Video Tools & Tutorials - SEHS

Video Tools & Tutorials - SEHS


Recording Devices

Mobile phones are a great option for recording video. We highly recommend the free Teleprompter App by Joe Allen for iOS devices.

The Media Center also has many recording devices to choose from. For edTPA, we highly recommend the Zoom Cameras. 

Recording Yourself

  • Use a tripod to keep your camera steady. 
  • Create a dry-run test so that you can test the placement of the camera and check the quality of the recording.  
  • Consider using your Smartphone so that you can flip the camera and watch yourself while you record.
  • Make sure you are in a well-lit location. 
  • Be sure to check your attire and appearance. 
  • Be sure to compare your attire to your recording backdrop/background to make sure that you don't blend in or clash. 
  • Record in a quiet location. 

Recording your Classroom

  • Be sure the camera is stable and has a clear angle of you and your students.
  • Test out the mic beforehand to be sure that it picks up audio from across the room or gym.
  • Be natural and remember that you can always re-record. 
  • Try to record over the amount of footage you will need, but not past 1 hour (this will give you a workable file that isn't too large).
  • The clip(s) should include interactions between you and your students as well as your responses to student comments, questions, and needs.
  • The clip(s) can feature either the whole class or a targeted group of students within the class.
  • Both you and your students should be visible and clearly heard on the video clip(s) you submit.
  • Advise your cooperating/master teacher and the principal at your school of your need to video record lessons.
  • Before you record your video, permission must be obtained from the parents/guardians of your students and from adults who appear in the video. Any students whose parents/guardians have not provided permission.


Techsmith products

Windows Movie Maker

PowerPoint 2013

Editing your Videos

There are a few tools you can use to edit your videos. We love YouTube because it is quick and easy. 

Submitting for edTPA? You can use the YouTube Video Editor, as well. Simply use a tool post-edit to download an mp4 of your video for submissions. Try:

Need to compress your video because it is too big?

You can also use products found on both PC and Mac machines:

Click here to access the technical support for producing videos in:

Core Curriculum 


Core Curriculum Video Recording

Please note, that while you may choose to use another video camera or recording device of your choice, the camera that the Core Curriculum Committee provides is the only recommended and supported camera for this project. The link above provides the contact information for obtaining this camera. 



  • Assistance with edTPA? Please contact Barb Burns: burns1@canisius.edu
  • Technical assistance with edTPA? Please contact Leah MacVie: macviel@canisius.edu.

edTPA Video Recording

Please note, that while you may choose to use another video camera or recording device of your choice, the camera that the Media Center provides is the only recommended and supported camera for this project. When you go to check this camera out at the Media Center, please be very specific that you are recording for your edTPA submission.

edTPA Submission Requirements

TaskSupported File TypesNumber
of Files
Additional Information
Task 2 Part A
Video Clips
flv, asf, qt, mov, mpg, mpeg, avi, wmv, mp4, m4v22Running time no more than 10 mins each.Before you record your video, obtain permission from the parents/guardians of your students and from adults who appear in the video.

Refer to Task 2: What Do I Need to Do? for video clip content and requirements.

When naming each clip file, include the number of the lesson shown in the video clip.
Task 3 Part B
Evidence of Feedback and, if included, video evidence of academic language use
For written feedback not written on the work samples:
.doc; .docx; .odt; .pdf

For audio feedback:
 flv, asf, wmv, qt, mov, mpg, avi, mp3, wav, mp4, wma

For video clips (feedback and/or language use):
 flv, asf, qt, mov, mpg, mpeg, avi, wmv, mp4, m4v
04No page limit for written feedback

No more than 3 minutes per focus student for video or audio feedback

No more than 5 minutes for video evidence of student language use
Document the location of your evidence of feedback in the Assessment Commentary.

If feedback is not written on the student work samples or recorded on the video clips, submit only 1 file for each student—a document, video file, OR audio file—and indicate the student number (Student 1 Feedback, Student 2 Feedback, or Student 3 Feedback) in the corresponding feedback.

When naming each feedback file, include the student number.

If you submit feedback as a video or audio clip of focus students and additional students are present, clearly identify which students are your focus students at the end of the Assessment Commentary (in no more than two sentences).

If you submit feedback as a video or audio clip and your comments cannot be clearly heard, attach transcriptions of your comments (no more than 2 additional pages) to the end of the Assessment Commentary.

