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Fall/Spring grade process (and end-of-term processing for Summer and Intersession terms)

The online grade entry is controlled in SOATERM.  Enter the Term, and click Go. To turn on grading, select the Part of Term and Web Registration Controls tab, in the Base Part of Term section, under the Faculty Web Final Grade column, check each part of term appropriate to turn on the grading.  To turn off grading uncheck the appropriate part of term, and save.

Send detailed email to faculty about grading opening; grading shouldn’t be open before exam week; grades are turned on Monday morning of exam week; (final exams/projects/papers due during exam week, so we don’t turn on grades before the start of exam week)

In CourseLeaf, run CLSS report to view all sections without an instructor, and add an instructor to all sections if enrollment exists for those courses.

Set the Adhoc grade email (WSYS001)

  1. If one grade in SFASSLT after grading opened, faculty will receive email (set to start on Monday of exam week); the email will run every day through Tues night before the grading deadline; using the below process (this is needed to catch a missing student grade)
    1. Open the Adhoc generator screen in Banner wsys001 (ITS writes this): reg_grd_incompl (term based – must change everywhere!!) enter start/end dates;
    2. N Drive documents (letters) / O drive is output (report); need to look in the Output folder to make sure problem emails went out.

Note: Update the term in the header for Missing Final grades

In Business Objects regr304 is a missing grade roster report.  This is run on the day that grades are due (typically Wed after exam week after 9am). This is run to provide the associate deans with the list of missing grades in their school. This will not report on sections that are missing an instructor.

  1. Study abroad courses will not have initial grades; need to attach instructor to the course
  2. Add myself as instructor to add NG grade for these students; add Laura McEwen for FMK courses;
  3. ALH research courses; may or may not have supervisor attached – usually incompletes filed; who should be assigned –reach out to K. Kurtzworth-Keen to determine if incomplete s/be filed
  4. Research and get instructors setup so that all grades are entered
  5. Shows pages for every section where at least one grade is missing; can run for part of term or all (%); usually just all; take a bit of time to run
    1. Note the number of pages which is generally the number of sections missing grades (50 or less is good)
    2. Usually don’t turn off grades until around 10am
    3. Review report to determine if a problem or not (one or two, or entire classes); sometimes adjuncts may miss deadline;
  6. Make PDF and forward to associate deans asking them to review and contact instructors to submit grades; copy deans; indicate that we will leave grading on until noon; at some point we have to roll, but the whole process has to happen each time (ie repeat checks)
    1. If grades have been turned off, and instructor wants to submit, we ask them to process grade changes, or we can add in SFASLST and roll them again;
  7. SFASLST 202140 CRN41058; If entering grades that have not been rolled, must check the roll box; roll indicator is on the right in a column;

Turn off grading before beginning grade processing, “uncheck” all parts of term in the “Final Grade” column in SOATERM for the semester you are running grades.

In Banner run SHRROLL.  This moves the grades to academic history and locks the grade in the class roster so no changes can be made.  Parameters are:

  • Printer = enter printer name or DATABASE
  • 01 = term for which you are processing grades
  • 02 = blank
  • 03 = blank
  • 04 = %
  • 05 = %
  • 06 = your username
  • 07 = U (update)
  • 08 = E (this will only show grades with errors which did not roll)
  • 09 = term for which you are processing grades
  • 10 = N
  • Save, submit
  • To retrieve grade roll data file open the lis file in fischer7(\\banjobs) (B:) folder
  • This process may take a little while to update before the shrroll_3510816.log file is available in the BANJOBS (B:) folder. Once available, open the log file.
  • Rolled a second time after fixing errors:

Correct any errors from the grade roll

  • Most common error is No substitute grade found.
    • To correct for the student in SFAREGS change grade mode for the class on the error to “P”.
      • If the grade mode in SGAREGS is locked you need to go to SSASECT for the class and removed the entry in the Grade Mode field.
      • Once you update the grade mode on SFAREGS, you can either run SHRROLL again or go to SFASLST for individual sections and roll the grades.
      • Example: PAS 594 202140 CRN:49257
        • NG grade, P grade mode, SFASLST unrolled grades entered after processing
      • Grade Roll Process SHRROLL
      • Printer: database (if want to view online (G Banjobs) takes several minutes to run;
      • Parameter 8: A all; E error; only want to print pages with errors, so select: E/Error
        • Roll/repeats/gpa

  • Shrroll report – they should all say roll to academic history unless there was a problem;
    • Error could be no substitute grade found (grade mode could be wrong on section;
    • ANZ 602 (end of with cumulative over multiple semesters; they get P grades until the final grade) have to change to P from S (see CRN: 38747 202130)
      1. Had to go into each registration to change the grade mode to a P, and then go into SFASLST with grade roll checked, change to P)
      2. Can re-roll the roll process with the parameter set to All (will only run those that were fixed) or roll each individual section

