D2L: Intelligent Agent Practice Run

D2L: Intelligent Agent Practice Run

Whenever you create an Intelligent Agent, it is always a good idea to do a Practice Run. A Practice Run will run the Agent and see if anything triggers it but will not take any actions. Note the Agent MUST be enabled to do a practice run.

1Go to Edit Course in the Course Navbar.

2Find and click on Intelligent Agents in the Communication section.

3Click on the dropdown arrow to the right of the Agent that you want to do a Practice Run on. In the menu that appears, click on Practice Run.

4A pop-up will appear, which will inform you what the practice run will do. Read it carefully and then click on Run.

5A new page will appear. Read it carefully. Click on Done.

6It may take the Agent some time to run. If it is in the process of Running, there will be a gear symbol to the right of it.


When it is done, you will get an email notifying you such.

To see the results of the last run, you can click on the "Users Identified" in the Results of Last Run column.


This will send you to a new page, with the list of users that triggered the Agent as well as if the Agent took an action (reminder: Practice Runs will only Identify users that triggered it. It will take no action except to email you when it is finished running). 

Check the users against the information available to you (ex, if you created an agent to check when a student last logged in, check the Last Logged In column in the Classlist. If you created an Agent to notify students of an upcoming assignment, make sure you check the submissions of that assignment).

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