Volume VI: 6.2 Residence Life Policies

Volume VI: 6.2 Residence Life Policies

6.2   Residence Life Policies

6.2.1        Residency Policy


Effective Date:

May 8, 2017

Policy Number:

VI – 6.2.1


Not Applicable.

Issuing Authority:


Responsible Officer:

Vice President for Student Affairs


All first and second-year undergraduate, non-commuter students.



The purpose of this policy is to set forth the requirements and exceptions for first and second-year students residing in student residential housing at Canisius University.


As a residential institution, Canisius University expects first and second year undergraduate students to live and board within the University residential system.  Students meeting any one of the following conditions may be permitted to live off campus:

  • Students 21 years of age or older;
  • Students who are married and/or have children; and
  • Students residing with their parents or legal guardian within commuting distance of the University. 

All first and second year undergraduate students must receive prior written approval from the Office of Student Life before moving off campus.  Written approval to move off campus, however, does not negate the student’s obligation to meet the financial responsibilities of his or her housing contract.

First and second year undergraduate students residing in the residential system who desire to become commuter students will be required to provide a notarized letter from the student’s parents or legal guardian stating that the New York address is the parents’ or legal guardian’s permanent residence.  In addition, a copy of one parent’s valid New York driver’s license (which shows proof of New York residency) is required.

Students dismissed, suspended, or receiving the sanction of Residence Hall Expulsion as a result of a Community Standards violation lose their claim to their residence hall room/housing.  Residents are required to check out and vacate the assigned housing accommodations within 24 hours upon loss of status as an enrolled full time student during this contract period or if resident fails to register for academic credit course work.

Room and Board Contracts are for the full academic year unless otherwise arranged by special agreement between the University and resident.  Contracts for housing which are for Summer School sessions do not extend beyond the Summer School period. Room and Board Contracts are enforced for the entire contract period even if a student meets eligibility to live off-campus.  Room assignments may be changed, canceled, or terminated by the University in the interests of order, health, safety, community welfare, and/or maximum utilization of facilities.  Disregard for the rights, responsibilities and duties of others, as well as creation of circumstances that could jeopardize life, limb or property, are not acceptable in University housing and may be cause for disciplinary action and/or termination of the Room and Board contract.

Resident students residing in Bosch Hall, Frisch Hall, or Dugan Hall are required to be on a University Meal Plan.  Resident students in Delavan Townhouses or Village Townhouses may elect to be on a University Meal Plan.  Freshmen residing in Bosch or Frisch are required to be on Griffin A, B, or C for the first and second semesters. Residents living in Dugan must choose from Griffin A, Griffin B, or Griffin C, Ultimate Block, Supreme Block, or Mega Block.  The cost of room and board contract depends on a meal plan resident chooses.


Not Applicable


Not Applicable


Residential Life Policies and Procedures

Residential Life Standards of Conduct

6.2.2        Residential Life Policies and Procedures


Effective Date:

May 8, 2017

Policy Number:

VI – 6.2.2


Not Applicable.

Issuing Authority:


Responsible Officer:

Vice President for Student Affairs


All University students residing in Canisius University residential halls, apartments, and townhouses.



The purpose of this Policy is to set forth the University’s policies, procedures, and guidelines regarding the use of the University’s residence halls, apartments, or townhouses.


All resident students at Canisius University are required to adhere to the residential housing policies and procedures set forth in the Procedures/Guidelines section of this policy.  Failure to adhere to these policies and procedures may result in termination of the housing contract, fines, and/or disciplinary action.


Not Applicable.


Room Deposits

A deposit determined annually by Student Affairs is required of first time students occupying a room in one of the residence halls.  The room deposit is non-refundable and is applied as a credit toward the spring semester room rental charge.


Students must follow all University-established dates, deadlines and standards in regard to the check-in process.  All resident students are required to submit a Room Condition Report when checking in to campus housing.  See Room Condition Report section below.


Students must follow all University-established dates, deadlines, and standards in regard to the check-out process.  Residents who fail to check out on the established check-out date may be assessed a fee plus an additional improper check-out charge and any other fees associated with the improper checkout.  To avoid assessment of a fee, late check-out situations must be approved by the Office of Student Life prior to the published check-out date.

At the end of each contract period, each student must complete the following steps in order to properly check out of the building:

  • Complete and submit a Room Condition Report;
  • Restore the walls, ceilings, doors and windows to their original state by removing posters, decals and other coverings;
  • All drawers must be emptied and cleaned;
  • All personal property and trash must be removed from the room or apartment/townhouse;
  • University furniture must be reassembled.  Beds must be returned to their upright positions; and
  • Windows must be locked and lights turned off.

Failure to complete these steps properly at checkout will result in a charge for improper checkout.  A minimum cleaning charge will be assessed should the room need excessive cleaning.  Additionally, Community Standards action may be taken.