Note: roll/rpts/gpa = grade processes; no sub grad found error– grade mode is wrong (standard or pass/fail); fix in SFAREGS and roll in SFASLST

Once the corrections have been made, run SHRRPTS.  This is the repeat error report.  Parameters are:

  • Printer = enter printer name or DATABASE (to retrieve data in banjobs)
  • 01 = term for which you are processing grades
  • 02 = UG (click F6 to insert another row and add another)
  • 02 = GR
  • 03 = U
  • 04 = N
  • 05 = blank
  • 06 = blank
  • 07 = blank
  • 08 = blank
  • 09 = N

Submit and save.  To retrieve repeats data file open the shrrpts_XXXXXX.lis file in fischer7(\\banjobs) (B:) folder. Review repeats and determine if any corrections are necessary. If a course is repeated, we keep the better grade regardless of which course was taken first. Correct errors in SHAINST by including and excluding the appropriate repeated courses in the respective terms.

  1. Review report to determine which grade is accurate
  2. If student repeats the course, the second instance is included, and the second is excluded; in practice, we keep the better grade;
    • Say OK if good, indicate changes if necessary
    • Repeatable courses – both can be included (ie EDA 690)
    • If student fails multiple time, use most recent; if failed three times, need to exclude two and include one
    • When you rerun repeat, make sure the way it was changed, is accurately reflected (change one to manual, the other has to be changed to manual as well) make sure it took; problem with PHI 101
    • Incomplete (see below) should be excluded, but we leave as included
    • Internships (MKT 498) not setup to be repeatable, but usually should be included
    • GR is first, and then UG on report
    • May see one included/excluded, but they are 0 credit;

Process any graduate courses previously approved for undergraduate degrees. Submitted using the Request to Take GR Courses used in UG Program form for this semester. Also, run the REGR211 business objects report UG Students taking GR Courses to review all students taking GR courses (in case a form may have been missed).

  • In SHATCKN, select the course, and change the primary level indicator to UG instead of GR. Only one should be listed!

Run SHRCGPA – Calculate GPA

Run collector first (to address repeated grades), and then run All (for parameter 2)

  • Enter printer name for report
  • Parameter 01 = enter term code
  • Parameter 02 = run first with “C” (collector) and then with “A” (all)
  • Submit and Save

Process grade change and incompletes submitted for this semester.

Run SHRASTD – Calculate Academic Standing process.  This process add the end of term academic standing (Good Standing, Probation, Academic Dismissal Warning and Dean’s List) to the students record. (see End of Term Processing Video #2 at 0:31:58) Added to student’s record for a term; used for probation and dismissal process

  • Enter printer name for report
  • Parameter 01 = enter term code
  • Parameter 02 = Y
  • Parameter 03 = Y
  • Parameter 04 = A to run in audit mode to check data or U to update
  • Parameter 05 = N
  • Parameter 06 = Blank
  • Parameter 07 = A
  • Parameter 08 = N
  • Parameter 09 = N
  • Parameter 10 = blank

  • NOTE: only run SHRASTD once or it will override any probation/dismissal status changes that are manually made (ie, AD to AW, or AW to P1, etc…)
  • Takes a few minutes to run; pull up student’s SHAINST record to see if academic standing shown for that term
  • Print and/or save the report; review and determine academic standing based on rules:

The following terms are used to describe a student’s academic standing:

  1. Academic probation: When a student’s grade point average falls beneath the level indicated on the next page, he/she is placed on academic probation — a serious warning that the student’s academic record at the college is unsatisfactory. It is generally not advisable for students on academic probation to take part in extracurricular activities. Varsity athletes, in addition, are governed by NCAA and regional conference regulations. Probation for two successive semesters will result in automatic academic dismissal from the college.
  2. Academic dismissal: Academic dismissal results from any one of the following:
    1. Falling below the grade point average indicated below.
    2. Failing three courses in a single semester.
    3. Being placed on academic probation for two successive semesters. Dismissed students may not enroll in any division of the college and must wait at least six months before applying for readmission.
  3. Good academic standing: This is a term used to determine a student’s eligibility for financial aid. A student who is on academic probation is generally considered to be in good academic standing. Further details may be found in the section on Financial Aid.

In SOACTRM build rules for continuant term rules.  This is used in the SHRTYPE process that updates SGASTDN records.

  • Enter term code for the term you are processing grades.
  • Student type = the student type code
  • In continuant term enter the term you are running grades.
    • You have to enter one type code at a time. Codes are:
      • A – Kings Academic Prep
      • C – Continuing
      • D – Kings Direct Placement
      • H – High School Student
      • I – Cross registered
      • N – New First time
      • P – Kings Pathway
      • R – Readmit
      • T – Transfer
      • V – Visiting
      • X – Transient
      • S- Summer Honors
    • Enter continuant term for each (i.e., 202140)
    • Set for all except for Z and F; enter term for each student type

Run SHRTYPE process to update SGASTDN records for the next term with new student type.

