Adding Content to a Confluence Page

Adding Content to a Confluence Page


Tutorial Video

Adding and Editing Content on Wiki Pages

Full Screen

00:00 Open the Editor and Add Text

01:34 Add Images

03:22 Add Tables

Adding Text and Images

If you have rights to edit a page, you'll see an "edit" link toward the upper right.  This opens an editor which works basically like a word processor.  You can add and format text, add images, simple text links, or video.  

Within the editor, you'll see a toolset up at the top that looks like this:

Of course, you recognize the word processing tools.  If you hover over the icons, you'll get a brief descriptive title of each, indicating what they do.  For example, "Insert Table" allow you to create tables, and "Insert files and images allows you to add files as links, thumbnails, or images to the page (and add the associated files behind the scenes in the File Attachment page.)  The image below was added to this page.  

If you click on the image, Confluence delivers a full-size version of that image in a separate window.  When viewing the full-sized image, you can return to this screen by clicking the black circle with the "X," in the upper righthand corner of the image.

Adding Video from YouTube

Adding video is even easier.  If you paste the URL or web address for a YouTube-hosted video into a Confluence page editor, Confluence does the rest, creating an embedded video, ready to play.  If the video appears too small, click the "Youtube" logo in the bottom righthand corner, to watch it at Youtube, where you can expand it to full screen. 

More Options

You can learn about some simple but effective tools built into wiki pages that can help your users read, watch, navigate, and understand content on your page or pages.  Visit the Canisius Wiki Style Guide.

In a later page, we'll discuss adding section titles and an automated table of contents to your wiki pages.  (But you can skip ahead to that if you'd like!)

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How do I Add Files in the Wiki? >>

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