Guide for Virtual Presentations

Guide for Virtual Presentations

Preparing for Your Presentation


A script will help you peel out the 'likes' and 'ums' that make their way into our everyday conversation. It will also guarantee that you say everything you want to say.

  • Lay out a script, word for word, in a Google Doc.
  • Then, break your full script up into bite-sized paragraphs (3-4 sentences).
    • Reference the related work or quotes of scholars, who your classmates are also familiar with.
  • Have someone else look over the script to see that it is understandable.
  • Read it through at a good pace to be sure that it could be read in the designated time frame.

Prepare your Presentation File

You have many options for presenting content. Yes you can use PowerPoint, but these tools present some interesting ideas:

Here are some tips for setting up your slides:

  • Aim to have one slide per paragraph (from your script).
  • Don't clutter your slides with text; if anything, use one word or an image.
  • Use attention-grabbing graphics.
  • Use a font and font sizes that are readable.
  • TED tips for good slide decks.


Aim to recite your presentation from memory. The tips below will give you step-by-step instructions for achieving this goal. Even if you are presenting online and you can use notes, you still want to try to keep eye contact as much as possible.

  • Begin by memorizing the first line of the first paragraph.
    • Once you can recite the first line by heart, memorize the second line.
      • Once you can recite the second line, speak the first and second line together.
        • Continue on until you have memorized and can recite the entire first paragraph by heart.
  • Then, follow the same process until you can recite the entire second paragraph by heart.
    • Once you can recite the second paragraph by heart, recite the first and second paragraphs together.
  • Continue the process until you have memorized the entire script.
Web Conference Tips and Tutorials


  • See the video on this page for participants to get a feel for how the Web conferencing system works: Zoom for Web Conferencing(You will not need an account with Zoom. Your instructor will invite you to their own room.)
  • Clear your desktop before you log in to the Web conference to present. (You will be sharing your screen to present.)
  • Make sure you are in a quiet location. Do not risk interruption by a phone ringing, a dog barking or a baby crying.
  • Select a good background for your Web conference- such as a bookshelf or plain wall.

Logging in to the Web conference

  • Log in early to the Web conference on the day you are presenting.
  • Once you log in, check your audio and video settings.
  • Make sure your mic and video are on.
  • Open your presentation and have it ready to present.
  • When you are given the cue to present, click 'share screen'. (Now anything you bring up on your screen will be shared.)
Delivering your Presentation
  • Start by introducing yourself, your work and the agenda of what you will cover in the next X minutes.
  • Remind folks to use the chat area to discuss concepts, takes notes during your presentation or to ask questions.
  • Stick to your script, but try to avoid sounding scripted.
  • Speak with energy and enthusiasm.
  • Engage your audience (see below).
  • Instead of asking if there are any questions, wrap up by asking a question to the audience.
Tips for Engaging your Audience at a Distance
  • Talk to your audience- mention audience member's names or related work.
  • Use props to illustrate points.
  • Don't forget to make eye contact with the camera because both your screen and video will be shared.
  • See what they think- Consider polling your audience on a topic.
  • Use game strategy- ask the audience to tally the number of times they see an image on your slides. (After you strategically place a small image on each of the slides.)
  • Get everyone on the same page- Consider co-creating on a Google Doc, Drawing or Slides presentation with your audience.
Add your Presentation to your Favorite Web Space
  • We recommend recording a screencast of your presentation with your voice using a product like Jing.

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