Tips and Tricks - Licensing SPSS for Mac

Tips and Tricks - Licensing SPSS for Mac

Once you have installed SPSS 24 for Mac, complete the following steps to license the product.

Note: If you have previously worked with a licensed version of SPSS, your new version of SPSS should already be licensed.

Step 1 - Open SPSS Statistics

The path to the installer is found by default here:

Applications > SPSS > Statistics > 24 > SPSSStatistics

Step 2 - Licensing
1) On the top menu of SPSS, click the "License Product" button
2) Select Concurrent User License

3) Enter in the license field "license.canisius.edu"

4) Your copy of SPSS should now be licensed
Step 3 - Licensing at Home (Optional)
SPSS is scoped to work by default on campus. If you would like the option to access the software from home, please email helpdesk@canisius.edu to set an appointment to have VPN enabled for your Canisius-owned device.

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