Room Condition Reports

All resident students are required to submit a Room Condition Report (RCR) when checking in and out of campus housing.  This is to be sure that the resident is not subject to fines for damage that may have been done to the room prior to the resident moving in.  Each resident within the apartment or room must submit an online RCR.  To submit the report, simply click on the link above the residence hall listed below and complete the form.

Room/Suite RCR

Apartment RCR

Bosch Hall

Delavan Townhouses

Frisch Hall

Main-Humboldt Apartments

Dugan Hall

Village Townhouses


Breaks and Vacation Periods

Canisius University does not provide services and housing under during breaks and vacation periods when classes or final examinations are not being held.  Opening and closing dates and times are published in the academic calendar (see catalogs).  A separate arrangement for interim room accommodations during breaks and vacation periods may be available at an additional cost to resident. Inquiries regarding those interim accommodations should be made to the Office of Student Life.

At resident's own risk, he or she may leave personal property in the assigned room during the breaks and vacation periods.  The University, however, urges resident to take valuable personal property home. 


During the year, vacant spaces may exist within the residence halls, apartments or townhouses.  The Office of Student Life reserves the right to consolidate rooms by requiring residents without roommates, regardless of circumstances, to move into other rooms, apartments, or townhouses with vacancies.  All empty spaces must be available for immediate occupancy by new and transferring residents at all times.  The Office of Student Life will determine which residents need relocation.  Failure to consolidate properly may be considered noncompliance, which may result in disciplinary action pursuant to the University’s Community Standards.

Confiscated Items

Items confiscated from a student’s room for any reason will be held for six (6) month.  It is the student’s responsibility to retrieve these items from Public Safety.  If these items are not collected by the fifth business day after confiscation, the confiscated items will be discarded.  The student will have no recourse to recover confiscated items after the allotted time period. Items that are illegal or needed as evidence to resolve an alleged Community Standards violation (or criminal investigation) shall not be returned.

Housing Assignments

The Office of Student Life assigns all new students’ rooms and roommates. 

Resident students returning to University housing select a housing assignment in accordance with the housing selection process.  When possible, housing assignments will be made in accordance with the student’s request for specific roommate, floor, and room type.  No specific assignment based on student’s request is guaranteed or implied.  Residents agree to provide the University with the information and preference requested on the housing application.  If resident fails to indicate any roommate preference, the resident forfeits his or her influence of the roommate assignment.  If a vacancy occurs, the University may assign another resident or resident(s) to the vacancy without prior notice to the resident(s).

The University reserves the right to change room assignments for disciplinary reasons occasioned by resident, catastrophe, closing of facility, unavailability or roommates, or irresolvable incompatibility of roommates.  Room change requests made by resident may be granted on case-by-case basis as determined by the sole discretion of the Director of Student Life or his/her designated representative.

The University makes all assignments without regard to age, race, religion or creed, color, sex, national or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, marital status, military status, genetic predisposition or carrier status, gender identity, familial status, domestic victim status, pregnancy, citizen status, disability, or any other status protected by state or federal law.

Housing Accommodations

Special-Need Housing Accommodations are based on medical, psychological, or other disability-related needs in accordance with the University’s Disabilities Policy.

Maintenance Requests

Situations observed which appear to require maintenance, repair, renovation, or alteration must be reported to the Facilities Management via a Facilities Management Work Request or by calling the Facilities Management Customer Service Center (x2250) to report the problem.  A technician will be dispatched to investigate the problem.  All requests for work involving emergency repairs are to be made by calling extension 2250 during normal business hours.  After hours, Public Safety must be notified at extension 2330.

Personal Property

The University takes reasonable precautions to safeguard the private property of students in the residence halls, apartments, and townhouses.  Canisius University assumes no liability for private property lost, damaged, or stolen.  Resident students must take reasonable care by locking dorm rooms and windows and not propping open the outer doors of the residence halls, apartments or townhouses.  Room doors, as well as exterior doors, should be closed and locked at all times, and ID Cards/room keys should not be shared.  The University encourages students to take out renter’s insurance.

Property Abandonment

Personal items left in a residence hall room, apartment, or townhouse by a vacating resident will be removed at the resident’s expense.  If personal items are left in common areas of an apartment or townhouse, the removal and storage fees will be charge equally amongst the residents of the unit.

Room Access

All rooms, townhouses, and apartments are accessed using a University ID card or assigned key. Residents are obligated to report a lost or stolen ID card or key immediately to the Office of Student Life or the Department of Public Safety. 

Room Changes

Room changes are permitted only under specific guidelines.  Any change of room without the written approval of the Office of Student Life will subject the involved student to a fine for an improper check-out and/or additional disciplinary action.  Room change approval must be obtained from all involved parties.  The first two weeks of each semester is considered a period of “room freeze,” where no room changes will be granted.  Within each semester there will be a designated room change period in which approved room changes may occur, which will be posted by the Office of Student Life.

