Exam Week
One purpose of examinations is to benefit students. Examinations make more memorable the structure and materials of the course, satisfy the need for definite goals and provide an opportunity to exercise knowledge and skill in the subject. They are experiences in which students can learn about the subject and themselves.
Instructors specify examinations of a kind and number that are appropriate to the needs of the students and to the objectives and conditions of the course. Except in unusual circumstances, a final exam is given in each course during the final exam period. An instructor who wishes to omit the final exam requires prior approval of their department chairperson. No final exams are to be administered during the final week of classes.
Students who have three or more final exams on the same day may request that one of the exams be moved. Such requests should be made directly to the faculty members, who have the ultimate authority to grant a change in time for the exam.
If a student has two exams scheduled at the same time and the conflict is not resolved by the faculty members, the assistant/associate deans of the appropriate school(s) will make a final determination of the student’s exam schedule.
Students should work with Accessibility Support directly, as always, to arrange any alternative testing accommodations.
You can find the full final exam schedule by going to the portal and looking under My Calendars or under Canisius Announcements.