Example:  A student with N type for spring 2022 will be updated to C/Continuing for summer. Students may or may not get a new SGASTDN row at the end of the semester (freshmen/F and Transfer/T move to C status)

  • Enter printer name for report: brsxr2
  • Parameter 01 = enter term your running grades
  • Parameter 02 = term you want to update (in fall enter following spring/ in spring enter summer/ in summer enter fall term code)
  • Parameter 03 = A for audit or U for update
  • Parameter 04 = Y
  • Parameter 05 = N

Run REGR040 – Set grade mailer fields.  This process update the Record Status on SHAINST from Original Grade Mailer Pending to Grade Mailer Processing Complete.

  • Enter NOPRINT in field
  • Parameter 01 = enter term code
  • Save

Run REGR065 – This enters the Service Learning comment on the student’s transcript for term code entered.  The process goes to the service learning system to pull the data.

  • Enter NOPRINT in field
  • Parameter 01 = enter term code

REGR080 process in Banner – this builds the report for the academic standing for the associate deans.  The process is run twice. This process loads data needed for probation and dismissal processing (emails and letters are generated). The system assigns the academic standing strictly based on GPA. We have to manually adjust the academic standing status on some records (i.e., AW to P1)***. Try to run this process (letter generator) before 6pm – that way it will run overnight

First time:

  • Enter NOPRINT in field
  • Parameter 01 = enter term code
  • Parameter 02 = N (this parameter will set the ad hoc letter generator process to create the probation/dismissal letters and emails). N = do not schedule the ad hoc to run.
    • The process takes about 5 minutes to run.
    • In Business Objects, run REGR080 report – Dismissal probation lists.
    • When you refresh your data no parameters are needed.
    • Print the over view report and review a few records in SHAINST.
    • There is a column called “COUNT FAILURES” which indicates the number of failures in that semester. According to college policy, students will be placed on Academic Dismissal Warning (AW) if they have more than a certain number of failing grades (F, FX or U) for the semester (3 or more for undergrads, 2 or more for grad students).  The SHRASTD process only uses GPA.  So students with more than the maximum number of failing grades have to be changed to “AW” manually in SHAINST.  Review the “COUNT FAILURES” column on the report and manually change any students who qualify to “AW” in SHAINST.
    • Run the process and report again (parameter 02 = N) to make sure that the changes were reflected
    • The REGR080 process should only be run in the beginning once (N);
    • Do not run the academic standing process (SHRASTD) again, or it will override the changes.

Second time:

If the data on the report looks good:

  • Enter NOPRINT in field
  • Parameter 01 = enter term code
  • Parameter 02 = Y sets the ad hoc letter generator to run
  • Run the REGR080 Business Objects report and save as both a PDF and Excel document. Email the lists to the associate deans, and ask them to review and get back to you with their changes by 3pm.


  1. only run in fall/spring for all, and for grads only in the summer(SHRASTD report prints-review for status change; if on probation in spring, if they take summer class and get A, they don’t want student to be off probation, so I review to see what students have changed, and then have to change them from good standing to probation so that they keep getting support in the fall) (process that loads data for probation and dismissal process of letter generation) takes place Thursday after grades (could have someone on dismissal list who is also supposed to graduate) need to allow a day for the process to run overnight; run first time, make changes from Associate Deans, and then run the second time for the letters to be generated
    1. Process run in Banner, report with same number in business objects with the data; the system will only assign a status based on GPA; have to manually make changes
      1. If status change needs to be made, need to make this change in SHAINST (i.e., failed 3 classes in one semester, but GPA still over 2.0; really may be AW academic dismissal warning)
      2. Pilot this past fall for freshmen – more leeway so they don’t get the AW messaging; new status of P0 created for them – no letter generated; the associate deans did their own letter (if policy change in the future, need to go through APB/catalog) had to change them from P0 and then to P1(This was discontinued…instead, students with less than 30 credits, get AW warning if GPA less than 1.0, and P1 warning if between 1.0 and 1.99.
    2. Anyone with AW standing will receive the pertinent letter (P1 is probation)
    3. AW academic dismissal warning – the system will assign this based on GPA (student is provided with information on how they can continue at the college)
    4. AD academic dismissal – the system does not assign this – it must be done manually after the associate deans tell me who needs to be changed to AD
    5. Review report, and change students whose GPA is low, but above threshold, and who failed courses – change to AW before sending to AD
  2. When I send out the report; the Associate Deans will have met with students, and they will decide who will be dismissed (reg080 business objects report)
    1. Want to have this handled before classes begin; make sure all have been addressed
    2. Must drop their registration if they are being dismissed; will prevent them from registering (no need to inactivate their record)

REGR080 sample report: (countF column shows number of failed courses)

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