Room Entry

The University respects each resident’s privacy in the living unit.  However, official University personnel may enter the unit for purposes of improvements, cleaning, and recovery of unauthorized University-owned property, fire safety inspections, protective measures necessary for the health and general welfare of the resident or the protection of University property or the University community.  University personnel may also enter a unit without prior notice when there is reasonable cause to believe a violation of Community Standards is taking place or honoring legal search warrants presented by law enforcement authorities.  In emergencies, University personnel may similarly enter and search the living unit and personal contents therein without notice to protect or ensure protection of life and property.

A resident’s request for maintenance and repair shall constitute a resident’s consent for room entry.

Housing Refunds

No refund of housing costs may be demanded as a matter of right when a student leaves the University or University owned housing without completing the semester in which the student is enrolled.  For a student to obtain a refund when leaving the University, the withdrawal must be authorized by the appropriate dean.  If authorization is granted, the schedule as noted below will be used to determine the final bill for tuition and housing costs, as specified in the Room and Board contract.

First week of classes (Drop and Add Week)100%
Second week of classes90%
Third and fourth week of classes50%
Fifth week through eighth week of classes25%
After eighth week of classesnone

If a student remains enrolled at the University but wishes to terminate his or her room and board agreement, special circumstances must exist.  The withdrawal from University owned housing must be authorized by the Director of Student Life or designee.  If authorization is granted, the above noted schedule will be used to determine the final bill for housing costs based on your enrollment status of a full semester, partial semester or a summer school session.

All overpayments during the term of a resident’s room and board contract will be refunded, less administrative charges or withdrawal fees in accordance with the terms of this contract.

No refunds will be made to any resident receiving full academic credit for the semester except as specifically provided above.

Non-Waiver Defects of Performance

No default in performance by resident shall be deemed waived unless in writing and signed by the Director of Student Life.


Community Standards

Residential Life Standards of Conduct

Housing Application & Forms

6.2.3        Residential Life Standards of Conduct


Effective Date:

May 8, 2017

Policy Number:

VI – 6.2.3


Not Applicable.

Issuing Authority:


Responsible Officer:

Vice President for Student Affairs


All University students residing in Canisius University residential halls, apartments, and townhouses.


 Updated 7/22/22


The purpose of this Policy is to set forth the standards of conduct expected of all residents of the University’s residence halls, apartments, and townhouses.


All resident students at Canisius University are required to adhere to the standards of conduct set forth in the Procedures/Guidelines section of this Policy, as well as the University’s Community Standards.  Failure to adhere to these standards may result in termination of the housing contract, fines, and/or disciplinary action in accordance with the judicial procedures set forth in the Community Standards.


Not Applicable.


Violations of any of the residence life standards of conduct listed below are also considered to be violations of the Canisius University Community Standards and may result in disciplinary action:

Alcohol and Drugs

Residence Life

The possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages on University property are not permitted by anyone who is not of legal drinking age, 21.  Legal-age residents are permitted to possess and responsibly consume alcoholic beverages in their rooms or in the room of another legal-age resident as long as the doors to the rooms remain closed.  Legal-age residents may be held responsible for irresponsible drinking.  No guest may provide or bring alcohol into any residence hall.

No large quantities of alcohol are permitted, including, but not limited to, beer balls and kegs. Any person found responsible for possessing a beer ball or keg shall be removed from residence.  While the definition of a large quantity of alcohol remains subjective, responsible drinking is an expectation of community standards.

Delivery of alcohol by a retail or wholesale distributor to any University housing facility is prohibited.

Alcohol consumption and/or any alcohol open or closed container will only be permitted in private and not public areas of the residence halls.  Based on the residential occupancy of the room, a party is defined as twice the number of residents assigned to that room, plus one (2n +1).

Alcohol containers used as decorations or empty alcohol containers may be deemed as proof of consumption and are prohibited.  Being in the presence of anyone who is illegally consuming, possessing or selling alcohol or drugs is prohibited.

Anyone who is of legal drinking age cannot consume or possess alcohol in the presence of anyone who is not of legal drinking age (with the exception of one’s roommate).

Registered guests who are of legal age also may responsibly consume alcoholic beverages in room(s) of legal-age residents. Residents may not make alcohol available to anyone who is not of legal age.  Guests, even of legal drinking age, may not bring alcoholic beverages onto University property.  Residents are responsible for the behavior of their guests and their following of this Policy.

Care of Facilities

Room/Apartments: Residents are responsible for keeping their assigned living unit and its furnishings clean and free from damage, to cooperate with roommates in the common protection of University and personal property and in maintenance of the living space, as well as to advise the University of any deteriorated conditions of the living unit or its furnishings.  Residents may not modify or cause to allow the modification of the living unit or other parts of the building except as authorized in writing in advance by the Office of Student Life.

