Modification log:
08/07/2007 Larry Deni
009/18/18 Pamela Dart
Brief Description
This web application allows students in Graduate Education, who are applying to NYS Dept. of Education for certification, to request an endorsement from CanisiusCollege. The college endorsement verifies that a student has completed a program.
The student is asked to log in with the usual type of Canisius username (NetID) and password form, where they will use the same username and password they use for many other applications. They will be included in the group which is allowed to log into this application if they are currently a registered student at Canisius. If they are not they will receive a message indicating that they are not authrorized to use this application.
Following authentication, the web application will check the two prerequisites (from sarchkl, admissions checklist items) of TRDP (we need an official transcript) and PRER (student has additional coursework to complete). If one or both of these checklist items have not been received, the student will see messages displayed and highlighted in yellow.
This will not prevent them from filling out the form, it simply notifies them of the requirement.
The Help button on each of the forms displays as follows
Validation checking occurs to ensure that the Advanced Certificate/Masters Degree choice has been made.
Once the student has filled out the form and clicked on the submit button, they get an acknowledgement and may then log out of the application.