For Academic Language—If you choose to submit a video clip of student language use, it should be no more than 5 minutes, with a time-stamp reference for the evidence of language use described in the Assessment Commentary. You may identify a portion of a clip provided for Task 2 or submit an entirely new clip.
Early Childhood     
TaskSupported File TypesNumber
of Files
Additional Information
Task 2 Part A
Video Clips
flv, asf, qt, mov, mpg, mpeg, avi, wmv, mp4, m4v22No more than 15 minutes total
running time
Before you record your video, obtain permission from the parents/guardians of your students and from adults who appear in the video.

Refer to Task 2: What Do I Need to Do? for video clip content and requirements.

When naming each clip file, include the number of the lesson shown in the video clip.
Task 3 Part A
Video or Audio
Evidence of Learning
For video evidence:
flv, asf, qt, mov, mpg, mpeg, avi, wmv, mp4, m4v
For audio evidence:
 flv, asf, wmv, qt, mov, mpg, avi, mp3, wav, mp4, wma
02For each focus child, 1 video or audio clip of no more than 7 minutes in lengthBefore you record your video, obtain permission from the parents/guardians of your students and from adults who appear in the video.

IMPORTANT:  If evidence is submitted as a videorecording from the Instruction task, provide the time-stamp reference in the appropriate prompt within the Assessment Commentary.  If there are multiple children in a clip, clearly identify which children are your focus children.
Task 3 Part C
Evidence of Feedback

And, if included, video evidence of language use
For written feedback not written on the work samples:
.doc; .docx; .odt; .pdf

For audio feedback:
 flv, asf, wmv, qt, mov, mpg, avi, mp3, wav, mp4, wma

For video clips (feedback and/or language use):
 flv, asf, qt, mov, mpg, mpeg, avi, wmv, mp4, m4v
03No page limit for written feedback

No more than 3 minutes per focus child for video or audio feedback

No more than 5 minutes for video evidence of student language use
Document the location of your evidence of feedback in the Assessment Commentary.

If feedback is not written on the student work samples or recorded on the video clips, submit only 1 file for each child—a document, video file, OR audio file—and indicate the child by number (Focus Child 1 Feedback or Focus Child 2 Feedback) in the corresponding feedback.

When naming each feedback file, include the focus child number.

If you submit feedback as a video or audio clip and your comments cannot be clearly heard, attach transcriptions of your comments (no more than 2 additional pages) to the end of the Assessment Commentary.

If you submit feedback to focus children as a video or audio clip and additional children are present, clearly identify which children are your focus children at the end of the Assessment Commentary (in no more than two sentences).

For Academic Language—If you choose to submit a video clip of children's language use, it should be no more than 5 minutes, with a time-stamp reference for the evidence of language use described in the Assessment Commentary. You may identify a portion of a clip provided for Task 2 or submit an entirely new clip.
TaskSupported File TypesNumber
of Files
Additional Information
Task 2 Part A
Video Clips
flv, asf, qt, mov, mpg, mpeg, avi, wmv, mp4, m4v12No more than 15 minutes total
running time
Before you record your video, obtain permission from the parents/guardians of your students and from adults who appear in the video.

Refer to Task 2: What Do I Need to Do? for video clip content and requirements.

When naming each clip file, include the number of the lesson shown in the video clip.
Task 3 Part A
Student Literacy Work Samples
For written work samples:
.doc; .docx; .odt; .pdf

For audio work samples:
flv, asf, wmv, qt, mov, mpg, avi, mp3, wav, mp4, wma

For video work samples:
flv, asf, qt, mov, mpg, mpeg, avi, wmv, mp4, m4v
33No more than 5 minutes per focus student for video or audio work samplesUse correction fluid, tape, or a felt-tip marker to mask or remove students' names, your name, and the name of the school before copying/scanning anyu work samples.

On each literacy work sample, indicate the student number (Student 1 Literacy Work Sample, Student 2 Literacy Work Sample, or Student 3 Literacy Work Sample) and refer to them accordingly in the Literacy Assessment Commentary.

When naming each literacy work sample file, include the student number AND the word literacy in the file name.

If your students' writing is illegible, write a transcription directly on the work sample.

If you submit a work sample as a video clip and there are audio portions that cannot be clearly heard, attach a transcription of inaudible portions to end of the Literacy Assessment Commentary.
Task 3 Part B
Evidence of Feedback

And, if included, video evidence of language use
For written feedback not written on the work samples:
.doc; .docx; .odt; .pdf

For audio feedback:
 flv, asf, wmv, qt, mov, mpg, avi, mp3, wav, mp4, wma

For video clips (feedback and/or language use):
 flv, asf, qt, mov, mpg, mpeg, avi, wmv, mp4, m4v
04No page limit for written feedback

No more than 3 minutes per focus student for video or audio feedback

No more than 5 minutes for video evidence of student language use
Document the location of your evidence of feedback in the Literacy Assessment Commentary.