Common Areas: Public areas, residential corridors and commonly shared rooms, equipment or furnishings must be used in a careful and proper manner.  In addition, residents must contribute to the orderliness and cleanliness of all common areas.


Students are welcome to decorate their residence as long as they adhere to the following guidelines.

  • Any decoration that violates New York or City of Buffalo Codes is prohibited;
  • Alcohol bottles/cans may not be displayed;
  • Students are not permitted to paint or paper the walls, woodwork or ceiling, nor refinish any of the furniture;
  • Items may not be hung from the ceiling at any time or in any fashion;
  • Contact paper is not permitted on any surface;
  • Use or installation of wood paneling, wood structures and/or tile is prohibited;
  • Plastic tape around window or closet areas is not permitted; staples/nails on doors, walls, ceilings, closets or any other surface are not permitted due to the damage caused upon removal;
  • Christmas Trees/Flammable Decorations: Real Christmas trees are not allowed in the residence halls. Only potted trees or plants are allowed in student rooms.  During the Christmas season and throughout the year, only fire resistant decorations are allowed.  Flammable decorations are not permitted in the residence halls. In addition, decorative electric lights of any kind are not permitted in residence halls.
  • Candles/Incense: Because of fire safety concerns in University owned housing, Canisius University has banned the use of all types of candles and incense.  If these items are found during inspections, the Office of Student Life reserves the right to cut wicks off candles or confiscate and return the items to students at a later date.
  • Lights: Rope lights, string lights, and holiday lights are prohibited in University housing.
  • Smoke machines are not allowed; and
  • The use of tape, glue, paste, nails, tacks, chalk, markers, hooks, screws and other fixtures on the walls, ceiling, furniture, doors or glass that causes damage is prohibited.  The use of blue painter’s tape is permitted.

Any exceptions to these policies must be submitted in writing to the Office of Student Life, and approved prior to any changes.  When making any public display that can be seen from the exterior of room doors or windows, resident students may not have:

  • Any signs, flyers or messages that slander, threaten, intimidate, harass or embarrass any member of the University community or otherwise violate the University’s Discrimination and Harassment and/or Sexual and Gender-Based Misconduct policies;
  • Any message that stimulates violence, promotes sex or any harassment or “hate” language or symbols;
  • Any message that promotes drugs or alcohol or use thereof;
  • Any business, highway, city, state, community or University signs or property that has not been legally obtained; or
  • Any commercially sold or personal business-related product advertisement or promotion.

The Office of Student Life will review any resident or staff complaints due to offensive or questionable decorations.  Decorations that violate a Community Standard may be subject to disciplinary action.


All fire doors and exterior doors in all residence halls, apartments, and townhouses must remain closed.  Door-propping can lead to problems with safety, pest control, and climate control.


All University rooms, apartments, and townhouses are furnished, and residents are responsible for all furnishings provided in their rooms.  Furnishings may not be removed from assigned locations.  Alterations and/or damage to furnishings will result in charges for replacements or restoration to original condition.  University furniture may not be placed outside the room.  Waterbeds, pools, and Jacuzzis, are not permitted.  Bed extensions are requested through the University work order system.

The Office of Student Life reserves the right to have students remove personal furnishings from a room if those furnishings are believed to pose a safety risk, create roommate conflicts, impede movement within the room, or pose a fire hazard.  Community/lounge furniture may not be removed or relocated.

Guest in Residence Halls

Resident students are allowed unrestricted guest privileges from 11:00 a.m. until 1:00 a.m. on days prior to class days and from 11:00 a.m. until 3:00 a.m. on days prior to non-class days.

All residents are responsible for the behavior of their guests (including overnight guests) while they are in University housing.  They are to ensure that their guests observe all Student Life regulations and University policies, in addition to the Community Standards.  Residents are expected to accompany their guests within the residential areas at all times.  Authorized or unauthorized guests not in compliance with Student Life regulations, University policies, or the Community Standards may be removed from University property.

All overnight guests must be registered with the Office of Student Life.  After 10:00 p.m., when the Office of Student Life closes, overnight guests must register with the Office of Public Safety.  The Office of Student Life Life expects roommates to discuss the issues surrounding visitation not covered by this policy guideline and to agree on guidelines regarding when guests will and will not be allowed in assigned housing.  In addition to the above, the following guidelines apply to overnight guests:

  • No overnight guest will be allowed to stay for more than three (3) consecutive nights;
  • A resident may not have overnight guests more than six (6) nights in any given calendar month;
  • No individual overnight guest may be hosted in University housing more than six (6) nights total in any calendar month; and
  • Except with prior approval from the Office of Student Life, a resident may not host more than two (2) overnight guests at one time.  No overnight guests are permitted in the University residence halls during times of emergency.  Additionally, no overnight guests are permitted during the scheduled final exam period of all academic semesters.


