There may be time when you prefer to forward your messages to another account. For example, if you have several email accounts with other schools, as adjunct professors may have, or as other professors who may teach or do research at other institutions, this is especially helpful. Users can have all of their messages sent from all accounts to a single personal account to read and reply. This method will work even if the account you’re forwarding your mail to is not exchangeExchange.
Before you decide to forward your Canisius College email to another account here are a few things that you should know:
If you still wish to forward your Canisius College email to your personal account, here is the procedure:
*Note: We highly recommend that you use Firefox as the Outlook Web tool is experiencing issues with the latest versions of Chrome.
- You must be log logged into the Outlook Web Applications to redirect your mail. To do this makes sure that you're connected to the internet and click on the link above.
- Enter your Canisius College username and password.
- In the upper right corner click on Options and select See All RulesOptions.
- From the navigation column on the left, select Organize Email.
- Click on New.
- Under when the message arrives select Apply to all messages.
- Under do the following select redirect the message to?
- In the To field, enter the email address you want the mail forwarded to.
- Click OK
- Click Save to save your rule and return to the Inbox Rules tab.