Using Office Printers

Using Office Printers

Using PrintJob Printers

At Canisius University, our Multifunction Printer-Scanner-Copier machines use the PrintJob Follow-Me print system that allow users to retrieve their printouts at most printers on campus. Users must slide their Canisius University ID card in the slider adjacent to the machine to perform any function: printing, copying, scanning and so on. (You can obtain a Canisius University ID card at the Public Safety Office in Bosch Hall.)  Mobile printing will also be available soon. Users will then be able to print from tablets and mobile phones.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the ITS Help Desk at Ext. 8340 or by email at helpdesk@canisius.edu.  

Comdoc is our contracted provider for this system. Users may contact ComDoc directly for:

PrintJob Follow-Me Printing: a Quick Tutorial

When you print something from your Canisius University Windows PC or Laptop, you have several options. In almost all cases, you will want to use PrintJob. To send your document to a PrintJob-compatible printer, choose the appropriate Printer option. For black and white jobs, choose "MyGrayscalePrintJob on papercut00." for a color print job, choose "MyColorPrintJob on papercut00."

Occasionally, color printouts are nice to have. But consider whether you really need color on your printout. It costs more, and limits the number of printers from which the print job can be printed. All printers on campus with card swipe access, whether capable of color or not, can print a grayscale job.

You can also send your print job directly and exclusively to the printer that is in or closest to your office. This is only useful if you are using some advanced printing features that are available through this print queue.

When you go to a printer to get your printout, you need your Canisius University ID card. Swipe your card in the card slide.

Appearing on the printer's screen is a menu with options. Choose what you want by pressing the screen with your finger. Your print job(s) are listed center left. If you press one of the print jobs, the screen shows some basic details about that job on the right. Also, buttons appear in the lower right enabling you to print or delete (cancel) that print job. Press Print, and after several seconds the printer will print out that job.

If you have multiple print jobs waiting for you in the print queue, you can press Print All in the upper right, to print them all at once. If you sent a job to a Follow Me queue while you are logged into a particular printer, you must press Refresh to see and print that job.

You are automatically logged out of the printer soon after you authorize a particular print job. But once you have told the printer to print out the jobs you've sent it, you can log out of the printer so that others can log in to do their work. If you start printing a job or jobs, you can log out right away, before they are complete. Your print jobs will still print out properly. In fact, if you're printing a big job, the printer may log you out before the last page is finished. Don't panic! It will complete the job.

To use the photocopier feature, simply scan your card at the printer. Whether or not you have print jobs in the queue, you see a button in the upper righthand corner of the screen: Use Copier. Pressing this will bring you a familiar set of advanced options for photocopy jobs.

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