Residents are responsible for keys issued to the space assigned, not to have the key duplicated and not to loan or transfer use of the key. If the assigned room key is lost, the resident student will be responsible for reporting the loss to the Office of Student Life and to pay any charges to replace the key or change the lock(s) on doors affected by the loss of the key or by failure to return the assigned key upon check out.

Occupancy: The Rule of 2N+1

Occupancy for all University housing facilities is limited to double the intended occupancy plus one.  A student may not occupy a unit that has not been assigned to him or her by the Office of Student Life.


Courtesy Hours: are in effect at all times (including quiet hours).

Each student or visitor has the responsibility of ensuring that his or her noise does not become disruptive or destructive to the University housing environment.

Quiet Hours: the minimum prescribed period of quiet outlined by the Office of Student Life. 

Sunday - Thursday: 10:00 p.m. - 10:00 a.m.

Friday - Saturday: 12:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.

Amplified Instruments: Amplified musical instruments are not to be used or played in student rooms or common areas.

Room Damages

Room and apartment damage will be assessed for cost of repairs or replacement and charges will be appropriated as follows:

  • To any individual who accepts responsibility or is found to be responsible for the damage.
  • To occupants of a room where the damage was done and direct responsibility is not placed.
  • Damage shall be classified as either accidental or malicious. Accidental damage is damage occurring through unintentional, chance happenings. Malicious damage is disruptive behavior resulting in damage. Disciplinary action will be taken and restitution assessed to students involved in malicious damage.  Restitution will be assessed for accidental damage.  Repeated occurrences of damage by an individual or group will be investigated to determine whether further disciplinary measures are warranted, including dismissal from University housing.

Common Area Damage:

  • Common Areas are defined as any space other than individual student rooms, i.e., bathrooms, hallways, stairwells, lounges, elevators, lobby areas, etc.
  • In Common Areas where excessive damage occurs and responsibility is not placed, it may be necessary to hold responsible all occupants of the section, floor or building, where the damage occurs.
  • Individuals held accountable for damage to a common area will be held financially responsible and will be billed by the Office of Student Accounts, upon request of the Office of Student Life.
  • In cases of malicious or reckless damage, responsible students will not only be billed for the damage but disciplinary action will occur.
  • If a group or individual has been billed and does not feel they were responsible for the damage, they may appeal to the director of student life or designee within five (5) days of the billing.

Restricted Student Housing Appliances and Other Items

University fire, safety, and sanitation regulations prohibit the use of all dangerous appliances in student rooms.  The following are expressly forbidden:

Open coil heaters 

Air conditioners 

Satellite dishes

Halogen lamps 


Immersion coils

Deep-fat fryers


Hot plates


Frying appliance

Any type of open flame devices

Any type of exposed burner

Any student causing a fire in or about University housing facilities is subject to restitution and disciplinary action, to include but not limited to suspension from housing or expulsion from the University.

Refrigerators & Other Allowable Appliances

Refrigerators must be compact, (4.5 cubic feet or less and outside dimensions no larger than 25” x 25” x 25”, unless approved by the Office of Student Life), rating of 3 amps per hour or less and be in safe electrical condition. For proper ventilation and sanitation, refrigerators should be placed on a stand.  Placing them in closets does not allow for proper ventilation.  Personal refrigerators must be inspected by the Student Life staff.

Extension Cords

Extension cords are prohibited in all University housing.

Use of Permitted Appliances

Even those appliances permitted in student rooms demand the user to exercise reasonable precautions. It is important to unplug appliances when they are not in use since even items with thermostatic controls may prove defective.  All appliances must be used in a manner prescribed by their manufacturers.  Use of a noncombustible pad of adequate size is required underneath the appliances to protect the room furnishings and to prevent fires.  Damage or injury resulting from the use of any appliance not provided by the Office of Student Life shall be the responsibility of the user and/or owner.

Housing Policy Violations

  • Performing an unauthorized room change or failure to abide by established room change policy and procedures.
  • Failure to properly complete the check-out or check-in process (subject to improper check-out or check-in fee).
  • Duplication of or unauthorized possession of a room or apartment key.
  • Unauthorized painting, construction or project work in resident's room or common areas.
  • Unauthorized subletting of residence hall room.

Community Living Standards

  • Failure to maintain adequate standards of personal hygiene or room cleanliness such that it interferes with the general comfort, safety, security, health or welfare of the residence community.
  • Intentional effort to force a roommate to move out of the room, townhouse, or apartment.
  • Gambling in/about the residence community (State law).
  • Door-to-door solicitation, sales, and canvassing are not permitted in any area within the residential community.  Door-to-door distribution of flyers or leaflets or the placement of these items on cars is prohibited.  Students may not engage in any sales or business activities in their room or within any public area of the residential community.


No animals, except fish, may be brought into the residence halls, apartments, or townhouses.  Small fish and fish tanks are acceptable (20 gallons maximum).  This policy does not apply to documented therapy/emotional support/service animals.

