Select Add Existing Activities > External Learning Tools > Create New LTI Link. (LTI stands for "Learning Tools Interoperability," and is just a common protocol with which many educational technologies communicate.) | |
Select Add Existing Activities > External Learning Tools > Create New LTI Link. (LTI stands for "Learning Tools Interoperability," and is just a common protocol with which many educational technologies communicate.) | |
Enter Perusall Dashboard for the name, and paste in the following URL for the LTI URL: Then click Create and Insert. | |
Select Edit properties in place in the dropdown next to the newly-created link, and check Open as external resource. This means Perusall will open in a second browser tab, which is always better for you and your students. Reload the page by clicking either the module title on the left, or the Content label on the Navbar. Now, the "Perusall Dashboard" name for the content item should again be a clickable link. | |
Click on the new Perusall link. Perusall will launch and a course will be created that is connected to your D2L course. Perusall starts you at a dashboard where you can learn about working with assignments and their links in D2L, as well as configuring your course within Perusall. You can also use links along the left, or the top, to go directly to Perusall tools. | |
If you would prefer that students only access assignments directly from your D2L course space, and do not navigate through the dashboard, you can hide the dashboard link in D2L so only you can see it. This is required if you intend to connect Perusall assignments directly to your D2L course gradebook. |
You can read about Perusall's automated scoring engine here.
However, if you would like to dispense with Perusall's elaborate scoring tools, and simply grade Perusall activity on your own, here's how:
In your Perusall course dashboard, go to Settings | |
On the first (General) page of settings, check the dropdown menu beside Release Scores to Students. Be sure that never (hide the gradebook and disable Perusall's scoring) is chosen. Then click the green "Save Changes" button in the lower right. |