Zoom: Add Pronouns

Zoom: Add Pronouns

Quickly add your Pronouns to your Zoom profile and share it in a Zoom meeting.

1Go to canisius.zoom.us and click on "Sign in". Follow the on-screen prompts to log into Zoom using your Canisius ID and Password.

2On the left-hand side, click on "Profile", above meetings.

3On the right-hand side, select "Edit".


In the Profile area, you can change your first and last name and display name.

You can also add your pronouns (1) and choose from several options (2) how you would like to share your pronouns in a meeting including:

  • Always share in meetings and webinars
  • Ask me every time after joining meetings and webinars
  • Do not share in meetings and webinars

When you are done making your changes, click on the blue Save button towards the bottom.

Start a Zoom meeting to test your changes.

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