If feedback is not written on the student literacy work samples or recorded on the video clips, submit only 1 file for each child—a document, video file, OR audio file—and indicate the student number (Student 1 Feedback or Student 2 Feedback, or Student 3 Feedback) in the corresponding feedback.

When naming each feedback file, include the student number in the file name.

If you submit feedback as a video or audio clip and your comments cannot be clearly heard, attach transcriptions of your comments to the end of the Literacy Assessment Commentary.

For Academic Language—If you choose to submit a video clip of student language use, it should be no more than 5 minutes, with a time-stamp reference for the evidence of language use described in the Literacy Assessment Commentary. You may identify a portion of a clip provided for Task 2 or submit an entirely new clip.
Elementary Con't    
TaskSupported File TypesNumber
of Files
Additional Information
Task 4 Part E
Student Mathematics Work Samples
For written work samples:
.doc; .docx; .odt; .pdf

For video work samples:
flv, asf, qt, mov, mpg, mpeg, avi, wmv, mp4, m4v
33No more than 5 minutes per focus student for video work samplesUse correction fluid, tape, or a felt-tip marker to mask or remove students' names, your name, and the name of the school before copying/scanning anyu work samples.

On each mathematics work sample, indicate the student number (Student 1 Mathematics Work Sample, Student 2 Mathematics Work Sample, or Student 3 Mathematics Work Sample) and refer to them accordingly in the Mathematics Assessment Commentary.

When naming each mathematics work sample file, include the student number AND the word mathematics in the file name.

If your students' writing is illegible, write a transcription directly on the work sample.

If you submit a work sample as a video clip and there are audio portions that cannot be clearly heard, attach a transcription of inaudible portions to end of the Mathematics Assessment Commentary.
Task 4 Part F
Examples of Student Work from
Re-engagement Lesson
For written work samples:
.doc; .docx; .odt; .pdf

For video work samples:
flv, asf, qt, mov, mpg, mpeg, avi, wmv, mp4, m4v
33No more than 5 minutes per focus student for video work samplesUse correction fluid, tape, or a felt-tip marker to mask or remove students' names, your name, and the name of the school before copying/scanning anyu work samples.

On each re-engagement work sample, indicate the student number (Student 1 Re-engagement Work Sample, Student 2 Re-engagement Work Sample, or Student 3 Re-engagement Work Sample) and refer to them accordingly in the Mathematics Assessment Commentary.

When naming each re-engagement work sample file, include the student number AND the word re-engagement in each file name.

If your students' writing is illegible, write a transcription directly on the work sample.

If you submit a work sample as a video clip and there are audio portions that cannot be clearly heard, attach a transcription of inaudible portions to end of the Mathematics Assessment Commentary.
Physical Education
TaskSupported File TypesNumber
of Files
Additional Information
Task 2 Part A
Video Clips
flv, asf, qt, mov, mpg, mpeg, avi, wmv, mp4, m4v12No more than 20 minutes total
running time
Before you record your video, obtain permission from the parents/guardians of your students and from adults who appear in the video.

Refer to Task 2: What Do I Need to Do? for video clip content and requirements.

When naming each clip file, include the number of the lesson shown in the video clip.


Select 3 focus students that represent the range of psychomotor competencies within the class.  At least one of the students should be an English language learner, a student with physical limitations, or a student with a visual impairment.

When recording, capture footage of the 3 focus students.  Video clips of the 3 focus students within the context of the whole class will be used in the Assessment task.
Task 3 Part A
Student Work Samples
flv, asf, qt, mov, mpg, mpeg, avi, wmv, mp4, m4v33No more than 10 minutes total
running time
When naming each work sample file, include the student number.

If there are occasional audio portions of a clip that cannot be clearly heard, attach a transcription of the inaudible portions to the end of the Assessment Commentary.
Task 3 Part B
Evidence of Feedback

And, if included, video evidence of academic language use
For written feedback and documented
assessment data:
.doc; .docx; .odt; .pdf

For audio feedback:
 flv, asf, wmv, qt, mov, mpg, avi, mp3, wav, mp4, wma

For video clips (feedback and/or language use):
 flv, asf, qt, mov, mpg, mpeg, avi, wmv, mp4, m4v
05No page limit for written feedback

No more than 3 minutes per focus student for video or audio feedback

No more than 5 minutes for video evidence of student language use
Document the location of your evidence of feedback in the Assessment Commentary.

