Connecting to the Canisius wireless network with e-Readers
- Kindle with WiFi: A Canisius guest account must be set up. Users can follow the directions here: http://www.canisius.edu/images/userImages/itsweb/Page_13253/CanisiusGuest_WindowsXP.pdf. To connect once the guest account is set up, simply enter Canisius credentials at the prompt. The Kindle should find the Canisius Guest network. Click on it to Connect. If the user has a guest account, s/he can simply login. If not, s/he should click on the "Create an Account" button to set one up and then login. (NOTE: the password should not contain a special character)
- Kindle without WiFi: users will be unable to connect
- NookColor is based on the Android operating system. On power-up, the Nook found all three broadcast wireless networks (CanisiusWireless, CanisiusResnet and CanisiusGuest) To connect to Canisius Wireless, simply enter Canisius credentials at the prompt. Re-authorization for subsequent sessions appears to not be necessary. Nook Tablet behaves the same.
- Nook: If we’re lucky it will be the same as above; no device available for testing