ELMO P10 & P30 XGA Visual Presenters

ELMO P10 & P30 XGA Visual Presenters

ELMO P10 & P30 XGA Visual Presenters

The ELMO P10 XGA Visual Presenter is found in the following locations:

  • Horan O'Donnell 103, 107, 109, 202
  • Health Science 108, 217, 219, 220
  • Koessler Athletic Center G18, G20
  • Lyons Hall 311
  • Old Main 108, 110, 200, 201, 204, 210, 223, 304, 308, 423

The ELMO P30 XGA Visual Presenter is found in LY 226.

Using the Document Camera
Start the room up as you would normally and select the appropriate source button to display the document camera. Use the What's In My Classroom? page to find the instructions for your particular classroom.


POWER: The POWER switch (1) is located on the right-side of the document camera near the back.

ZOOM: Use the dial (2), located on the right-side of the document camera near the front, to zoom in & out on the subject placed on the document camera's stage.

FOCUS: After you have zoomed in/out on the image, press the AF (Auto Focus) button, which is located in the center of the zoom dial.

IRIS: Iris controls allow you to brighten or darken the document camera image. Press the OPEN button to brighten the image and the CLOSE button to darken it. These buttons are found to the left of the zoom dial (2).

LIGHTING: To turn the document camera's lamp on or off, press the  button (3). This button is found by the left-side of the document camera near the front.