Smoking and Tobacco Use

In accordance with the University’s Smoking and Tobacco Use Policy, Canisius University prohibits tobacco use and/or e-cigarettes, in any form, in all indoor areas and public areas on campus.  Indoor and public areas also include, but are not limited to restrooms, all campus buildings and University owned housing, private offices, vestibules, entrances, exits, stairwells, University-owned vehicles, and the Demske Sports Complex.  Tobacco and/or e-cigarette use is limited to areas outside entrances and exits providing doors, windows, and air intake vents are closed.  Any use must take place at least 25 feet away from any University-owned building.  Smokers must extinguish cigarettes and cigars in smoking receptacles located throughout the campus.

Other Prohibited Items

  • Dartboards: Use and possession of metal and/or plastic tip or other sharp point are not permitted.  Magnetic darts and dartboards are permitted;
  • Flammables and Fireworks: Illegal or unauthorized possession or use of fireworks or explosives on University premises is prohibited.  This includes the use or possession of any flammables including, but not limited to, candles, incense, open flames, fragrance pots, lighter fluid, dangerous chemicals, propane, smoke bombs, torches, and gasoline canisters.  Refer to the University’s Weapons and Other Dangerous Weapons Policy.
  • The use of bicycles, skates, scooters, skateboards, and hands-free segways (commonly known as hoverboards) is prohibited inside any campus building or residence hall.  Bicycles should be stored on bike racks located around campus, and should not be stored in rooms or hallways.  Skateboards, skates, and hands-free segways must be picked up/removed and carried when within campus buildings
  • Water Guns/Balloons/Buckets/Water Events: Water guns, toy guns and any type of water activity within University housing and/or outside University housing are not permitted; and
  • Weapons: Weapons, as defined in University’s Weapons and Other Dangerous Weapons Policy are prohibited on campus and in University housing.

Other Prohibited Activities

Misuse, abuse, or unauthorized use of University property or property belonging to others is prohibited.  Expressly prohibited are those actions which endanger the student, fellow residents, the University community, or the academic process.  This applies to, but is not limited to the following:

  • Being on roofs, climbing from windows and scaling or rappelling outside walls;
  • Throwing objects from University housing windows;
  • Playing sports in the hallway of a residence hall;
  • Misuse of fire control or alarm equipment, or initiation or circulation of a report or warning of an impending bombing, false alarm or fire, or other crime, emergency, or catastrophe, knowing that the report is false;
  • Removing window screens from windows in assigned units; and
  • Using an unmanned aircraft systems (drones) inside any University housing building.

Smoking and Tobacco Use

It is the policy of Canisius University to provide a smoke and tobacco-free environment on campus. The use of smoking and tobacco products of any sort shall be prohibited on all University-owned and operated campus grounds, both indoors and outdoors. In accordance with the University's Smoking and Tobacco Use Policy, Canisius University prohibits tobacco use and/or e-cigarettes, in any form, on campus. 

In addition, hanging or placing clothing, bikes, banners, signs, plants or other items outside of rooms including on balconies, roofs and/or windows is prohibited.


Alcohol and Drug Prevention Program Policy

Service Animal Policy

Use of Non-human Animals in Research, Teaching, and Demonstrations Policy

Community Standards

Alcohol and Drug Prevention Program Policy

Pets Policy

Smoking and Tobacco Use Policy

Use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (Drones) Policy

Weapons and Other Dangerous Instruments Policy

6.2.4        Assistance Animals Policy


Effective Date:

May 8, 2017

Policy Number:

VI – 6.2.4


Assistance Animal Policy

Issuing Authority:


Responsible Officer:

Vice President for Student Affairs


All University housing residents.



The purpose of this Policy is to establish requirements for accessibility, behavior, and treatment of assistance animals in University housing and to support Canisius University’s compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act and the Fair Housing Act.


Canisius University recognizes the importance of Service Animals as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act (ADAAA) and the broader category of Assistance Animals under the Fair Housing Act that provide physical and/or emotional support to individuals with disabilities.  Canisius University is committed to allowing Assistance Animals necessary to provide individuals with disabilities an equal opportunity to use and enjoy University housing.  The procedures and guidelines set forth in this Policy explain the specific requirements applicable to an individual’s use of an Assistance Animal in University housing.  Canisius University reserves the right to amend this Policy and its corresponding procedures and policy guidelines.  This Policy applies solely to Assistance Animals, which may be necessary in University housing.  It does not apply to Service Animals as defined by the ADAAA.

Canisius University prohibits pets in University housing and other University buildings, Canisius University will consider requests for Assistance Animals.  However, students requesting Assistance Animals must complete and submit an application 60 days prior to University move-in and receive written approval prior to the Assistance Animals being allowed in University housing.  Assistance Animal policy guidelines and procedures for Canisius University are set forth in the Procedures/Guidelines Section of this Policy.