If feedback is not recorded on the video clips for Task 2 or Task 3, submit only 1 feedback file for each student—a document, video file, OR audio file—and indicate the student number (Student 1 Feedback or Student 2 Feedback, or Student 3 Feedback) in the corresponding feedback.

Include the documented student data for each focus student.  You may either attach individual data to a file of written feedback for the same focus student or provide one separate file with documented data for all 3 focus students.

If you submit feedback as a video or audio clip and your comments cannot be clearly heard, attach transcriptions of your comments to the end of the Assessment Commentary.

For Academic Language—If you choose to submit a video clip of student language use, it should be no more than 5 minutes, with a time-stamp reference for the evidence of language use described in the Assessment Commentary. You may identify a portion of a clip provided for Task 2 or submit an entirely new clip.
Secondary ELA
TaskSupported File TypesNumber
of Files
Additional Information
Task 2 Part A
Video Clips
flv, asf, qt, mov, mpg, mpeg, avi, wmv, mp4, m4v22Running time no more than 10 mins each.Before you record your video, obtain permission from the parents/guardians of your students and from adults who appear in the video.

Refer to Task 2: What Do I Need to Do? for video clip content and requirements.

When naming each clip file, include the number of the lesson shown in the video clip.
Task 3 Part B
Evidence of Feedback

And, if included, video evidence of academic language use
For written feedback not written on the work samples:
.doc; .docx; .odt; .pdf

For audio feedback:
 flv, asf, wmv, qt, mov, mpg, avi, mp3, wav, mp4, wma

For video clips (feedback and/or language use):
 flv, asf, qt, mov, mpg, mpeg, avi, wmv, mp4, m4v
04No page limit for written feedback

No more than 3 minutes per focus
student for video or audio feedback

No more than 5 minutes for video evidence of student language use
Document the location of your evidence of feedback in the Assessment Commentary.

If feedback is not written on the student work samples or recorded on the video clips, submit only 1 file for each student—a document, video file, OR audio file—and indicate the student number (Student 1 Feedback or Student 2 Feedback, or Student 3 Feedback) in the corresponding feedback.

When naming each feedback file, include the student number.

If you submit feedback as a video or audio clip and your comments cannot be clearly heard, attach transcriptions of your comments (no more than 2 additional pages) to the end of the Assessment Commentary.

For Academic Language—If you choose to submit a video clip of student language use, it should be no more than 5 minutes, with a time-stamp reference for the evidence of language use described in the Assessment Commentary. You may identify a portion of a clip provided for Task 2 or submit an entirely new clip.
Secondary History/Social Studies
TaskSupported File TypesNumber
of Files
Additional Information
Task 2 Part A
Video Clips
flv, asf, qt, mov, mpg, mpeg, avi, wmv, mp4, m4v22Running time no more than 10 mins each.Before you record your video, obtain permission from the parents/guardians of your students and from adults who appear in the video.

Refer to Task 2: What Do I Need to Do? for video clip content and requirements.

When naming each clip file, include the number of the lesson shown in the video clip.
Task 3 Part B
Evidence of Feedback

And, if included, video evidence of academic language use
For written feedback not written on the work samples:
.doc; .docx; .odt; .pdf

For audio feedback:
 flv, asf, wmv, qt, mov, mpg, avi, mp3, wav, mp4, wma

For video clips (feedback and/or language use):
 flv, asf, qt, mov, mpg, mpeg, avi, wmv, mp4, m4v
04No page limit for written feedback

No more than 3 minutes per focus student for video or audio feedback

No more than 5 minutes for video evidence of student language use
Document the location of your evidence of feedback in the Assessment Commentary.

If feedback is not written on the student work samples or recorded on the video clips, submit only 1 file for each student—a document, video file, OR audio file—and indicate the student number (Student 1 Feedback or Student 2 Feedback, or Student 3 Feedback) in the corresponding feedback.

When naming each feedback file, include the student number.

If you submit feedback as a video or audio clip and your comments cannot be clearly heard, attach transcriptions of your comments (no more than 2 additional pages) to the end of the Assessment Commentary.

