exit signage cannot be blocked, hidden, or disguised.
  3. Keep exits and corridors free and clear.
  4. Extension cords are not permitted.
  5. Decorations can be affixed to walls with painter’s tape only.

Prohibited Items/Decorations:

  1. The use of nails, tacks, screws, or other sharp objects for securing materials to walls, lighting fixtures, ceilings or floors.
  2. Hanging decorations from any life safety system devices including but not limited to smoke detectors, heat detectors, sprinkler heads, sprinkler pipes, fire extinguisher cabinets, emergency lights, etc.
  3. Hanging decorations from cables or conduits.
  4. Hanging decorations from sprinkler pipes, cables or conduit.
  5. Flammable decorations.
  6. Flash pots, smudge pots, pyrophoric materials, or fireworks of any kind.
  7. Decorations posted on official signs (e.g. STOP signs, University signs).
  8. Banners which impede access to any building or more than 20 feet from the ground, without specific permission from the Office of Event Services.
  9. All tape except painter’s tape. No taping is permitted on the glass in Palisano Pavilion in any buildings. It is the event sponsors responsibility to purchase and obtain the painter’s tape is available in the Office of Event Services.
  10. Helium balloons are not permitted in the Montante Cultural Center, Marie Maday Theatre, and Science Hall Commons. 
  11. Faculty, staff, departments and student Organizations must request in writing and receive written approval from the Office of Event Services for helium balloon usage for all remaining areas.
  12. No decoration, sign, or posting of any kind may not be fixed, taped or glued to the floor of any building at any time.

Additional Decoration Guidelines

  1. Candles are not permitted.
  2. Confetti, mylar sprinkles, table centerpiece confetti, or other similar items are not permitted.
  3. The client is responsible for removing and disposing of all decorations/signage at the completion of an event.  See billing and charges.
  4. The Office of Event Services reserves the right to inspect and approve all decorations.

Billing and Charges


All billing will be submitted to the sponsoring organization.  University clients will have their accounts deducted.  The bill may include but is not limited to:

  1. Security personnel;
  2. Rental of equipment not already owned by the University;
  3. Additional housekeeping assistance (if necessary); and
  4. Additional labor (set-up staff support, etc.).


  1. Cancellations: For events not canceled within the appropriate time frame, faculty, staff, departments, and student clubs/organizations will be charged 25% of the facility rental rate.
  2. Equipment
  • If any damage or loss occurs to the event equipment during use, the client will be charged the replacement cost of the damaged equipment.
  • If any equipment is relocated without permission, the client will be assessed a charge.
  • All costs associated with external equipment rentals are the responsibility of the client.
  • If equipment is requested late, the client will be assessed a charge. 
  • Additional charges may be incurred due to the complexity of the request.
  1. Housekeeping & Decorations – If any of the housekeeping policies are not adhered to, the client will be assessed a cleaning charge based on current housekeeping costs.charge per cleaning hour (minimum 1 hour).

Parking Policy for Campus Events

The University is governed by the parking regulations.  Individuals with concerns over parking should contact Public Safety at (716) 888-2330.

Public Safety for Campus Events

Public Safety officers may need to be present at an event.  Determining factors include, and are not limited to:

  1. Whether or not alcohol is being served;
  2. The number of people attending the event;
  3. The age group of those attending;
  4. If the event involves a high profile speaker/entertainer;
  5. If the event is open to the public.

The director of public safety will determine the number of Public Safety officers required or if an outside security company will be necessary at the event.  If it is determined that an officer(s) needs to be present at the event, additional charges will be applied.  All charges are the responsibility of the client.

Interruption or Termination of an Event

Public Safety and/or the Office of Event Services shall retain the right to interrupt an event in the interest of public safety, and to likewise terminate an event when, in the sole judgment of Public Safety and/or the Office of Event Services, such termination is necessary in the interest of public safety.


Activities and Programs with Minor Children Participants Policy

Event Alcohol Policy

Event Management Policy for External Clients

Political Activities and Speakers Policy

2.5.10     Event Cancellations Due to Severe Weather Policy


Effective Date:

May 8, 2017

Policy Number:

II – 2.5.10


Not Applicable.

Issuing Authority:


Responsible Officer:



All event sponsors.



This purpose of this policy is to provide guidance to individuals, clients, departments, clubs, and organizations regarding the cancellation of events on the University campus due to severe weather.


It is the responsibility of an event sponsor to follow the procedures set forth in this policy to cancel their event in the event of a severe weather situation.


Not Applicable.


The following procedure is for the event sponsor, students, faculty, staff, and departments, to cancel their event on campus due to severe weather conditions.  It is the responsibility of the event sponsor to follow these steps to cancel their event in these situations:

  1. Call Public Safety at 888-2330 to notify them of the event cancellation.  (Public Safety can advise the event sponsor of the weather conditions on campus.)
  2. Contact and/or leave message at the department that is responsible for the event:
  • For events coordinated with the Office of Event Services call 888-2180.
  • For events coordinated with Koessler Athletic Center call 888-3146. For events coordinated with Campus Ministry call 888-2420.
  • If it is after hours, please leave a message at the above mentioned numbers as the appropriate staff will be checking messages during this period.
  1. The event sponsor is also expected change their office/departmental voice mail message to state that the event has been canceled and any other pertinent information that they want to relay to their guests.
  2. To cancel an event under normal situations, please refer to the “Event Cancellation/Change Policy” in the applicable Event Management Policy.


Crisis Response Plan TBA

Event Management Policy for External Clients