Assistance Animalan animal that provides comfort to an individual with a disability upon the recommendation of a healthcare or mental health professional.  An Assistance Animal does not assist a person with a disability with activities of daily living, is not required to be trained to perform work or tasks, and does not accompany a person with a disability at all times.  An Assistance Animal can be species other than dogs.  The role of the assistance animal is to live with a student and alleviate the symptoms of an individual’s disability to provide equal opportunities to use and enjoy University housing.  An Assistance Animal is not considered to be a service animal under this Policy or applicable law.

The question in determining if an Assistance Animal will be allowed in University housing is whether or not the Assistance Animal is necessary because of the individual’s disability to afford the individual an equal opportunity to use and enjoy University housing and its presence in University housing is reasonable.  However, even if the individual with a disability establishes necessity for an Assistance Animal and it is allowed in University housing, an Assistance Animal is not permitted in other areas of the University (e.g. dining facilities, library, academic buildings, athletic buildings and facilities, classrooms, labs, etc.).

Owner—a student who has requested the accommodation and has received approval to bring an Assistance Animal into University housing or an individual with a disability who uses a Service Animal as an accommodation on the University’s campus.


Procedures for Requesting Assistance Animals in University Housing

The procedure for requesting Assistance Animals indicates that the request must be submitted 60 days in advance of moving in day and include a completed Accessibility Support Intake Form, Special Needs Housing Form, and appropriate documentation.  The University does not guarantee that the accommodation will be made if the completed materials are not received at least 60 days prior to move in day.  The forms and general documentation guidelines are available at https://www.canisius.edu/student-experience/student-support-services/griff-center/accessibility-support.

Criteria for Determining If Presence of the Assistance Animal is Reasonable

  1. University housing is unique in several aspects including the assignment of roommates for many individuals and the mandate that individuals must share a room or suite in certain residence halls.  To ensure that the presence of assistance animals is not an undue administrative burden or fundamental alteration of University housing or infringes on the rights of roommates, Canisius reserves the right to assign or reassign an individual with an assistance animal to a single room or other appropriate similar housing.  However, for all requests for assistance animals, Accessibility Support shall nonetheless consult with Student Life in making a determination on a case-by-case basis of whether the presence of an assistance animal is reasonable.

A request for an Assistance Animal may be denied as unreasonable if the presence of the animal:

  • Imposes an undue financial and/or administrative burden;
  • Fundamentally alters University housing policies; and/or (3)
  • Poses a direct threat to the health and safety of others or would cause substantial property damage to the property of others, including University property.
  1. Canisius University may consider the following factors, among others, as evidence in determining whether the presence of the animal is reasonable or in the making of housing assignments for individuals with Assistance Animals:
  • The size of the animal is too large for available assigned housing space;
  • The animal’s presence would force another individual from housing (e.g. serious allergies);
  • The animal’s presence otherwise violates individuals' rights to peace and quiet enjoyment;
  • The animal is not housebroken or is unable to live with others in a reasonable manner;
  • The animal's vaccinations are not up-to-date;
  • The animal poses or has posed in the past a direct threat to the individual or others such as aggressive behavior towards or injuring the individual or others; or
  • The animal causes or has caused excessive damage to housing beyond reasonable wear and tear.

Canisius University will not limit room assignments for individuals with Assistance Animals to any particular building or buildings because the individual needs an Assistance Animal because of a disability.

Access to University Facilities by Assistance Animals

  1. Assistance Animals: An Assistance Animal must be contained within the privately assigned individual living accommodations (e.g., room, suite, apartment) except to the extent the individual is taking the animal out for natural relief. When an Assistance Animal is outside the private individual living accommodations, it must be in an animal carrier or controlled by a leash or harness.  Assistance Animals are not allowed in any University facilities other than University residence hall to which the individual is assigned.
  2. Dominion and Control: Notwithstanding the restrictions set forth herein, the Assistance Animal must be properly housed and restrained or otherwise under the dominion and control of the Owner at all times.  No Owner shall permit the animal to go loose or run at large.  If an animal is found running at large, the animal is subject to capture and confinement and immediate removal from University housing.