For Academic Language—If you choose to submit a video clip of student language use, it should be no more than 5 minutes, with a time-stamp reference for the evidence of language use described in the Assessment Commentary. You may identify a portion of a clip provided for Task 2 or submit an entirely new clip.
Secondary Math
TaskSupported File TypesNumber
of Files
Additional Information
Task 2 Part A
Video Clips
flv, asf, qt, mov, mpg, mpeg, avi, wmv, mp4, m4v12No more than 15 mins total  running time.Before you record your video, obtain permission from the parents/guardians of your students and from adults who appear in the video.

Refer to Task 2: What Do I Need to Do? for video clip content and requirements.

When naming each clip file, include the number of the lesson shown in the video clip.
Task 3 Part B
Evidence of Feedback

And, if included, video evidence of academic language use
For written feedback not written on the work samples:
.doc; .docx; .odt; .pdf

For audio feedback:
 flv, asf, wmv, qt, mov, mpg, avi, mp3, wav, mp4, wma

For video clips (feedback and/or language use):
 flv, asf, qt, mov, mpg, mpeg, avi, wmv, mp4, m4v
04No page limit for written feedback

No more than 3 minutes per focus student for video or audio feedback

No more than 5 minutes for video evidence of student language use
Document the location of your evidence of feedback in the Assessment Commentary.

If feedback is not written on the student work samples or recorded on the video clips, submit only 1 file for each student—a document, video file, OR audio file—and indicate the student number (Student 1 Feedback or Student 2 Feedback, or Student 3 Feedback) in the corresponding feedback.

When naming each feedback file, include the student number.

If you submit feedback as a video or audio clip and your comments cannot be clearly heard, attach transcriptions of your comments (no more than 2 additional pages) to the end of the Assessment Commentary.

For Academic Language—If you choose to submit a video clip of student language use, it should be no more than 5 minutes, with a time-stamp reference for the evidence of language use described in the Assessment Commentary. You may identify a portion of a clip provided for Task 2 or submit an entirely new clip.
Secondary Science
TaskSupported File TypesNumber
of Files
Additional Information
Task 2 Part A
Video Clips
flv, asf, qt, mov, mpg, mpeg, avi, wmv, mp4, m4v22Running time no more than 10 minutes each.Before you record your video, obtain permission from the parents/guardians of your students and from adults who appear in the video.

Refer to Task 2: What Do I Need to Do? for video clip content and requirements.

When naming each clip file, include the number of the lesson shown in the video clip.
Task 3 Part B
Evidence of Feedback

And, if included, video evidence of academic language use
For written feedback not written on the work samples:
.doc; .docx; .odt; .pdf

For audio feedback:
 flv, asf, wmv, qt, mov, mpg, avi, mp3, wav, mp4, wma

For video clips (feedback and/or language use):
 flv, asf, qt, mov, mpg, mpeg, avi, wmv, mp4, m4v
04No page limit for written feedback

No more than 3 minutes per focus student for video or audio feedback

No more than 5 minutes for video evidence of student language use
Document the location of your evidence of feedback in the Assessment Commentary.

If feedback is not written on the student work samples or recorded on the video clips, submit only 1 file for each student—a document, video file, OR audio file—and indicate the student number (Student 1 Feedback or Student 2 Feedback, or Student 3 Feedback) in the corresponding feedback.

When naming each feedback file, include the student number.

If you submit feedback as a video or audio clip and your comments cannot be clearly heard, attach transcriptions of your comments (no more than 2 additional pages) to the end of the Assessment Commentary.

For Academic Language—If you choose to submit a video clip of student language use, it should be no more than 5 minutes, with a time-stamp reference for the evidence of language use described in the Assessment Commentary. You may identify a portion of a clip provided for Task 2 or submit an entirely new clip.
Special Education
TaskSupported File TypesNumber
of Files
Additional Information
Task 2 Part A
Video Clips
flv, asf, qt, mov, mpg, mpeg, avi, wmv, mp4, m4v12No more than 20 minutes total
running time
Before you record your video, obtain permission from the parents/guardians of learners (or, if appropriate,the learners) and from adults who appear in the video.

Refer to Task 2: What Do I Need to Do? for video clip content and requirements.

When naming each clip, include the number of the lesson shown in the video clip.
Task 3 Part A
Completed Final Assessments
For a written final assessment:
.doc; .docx; .odt; .pdf

For a video final assessment:
flv, asf, qt, mov, mpg, mpeg, avi, wmv, mp4, m4v
02For a written final assessment: N/A

For a video final assessment:
No more than 2 minutes total running time
For written final assessment:
Use correction fluid, tape, or a felt-tip markder to mask or remove the focus learner's name, your name, and the name of the school before copying/scanning any work samples.