Individual’s Responsibilities for Assistance Animal

If the University grants an individual’s request to live with an Assistance Animal, the individual is solely responsible for the custody and care of the Assistance Animal and must meet the following requirements:

  • The Owner must abide by current city, county, and state ordinances, laws, and/or regulations pertaining to licensing, vaccination, and other requirements for animals. It is the individual’s responsibility to know and understand these ordinances, laws, and regulations.  The University has the right to require documentation of compliance with such ordinances, laws, and/or regulations, which may include a vaccination certificate.  The University reserves the right to request documentation showing that the animal has been licensed;
  • The Owner is required to clean up after and properly dispose of the animal’s waste in a safe and sanitary manner and, when provided, must use animal relief areas designated by Canisius University;
  • The Owner is required to ensure the animal is well cared for at all times.  Any evidence of mistreatment or abuse may result in immediate removal of the Assistance Animal and/or discipline for the individual;
  • Canisius University will not ask for or require an individual with a disability to pay a fee or surcharge for an approved Assistance Animal;
  • An individual with a disability may be charged for any damage caused by his or her Assistance Animal beyond reasonable wear and tear to the same extent that it charges other individuals for damages beyond reasonable wear and tear.  The Owner’s living accommodations may also be inspected for fleas, ticks or other pests if necessary as part of the University’s standard or routine inspections.  If fleas, ticks or other pests are detected through inspection, the residence will be treated using approved fumigation methods by a University-approved pest control service;
  • The Owner will be billed for the expense of any pest treatment above and beyond standard pest management in the residence halls.  The University shall have the right to bill the individual’s account for unmet obligations under this provision;
  • The Owner must fully cooperate with University personnel with regard to meeting the terms of this Policy and developing procedures for care of the animal (e.g., cleaning the animal, feeding/watering the animal, disposing of feces, etc.);
  • The Assistance Animal must be kept in the owner’s room in a crate when the owner is not in the room;
  • Assistance Animals may not be left overnight in University housing to be cared for by any individual other than the Owner.  If the Owner is to be absent from his/her residence hall overnight or longer, the animal must accompany the Owner.  The Owner is responsible for ensuring that the Assistance Animal is contained, as appropriate, when the Owner is not present during the day while attending classes or other activities;
  • The Owner agrees to abide by all equally applicable residential policies that are unrelated to the individual’s disability such as assuring that the animal does not unduly interfere with the routine activities of the residence or cause difficulties for individuals who reside there;
  • The animal is allowed in University housing only as long as it is necessary because of the Owner’s disability.  The Owner must notify the Accessibility Support Office in writing if the Assistance Animal is no longer needed or is no longer in residence.  To replace an Assistance Animal, the new animal must be necessary because of the Owner’s disability and the Owner must follow the procedures in this Policy for requesting a different animal, including completing the new application 60 days prior to the next moving in day;
  • Canisius University personnel shall not be required to provide care or food for any Assistance Animal including, but not limited to, removing the animal during emergency evacuation for events such as a fire alarm.  Emergency personnel will determine whether to remove the animal and may not be held responsible for the care, damage to, or loss of the animal;
  • The individual must provide written consent for Accessibility Support to disclose information to the Office of Student Life regarding the request for and presence of the Assistance Animal to those individuals who may be impacted by the presence of the animal.  The Office of Student Life will notify potential and/or actual roommate(s)/suitemate(s)/residents in hall(s) of the animal in residence.  Such information shall be limited to information related to the animal and shall not include information related to the individual’s disability.  The Office of Student Life will ask all parties impacted to sign a contract agreement.  Other housing arrangements will be made if roommate(s)/suitemate(s) are unable to sign the contract agreement.
  • The University will assess the condition of the room and charge a fee in the event any damage is noted to the room.

Removal of Assistance Animal

Canisius may require the individual to remove the assistance animal from University housing if:

  • The animal poses a direct threat to the health or safety of others or causes substantial property damage to the property of others;
  • The animal’s presence results in a fundamental alteration of a University program;
  • The Owner does not comply with the Owner’s Responsibilities set forth above; or
  • The animal or its presence creates an unmanageable disturbance or interference with the Canisius community.

Canisius University will base such determinations upon the consideration of the behavior of the particular Assistance Animal at issue, and not on speculation or fear about the harm or damages an animal may cause.

The University’s Community Standards protocol will be followed for any behavioral issues.  Any removal of the animal will be done in consultation with the Accessibility Support Office.

Should the Assistance Animal be removed from the premises for any reason, the Owner is expected to fulfill his/her housing obligations for the remainder of the housing contract.


Canisius University will not retaliate against any person because that individual has requested or received a reasonable accommodation in University housing, including a request for an Assistance Animal.

Complaints and Exclusion of an Assistance Animal

Any member of the University may submit a complaint about a Assistance Animal, identifying one or more concerns in the areas listed above.  Persons with concerns may contact a member of Student Affairs.  An investigation will be commenced and a determination will be made with respect to any alleged violations of this Policy or corresponding procedures.  The determination will be provided to the owner and the individual submitting the complaint.  If the investigation determines that any provision of this Policy and corresponding procedures has been violated by a student, the matter will be referred to Student Affairs for proceedings consistent with the provisions of the University’s Judicial Policies. In addition to the warnings and sanctions outlined in the University’s Community Standards, a finding substantiating the violation of this Policy may also lead to the exclusion of the animal from University housing.


Use of Non-human Animals in Research, Teaching, and Demonstrations Policy

Pets Policy

Assistance Animals Policy


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