If your focus learner's writing is illegible, write a transcription directly on the work sample.

For video final assessment:
If more than one learner is visible, indicate in the Assessment Commentary how the focus learner can be recognized.

Final Assessments
Submit one copy of the completed final assessment (written or video work sample) for the primary learning target.

Submit one copy of the completed final assessment for the secondary learning target (if different from the final daily assessment record and the work sample).

Label the files as Work Sample for Primary Learning Target and Final Assessment for Second Learning Target.

IMPORTANT: Do not submit an additional file for Part A if a final assessment for either learning target is from the video clip(s) from Task 2 or is the final daily assessment record.  Provide a time-stamp reference for a Task 2 video (no more than 2 minutes) in prompt 1c in the Assessment Commentary.
Task 3 Part C
Evidence of Feedback

And, if included, video evidence of the targeted communication
For written feedback not written on the work samples:
.doc; .docx; .odt; .pdf

For audio feedback:
 flv, asf, wmv, qt, mov, mpg, avi, mp3, wav, mp4, wma

For video clips (feedbackor use of the targeted communication):
 flv, asf, qt, mov, mpg, mpeg, avi, wmv, mp4, m4v
02No page limit for written feedback

No more than 3 minutes for video or audio feedback

No more than 5 minutes for video evidence of focus learner's use of the targeted communication
Document the location of your evidence of feedback in the Assessment Commentary.

If feedback is not written on the student work samples or recorded on the video clips from Task 2, submit only 1 file--a document, video file, OR audio file

If you submit feedback as a video or audio clip and your comments cannot be clearly heard, attach transcriptions of your comments (no more than 2 additional pages) to the end of the Assessment Commentary.

For Use of Communication—If you choose to submit a video clip of learner use of communication that is not included in Task 2, , it should be no more than 5 minutes, with a time-stamp reference for the evidence of language use described in the Assessment Commentary. You may identify a portion of a clip provided for Task 2 or submit an entirely new clip.
World Languages
TaskSupported File TypesNumber
of Files
Additional Information
Task 2 Part A
Video Clips
flv, asf, qt, mov, mpg, mpeg, avi, wmv, mp4, m4v12No more than 15 minutes total
running time
Before you record your video, obtain permission from the parents/guardians of your students and from adults who appear in the video.

Refer to Task 2: What Do I Need to Do? for video clip content and requirements.

When naming each clip file, include the number of the lesson shown in the video clip.
Task 3 Part A
Student Work Samples
For written work samples:
.doc; .docx; .odt; .pdf

For audio work samples:
 flv, asf, wmv, qt, mov, mpg, avi, mp3, wav, mp4, wma

For video work samples:
 flv, asf, qt, mov, mpg, mpeg, avi, wmv, mp4, m4v
33No more than 5 minutes per focus student for video or audio student work samplesFor written work samples, use correction fluid, tape, or a felt-tip markder to mask or remove the focus learner's name, your name, and the name of the school before copying/scanning any work samples.  If your students' writing is illegible, write a transcription directly on the work sample.

On each work sample, indicate the student number (Student 1 Work Sample, Student 2 Work Sample, or Student 3 Work Sample) and refer to them accordingly in the Assessment Commentary.

When naming each work sample file, include the student number.

If you submit a work sample as a video or audio clip and there are audio portions that cannot be clearly heard, attach a transcription of the inaudible portions to the end of the Assessment Commentary.
Task 3 Part B
Evidence of Feedback
For written work samples:
.doc; .docx; .odt; .pdf

For audio work samples:
 flv, asf, wmv, qt, mov, mpg, avi, mp3, wav, mp4, wma

For video work samples:
 flv, asf, qt, mov, mpg, mpeg, avi, wmv, mp4, m4v
03No page limit for written feedback

No more than 3 minutes per focus student for video or audio feedback 
Document the location of your evidence of feedback in the Assessment Commentary.

If feedback is not written on the student work samples or recorded on the video clips, submit only 1 file for each student--a document, video file, OR audio file--and indicate the student number (Sudent 1 Feedback, Student 2 Feedback, or Student 3 Feedback) in the corresponding feedback.

When naming each feedback file, include the student number.

If you submit feedback as a video or audio clip of focus students adn additioanl students are present, clearly identify which students are your focus students at the end of the Assessment Commentary (in no more than two sentences).

If you submit feedback as a video or audio clidp and your comments cannot be clearly heard, attach a transcription of your comments to the end of the Assessment Commentary.

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